Death family's curse - Kade Death

The whiteness of the hospital room filled Ren's vision. He tried to sit up from his comfortable 'coffin' when someone reached out to support him. Ren's once-pod was now a bed, with a folded portion to provide supportive comfort for his back. Ren might have marveled at such magical-like changes; however, his attention was captured by the nurse assisting him.

The polished chrome surface of the robot nurse reflected the soft glow of the room's lights, its gentle movements exuding an air of calm efficiency.

"Hello, Mr. Vitakis. How are you feeling?" its gentle voice filled Ren with intrigue.

Those golden orbs widened with curiosity. "Who are you?" His voice seemed a bit hoarse, a result of not speaking for the last 18 hours.

Beside Ren, the system silently clicked its tongue in annoyance. What was so awe-inspiring about this metallic body? Wasn't the almighty it, who could transform into such an entity, more awesome?

Ren didn't have the slightest idea that he had once again frustrated the cute little cub with his behavior. While completely ignoring the fluffy creature, Ren's eyes were still captivated by the tall metallic body with plain white pants and a logo of a certain hospital pasted on the white shirt.

Ren's question was answered with the same gentle and patient feminine voice.

"I am Fir, a nurse, here to provide care and assistance to patient Dorion Vitakis," A round, sophisticated display screen with compassionate eyes and a comforting smile, programmed to reassure the patients, took Ren by surprise.

Fir silently brought a glass of warm water to Ren's lips and once again repeated her first question, "May I know how you are feeling right now?"

Ren's curiously widened eyes finally came out of the daze. After moistening his throat Ren answered, "Yes, I am fine. A bit dizzy, but ... fine," a small smile spread on Ren's lips, showing a small dimple on his left cheek.

Fir nodded, her sensors likely already analyzing Ren's vital signs with the speed and accuracy only technology can provide.

'Stop looking at Fir like a sick pervert, it's creeping me out.' The cub exploded, its fur standing on end.

Startled, Ren finally focused on the forgotten cub. 'Ah, I ... that ... it's the first time I've seen a robot. Have you seen her? She is so cool!' Ren's excitement was evident in those golden sparkling eyes.

Before Ren could gush over his newly found obsession, a smiling voice entered his ears. "Hello dear, I am Grifin Yarx, director of Nexus Wellness Institute. Congratulations on achieving Level-A mental power."

A sharp nose accompanied by thin lips and gentle eyes reminded him of the term "educated scum," only the silver-rimmed glasses were missing. Those pale eyes stared at him with such gentleness that made his face flush a bit. "T-Thank you,"

Amused by Ren's bashful demeanor, Grifin chuckled softly. He was accustomed to such reactions. "You're welcome. However, it seems you need to pay more attention to your physical health."

After that, Ren was forced to learn various ways to improve his physical fitness. The moment the doctor and robotic nurse left; a frown settled on Ren's forehead.

'What happened?' Is the host worried about his physical well-being? Actually, it wasn't that difficult to attain. All Ren had to do was use his points and buy a prop from the System Mall. It will even offer a discount as promised.

'I think I fell in love.' 

The system's blue eyes widened, 'What?' 

If it is true, then all the plans need to be changed! It needs to inform the higher-ups!

'Yeah, no matter who I see, I keep seeing tall beauty, Silvia Yarx in everyone,' Ren confessed, his gaze drifting to the wall pretending to admire the scenery beyond the window. Those long eyelashes quivered as if troubled by the sudden predicament. 

The system's whiskers shook slightly, ' Did you not hear properly? He was Grifin Yarx, the older brother of Silvia and uncle of Win Xander from his mother's side.'

'Ah! I remember now!' Ren exclaimed, a sudden enlightenment dawning upon him. 'Xander's family also has ties to the medical industry.'

Well, it was not just Win, many male leads have such high-end hospitals and doctors at their beck and call.

Ren breathed a sigh of relief as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders, 'Finally, I still have a chance with sister Xander,' 

Ren couldn't help but chuckle at the constipated look in his system's eyes. The system who was distracted by the low laugh looked at the source and the next second it was grabbed by those clingy hands again.

Ren held the cub in his arms and asked,

'What about my level? Wasn't it S?' The seriousness of the question halted the struggling cub. 

'I altered the data for the sake of our mission's convenience.'

It wasn't just the separate training center where Ren might have to go but also the overwhelming popularity that comes with the S-tag. Being an introvert, Ren avoided human contact whenever possible. The silent protection offered by his system under the guise of mission protocol warmed Ren's heart, leaving him feeling comforted and grateful.

While Ren was getting much-needed medical care, Kade stood in the office of Seath Kin, his superior.

Seath Kin's stature barely reaching the average person's shoulder, defied the amount of power he wielded. A slight belly pouch protruding over his belt, reminiscent of indulgence rather than athleticism.

Kade's red eyes, partially obscured by his long, raven-colored bangs, remained fixed on Major General Seath Kin, devoid of any unnecessary emotions as if awaiting his orders obediently.

At first glance, the officer sitting on his chair, reading something from the dimly lit screen, appeared to be the epitome of the friendly neighbor, his features softened by age and wear, with a balding head framed by tufts of brown, most common color among humans.

However, Kade knew better than to trust anyone based solely on their appearance. This person, who was only 235 years old, held power equivalent to his superiors or maybe more.

Suddenly, the silence shattered as the occupant of the office chair finally raised his head, regarding Kade with a gaze akin to an elder scrutinizing his juniors.

"Hello, child. Have I kept you waiting too long?"

"No, sir." If Kade conveniently overlooked the past 40 minutes spent standing in the office, then it truly wasn't that long.

Perhaps Seath didn't appreciate Kade's response, or perhaps it was something else entirely. In any case, Seath's smile vanished, he closed all the floating tabs around him, and his brown eyes narrowed on Kade.

A pang of alarm shot through Kade's heart, though his expression remained as composed as possible.

"You found a prospective S-level subject, yet Nexus Wellness Institute got him before us. Care to explain?"

Sure enough, all humans are nothing but useful or useless subjects for the short man.

The voice, devoid of any emotions, replied, "I apologize and will accept any punishment for my mistake."

Even though it was not Kade who called Nexus Wellness Institute, even though he was not the one handling the communication, and by the time he came back to his senses, that little one was already being pushed into the emergency pod, Kade didn't offer any explanation on his behalf.

It wasn't because Kade was lazy, but because this person would never listen to him. It wasn't the first time he had been accused of something he didn't do.

"There has been some disturbance in the east wing of the First Army. Do you think you can make up for your mistake by doing something useful for my Third Army, eh?"

His sudden smile, though warm, held a hint of calculation, as if he were constantly weighing his next move.

Kade's response was still the same, a very concise reply without any emotional turmoil. "Yes, Sir. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself."

The First Army was under Major General Halos, also someone who despised Seath with all his might. Kade didn't have any feelings for this youngest Major Halos; all he wanted to do was step outside this suffocating office.

Before Kade could make his exit, an unexpected visitor strode into the room. A woman, appearing to be in her 220s, approached Seath. If one ignored her magenta eyes that looked at Kade as if he were something disgusting, her facial features bore striking similarities to Kade.

"Are you finished?" Her voice elicited a pleased response from Seath, causing his smile to widen on his chubby face. Seath made no attempt to stop the woman as she entered without knocking, settling herself comfortably in the visitor's chair.

"Give me a minute," Seath's eyes became indulgent in an instant as if she could be forgiven for anything under his name.

"You will be leaving in two weeks."

Even after receiving Seath's orders Kade still wasn't allowed to leave. He understood all too well why. His aunt, Luna Death, had never harbored any affection for the Death family's curse known as Kade. It mattered little that half of her business thrived because she exploited Kade's S-level influence, coercing him into fulfilling her wishes through any means necessary.

Like an obedient pet, Seath stood beside Luna, gently holding her hand and waiting for her to speak.

"Your sister attends Skylyn's school, correct?" Her voice finally caused ripples in those dull red eyes.

Kade forced himself to calm down, refusing to give her the pleasure she sought through his pain. "Yes."

Again, only a word was uttered, which immediately angered the magenta-haired beauty. "Lex seems to be getting bored with his new toy. What do you say, Seath?"

Kade's fingers clenched in a tight grip, "She's only four," he uttered, his voice low but carrying an infinite chill. Those bloody eyes seemed to become deeper like a portal to the abyss.

His nails dug deep into his palm, the sharp sting jolting him back to his emotions. Unable to take action against these demons at that moment, all he could do was kneel before his aunt and plead, "Please spare her. I'll go to the First Army camp and provide all the information you want."

The cursed black head bowing at her feet finally pleased Luna, "Fuck off, you demon, don't dirty my eyes."

Her frown instantly distressed Seath. 

"Leave," Seath dismissed Kade as if he were a worthless tool.

Kade got up and made his way toward the door. The blood-soaked fingernails didn't bother him at all.