Is the Affair Real?

Wasn't that happening with his tacit agreement?

Was he deliberately asking her when he already knew the answer?

Wen Yao's fist clenched, a sour taste spreading through her heart, and with great difficulty, she managed to squeeze out one word.


Boom —

A startling thunderclap!

A bolt of lightning tore through the pitch-black night, briefly illuminating his chilly and coldly handsome face.

He couldn't contain his anger, gripping her hand even tighter, holding her slender waist, and pressing her into his embrace. "Wen Yao, say it again!"

He was waiting, waiting for her answer. Even if she didn't say anything, as long as she shook her head, as long as she denied it, he would believe her.

Wen Yao bit her lower lip, her eyes reddened. Why did she have to say it again...

It was so hard to say.

The atmosphere became silent.

He pinched her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.

In his familiar eyes, emotions surged and churned.

Finally, Wen Yao's clenched fist gradually relaxed...

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"No matter how many times you make me say it, the result will still be the same!"

"Lu Yancheng! I don't like you anymore!"

As she spoke, Lu Yancheng's expression grew fiercer. His always calm and collected face was now overwhelmed by fury.

His eyes were filled with a terrifying gloominess, and his gaze locked onto her. The cold aura radiating from him seemed like that of a demon from hell.

"Wen Yao, get out of here!"

With a powerful shove, he pushed her away!

Wen Yao stumbled a few steps, her frail back colliding with the door!

Bang —

The jarring sound caused Lu Yancheng's peripheral vision to involuntarily fall on her.

As long as she cried out in pain like she used to, he would rush over to hold her in his arms.

He had disregarded her definite statement and those unkind words. He was waiting for her to look back.


Wen Yao furrowed her brows, enduring the pain without making a sound. "Alright, I'll leave."

A faint smile tugged at her lips. Enduring both the coldness and the intense pain, she walked into the rain.

She couldn't feel the cold anymore. Maybe it was due to her body temperature dropping, or perhaps it was because her heart had plunged into an icy abyss. Squatting down, she picked up her soaked art supplies, item by item, placing them back into the box.

Warm tears mixed with cold raindrops fell.

So saying those words, saying that she didn't love him anymore hurt like this... it hurt so much...

But wasn't this the ending he wanted?

After five years, their marriage had finally come to an end.

She owed the Lu family a life-saving favor, and now it seemed they were even. She held onto her toolbox, dragging her weary body, and slowly made her way towards the main entrance. Gradually, she disappeared from his view...

At this moment, it was pouring rain, and there were few cars on the road. She hadn't brought her phone with her either!

Walking from here to Xingnan Middle Road would take at least an hour or more!

As long as she turned around and, like before, watched him will eyes full of nothing but starlight, and called out "darling," everything would be forgiven, and all betrayals would be overlooked.

But she didn't.

She would rather stand in the rain, rely on her own two legs, and painfully leave without ever looking back. Five years – she just stopped loving him like that.

Snap! The velvet box was thrown, hitting the wall, tumbling a few times before landing at the feet of Secretary Fei.

Fei startled, secretly stealing a glance. He had never seen Mr. Lu lose control like this before!

Jiang Ya noticed it and immediately transformed her elegant and dignified face into one filled with affection. She persuaded, "Yan, she has occupied Mrs. Lu's position for five years, yet didn't even give you a child. Now that she's having an affair, she's done wrong by you. It's better to end the marriage. Otherwise, our Lu family's reputation will be tarnished!"

"Furthermore, there are plenty of good women in this world. Don't worry, Mom will definitely find you a virtuous, wise, and beautiful woman to be your wife."

Lu Hanyue chimed in, "Yeah, yeah, Brother. I think Yiling would be a good choice!"

Lu Yancheng remained silent, his gaze cold and containing a fierce light.

"Housekeeper Lu," he coldly instructed, "escort Madam and Miss back to rest."

Housekeeper Lu trembled as he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, Young Master."

Lu Hanyue, who had difficulty grasping the situation, stared at the velvet box near the secretary's feet. It seemed like she wanted to say something, but Jiang Ya's stern gaze shut her down.

Jiang Ya grabbed Lu Hanyue's wrist, and they left one after the other.

"Mom, why are you pulling me? That velvet box looks so beautiful. It must contain something valuable. I haven't asked Brother for it yet!"

"Why are you so senseless? Can't you see your brother is angry?"

"Angry? Why? Isn't it great that Wen Yao, this jinx, is gone? This is a big celebration!"

The voices of the mother and daughter grew distant...

Lu Yancheng's expression grew colder and colder.

Fei didn't dare to breathe, the velvet box still at his feet.

At this moment, a figure appeared outside the ancestral hall.

Lu Yancheng gestured with his eyes.

Fei quickly grabbed the person and pulled him inside!

The servant was frightened and fell to his knees in front of Lu Yancheng, not daring to look up.

"What were you sneaking around outside for?" Fei asked.

The servant immediately explained, "Young Master, I heard some noises and was worried about Madam, so I came out quietly. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

Worried about her?

Lu Yancheng lowered his eyes and took a look. He said with a cold voice. “You are her servant.”

Finding that Lu wasn’t angry, the servant ventured to say, “I have been around Mrs. Lu for five years. I knew how she liked you. How come that she cheated on you without one single sign…”

Lu Yancheng glanced at her before his voice turned cold. "What's your name?"

"Le Wei."

Then, Lu Yancheng looked at Fei, instructing, "Arrange a car to take her back. Say that it was arranged by Le Wei. Understood?"

Fei nodded repeatedly, dialing a number on his phone and, bending down discreetly, picked up the velvet box.

Seeing that Mr. Lu still cared for his wife, he decided it was best to properly store the velvet box. Who knew if Mr. Lu would want it back someday?

Wen Yao's slippers were already soaked through. Each step was accompanied by a painful chill on her feet. However, her heart's coldness was even stronger.

Suddenly, a white car broke through the darkness and appeared in the rain beside her.

"Hello, are you Miss Wen? I'm a ride-hail driver. A lady named Le Wei ordered a car for you."

As she spoke, the female driver took out her phone from her pocket and showed her the order.

Seeing Le Wei's phone number and the order on the DripDrop platform, Wen Yao relaxed her guard.

Sitting in the car, listening to the patter of raindrops, she opened her soaked toolbox. Even the design sketches inside weren't spared from the water.

Wen Yao felt sorry for them, carefully sorting through them, afraid that she might damage her hard work.

But she unexpectedly discovered that one of the finished drafts was missing?!

It was the inspiration she had gained from a snowy night, hence the name: "Snowy Night's Radiance."

Had she left it behind?

She bit her lower lip tightly. It seemed she would have to find another opportunity to go back to the Lu Mansion.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, in the old and rundown neighborhood, an out-of-place Maybach appeared. In the narrow corridor, a tall figure stepped onto the second floor.

After the bell rang, the apartment door opened.

"Grandma," Lu Yancheng called out.

"A’Yan? Why are you here?" Grandma was pleasantly surprised and looked behind him, "Didn't Wen Yao come with you?"

"I have a 7 AM flight to Nan City. I stopped by on the way." As he spoke, Lu Yancheng exchanged a glance with Secretary Fei.

Then he quickly started unloading the various bags he carried.

"It’s good enough that you come. There’s no need to bring so many things." Grandma felt a bit embarrassed.

"It was Wen Yao's idea," Lu Yancheng replied calmly.

Hearing that, Grandma naturally believed it. Her kindly face was filled with smiles, "That girl. I haven't finished the things she brought last time! Why did she ask you to bring more?"

Seeing Grandma's smile and hearing her words, Lu Yancheng's gaze slightly changed.