The hospital visit

The discovery of three deaths in the sprawling city of Nexus wouldn't typically raise too many alarms, except when the victims are found within close proximity to the same academy. Each corpse appeared drained of blood, their muscles taut against their bones, making it difficult to determine their true ages.

Among the deceased were a 137-year-old man, a 22-year-old girl, and a 45-year-old woman, each discovered at different locations within the academy grounds. What was particularly unsettling was the absence of any signs of struggle.

'Is that all the information we have?' Ren's brow furrowed slightly. He and his cutie cub had been looking for any details related to their second mission, 'Catch the Killer.'

All Ren had so far was the basic information one could find from following the daily news broadcasts. While resting on the hospital bed and glancing at the fluffy system resting on the small table beside him, Ren delved into a file detailing the victims' life experiences.

'Can't you show me the killer or the video of the victims when they died?'

Maybe because the system was tired, or the little cub had gotten used to such questions, there was not a single flicker in those transparent oceanic eyes.

 'As I have already told you, We Universal Caretakers are an honest organization. We do not peek at other living beings. It is a violation of Privacy law.'

'Tsk, all those systems will show anyone their host wanted to see. You can't even do that?' 

Even though Ren has only read a few such stories, the premise was always the same. 

The cub finally looked up at Ren, laziness evident in its eyes, ' I can provide you the clue if you trigger them. You try searching for clues, and I will help you to identify the useful ones.'

Ren was quite happy with such arrangements. He has always been interested in solving mysteries. Once upon a time, he had harbored a wish that if a crime were to occur at his school, he would solve it. He will catch the culprit and play the hero.

Of course, Ren didn't think about the impact it might have on others and was stupid enough to believe that he could easily catch the killer.

While going down memory lane, Ren's fair cheeks got tinted with blush. The memory of holding his first crush in his arms still stirred his heart.

Little God narrowed its eyes, its slit-like gaze piercing. 'Do you recall that the petite girl you were holding was actually a boy, and you cried over it for like a week?'

Ren was instantly out of that hazy memory, 'Hey! What happened to the privacy law?'

The system snorted at the embarrassed human. 'Those laws apply to all living beings of the world they belong to. You, however, do not belong to this world. And we share the same consciousness now. Paragraph 3, rule 4 of the contractual agreement.'

Ren decisively changed the subject. 'Their ages have nothing in common, nor do their professions.'

'One is a doctor,' he continued, 'and the other male is an influencer with a few thousand followers. The number isn't substantial, but it's still noteworthy. And the last victim is actually a student from Dorion's school.' 

The background of the third and the recent victim has been hidden from the public eye. Without his little God, Ren might not have been able to uncover the identity of the third victim.

The little cub leaped towards Ren's bed, 'Yeah, so we don't have any direction to start the investigation.'

They do have a direction to start their investigation, and that's the academy. However, Ren is forced to remain in bed for at least two more days. It's not like the killer is going to come in and greet him right on this comfy bed.

While his brain was running at the speed of a metro, his hands weren't idle either. He very cautiously started stroking the soft fur of his little cutie.

Perhaps the system was hesitant to disturb him and thus didn't protest, however, the squinting eyes in comfort hinted at a different story.

A sudden knock on the door jolted Ren out of his reverie. The visitor didn't wait for permission to enter, and Ren found himself suddenly enveloped in the halo of fate.

What is this? Main leads' meeting?

If it wasn't enough to have Win Xander, Sabrina following Silvia Yarx and the freckled lady who saved Ren from his death by suffocation graced Ren with their presence.

Ren immediately plastered on what he thought was a polite smile to greet everyone. 

At moments like these, Ren couldn't help but miss his home. He remembered how he used to hide in his room whenever guests came to visit him and his grandma.

Ah, those were precious days indeed.

The little cub, able to hear Ren's thoughts, shook its head as if amused.

"Hello, teachers," Ren greeted the adults. After exchanging pleasantries with them, he simply nodded at the two kids without giving them much attention or saying anything.

Looking at the not-so-attentive greeting Sabrina's green eyes instantly filled with gloom, yet her smile didn't leave her rosy lips, making Ren subconsciously shiver.

"Oh, child, are you cold?" Silvia exclaimed, rushing to wrap Ren in a thin blanket. "I spoke to the doctor about your situation. You don't have to worry about anything; just focus on getting better."

After ensuring that Dorion was fine, she proceeded to inform him about the three days' holiday and some other irrelevant matters.

Ren could feel her care from those pale eyes. His heart softened at the way she tried to lighten his mood by talking about weird teacher habits. While Ren was engrossed in the warmth offered by the yellow-haired beauty, Win was looking at him without blinking as if afraid to miss something from his face.

However, Win was bound to be disappointed, as from start to finish, Dorion didn't even give Win a fleeting glance. 

Win had been in his class when the news of Dorion's collapse alerted everyone. He rushed towards the clinic. However, upon arrival, he was met with the sight of a stretcher rolling further away. After learning about the situation from his aunt Silvia, Win's heart was pricked with guilt.

If someone wishes to advance to a higher level, they must undergo specialized training tailored to their specific needs. However, not many succeed in this. Some training methods are even banned by the government.

Aside from specialized training, there is only one other method for further evolution: extreme pain. When an individual endures such intense pain that it becomes unbearable for their body, their body evolves into something stronger, capable of withstanding the onslaught.

Dorion Vitakis is a boy famous for being at level C. A loser, only good at studies, suddenly evolved into an A-level metal power user. Just how much mental pain he has been through to achieve it? 

After thinking like this, Win found himself trapped in the circle of the culprit. He was the one who made Dorion fall for him. Dorion must have loved him so much to be in such heart-wrenching pain!

Win gazed at Dorion's pale face, the weak smile on his lips making him appear as if he might vanish in the next second. Dorion's golden eyes shone with unshed tears, causing Win to suffocate with rising guilt.

"Win, come here."

Silvia's call forced Ren to look at the male lead, who was looking at him with pity.


If the confused Ren knew what Win was thinking, he might have told Win to write stories instead of becoming a soldier!! 

What tears? It's called the reflection of light!

"I am sorry. I'll never bother you again. But....I really can't return your feelings."

Ren almost couldn't maintain his polite smile till the end of the statement. 

'Pfffffttt, oh! Poor Ren can't catch a break with his first crush in any world!' The system gloated over its host's misfortune.

Ren simply ignored the still-laughing cub and turned his attention to the male lead. He knew Win wouldn't bother him, especially since he had received the mission completion notification a few hours ago. Due to this, Ren decided to be generous and forgive the fluffy creature for making fun of him.

"It's ok. I don't like you now, so it's fine."

Ren expected to see a relieved look on Win's face, but Win's eyes became even more complicated.

Win possibly cannot believe that a person who bore such mental pain that he suddenly jumped two levels would forget him that easily.

While the conversation was going on between Ren and Win, Sabrina's eyes filled with gloom and didn't leave Ren even for a second.

Her gaze was so sharp that Ren couldn't ignore her even if he wanted to!

Ren scooted a bit inside and covered himself tightly to get rid of the chilling sight. 

Observing Ren's actions, Silvia hastily stood up. "Oh, look at me, talking to you for so long. Teacher Xing and I need to deliver a few things, and I also need to drop these kids off. Before I forget to tell you, I've completed your medical formalities."

Ren's coldness was overcome by the warm enthusiasm of Silvia. She knew he was poor so she must have paid the bills and to not make him uncomfortable she only mentioned the completion of formalities. What a good teacher she is! 

Ren's smile instantly became sincere and the dent on his cheek impressed the yellow-haired beauty.

"Take care, child. Call me if you need something."

All three left the room, yes three. Sabrina was still standing there staring at Ren with such an intense gaze. If her heated stare could burn, then he might have turned into a charcoal by now.

She took a step towards her fragile prince, her voice softening. "Dori, my precious, forgive me for being rude, okay?"

Ren's smile vanished, and he silently turned his gaze towards the wall. It wasn't that Ren was throwing a tantrum; he was genuinely afraid! 

The memories of the previous morning still lingered in his mind. He might have evolved but he had no idea how to use his powers! 

So, to be on the safer side, Ren simply shut his mouth and waited with bated breath for Sabrina to leave. 

After all, this was a hospital. No matter how bold Sabrina may be, she is smart enough not to cause trouble in such a public place.