Who Gives You the Right to Judge Me

It seemed that she hadn't told Grandma about signing the divorce agreement and leaving him and the Lu family. That was the first time he had felt relieved since last night.

Lu Yancheng noticed the flickering lights in the dining room. He instructed Fei to buy new light bulbs, unbuttoned his cuffs, and personally changed them.

Seeing the lights on, Grandma beamed happily.

"Grandma, feel free to contact me if you need anything."

"Alright, alright, you go and do your work. Take care of yourself."

"You too." Lu Yancheng nodded and bid Grandma farewell before leaving.

Back in the car, Lu Yancheng's previously furrowed brows gradually relaxed. Last night's incident had been blown out of proportion, but since she hadn't told Grandma, it meant she was just being angry and throwing a tantrum, not truly leaving.

"Fei," his low voice sounded.

Fei, who was driving, shivered and greeted, "Mr. Lu."

"Do you think Wen Yao would really have an affair?"

Fei was taken aback by the sudden question, but, as the chief secretary of the Luding Group, he couldn't afford to be unprepared. "I don't think so. Mrs. Lu's obsession and fondness for you are apparent. It's not something she can hide. Besides, looking around Jiang City, she has a perfect husband like you. Other men wouldn't catch her eye, let alone to have an affair."

Hearing Fei's analysis, Lu Yancheng's lips curved slightly. Right. She hadn't told Grandma, which meant she was still throwing a tantrum.

After this project was finalized, he would come back and appease her. He'd spend two weeks pampering her.

The next day, Wen Yao was awakened by her phone's incessant ringing. She felt extremely groggy, fumbling around until she found her phone on the bedside table.

Seeing the caller ID, she finally woke up. " Shen."

"Wen Yao, the studio is all set up. The Interview is at 9 AM. I'm waiting for you downstairs at the apartment." Not only did Shen Rou call her, but she also came to pick her up herself, eager to have her onboard.

Wen Yao threw off her blanket, feeling a spinning sensation as she sat up. She reached for her forehead and realized it was burning up.

After swallowing a fever-reducing pill, she got up and washed up before heading downstairs immediately.

As soon as she sat in the car, she saw Shen Rou's meaning-laden smile.

Wen Yao furrowed her brows lightly and murmured, "Your smile makes me feel like I've been tricked."


As it turned out, Wen Yao's guess was correct. She had truly been "tricked."

Upon entering the Fanchen building, she found out that today's event was an internal assessment for the studio's designers, and her interview was to review their design drawings.

In the meeting room were screens, voice changers, and LCD displays. Everything was ready, and Shen Nao was waiting for her idol, Yao Tiao.

Shen Rou immediately introduced Wen Yao to Shen Nao.

Shen Nao's eyes widened in disbelief as she exclaimed, "You're my idol? The ugly, mysterious designer Yao Tiao? Oh my goodness, all the rumors are false! You're practically as pretty as a goddess!"

Feeling speechless though, Shen Rou complained, "Wen Yao, doesn't my cousin act too noisy and restless in front of her idol?"

Wen Yao chuckled softly.

"Cousin! Can you leave me some honor in front of my idol?"

"You are ten million times more beautiful than Song Yiling!"

After hearing that name, Shen Rou grabbed Shen Nao, "You better get ready to present the design drafts to her."

Song Yiling and Lu Yancheng were practically childhood sweethearts. Shen Rou shouldn’t have mentioned Song.

Wen Yao sat behind a screen, and the light cast on her, silhouetting her figure on the screen. Except for Director Zhou, who was on a business trip, the other twenty-two designers gradually entered the meeting room, discussing which famous designer it might be.

The review began, from issues with the layout to color combinations, Wen Yao pointed out both the strengths and weaknesses of the designs.

"This design is in the Rococo style, but it simplifies the complexity and loses the essence of the style. Up to now, this is the most significant problem." Wen Yao's voice just fell when designer Su Yajing stood up from her seat and exploded with rage, "Who are you to say my design has issues? I graduated from the Jiangnan Design Institute. You really think you're some kind of industrial leader?"

Wen Yao chuckled lightly and replied calmly, "I apologize, but I graduated from the Nan City Design Institute."

Her words caused a commotion. Nan City Design Institute was on a completely different level compared to the Jiangnan Design Institute.

Su Yajing was shocked, glaring at the screen as if she wanted to bore a hole through it.

Wen Yao's tone remained calm as she continued, "The Rococo style is delicate and detailed, intricate yet gentle, with vibrant yet soft colors, creating a visually romantic and luxurious experience. Can you find any of these aspects in your design?"

Even though Su Yajing was unwilling to admit it, she was too scared to speak out.

Wen Yao continued, "You graduated from Nan City? So what? Did you achieve remarkable results? What gives you the right to criticize the designs of other designers?"

This time, Su Yajing was clever. She elevated the conflict to a higher level, trying to incite anger among all the designers present.

Agreeing voices arose from around the room...

Su Yajing was even more delighted, thinking she had won this round.

Wen Yao smiled and counter-questioned, "Then tell me, who has the right to do so?"

"A designer whose single piece of design achieves annual sales exceeding tens of millions — Yao Tiao!" Su Yajing crossed her arms, looking triumphant. "Compared to her, what are you?"

"Oh, really? That's a coincidence then. I am — Yao Tiao!" Wen Yao revealed, causing the whole room to fall into silence.

She was the genius designer Yao Tiao, an untouchable figure in the design world!

This had to be a hoax, right? How could she be Yao Tiao?

Shen Rou swept her gaze across the room. As the boss, she naturally had the charisma to say, "I've done so much to have Yao Tiao here just for you to treat her like that?"

A hushed silence fell...

You had to understand that Yao Tiao was not under Director Zhou's supervision; she was directly managed by the boss herself! And now — the boss had personally confirmed it!

Wen Yao's resolute voice broke the silence, "Design No. 20, zero points."

As her words fell, the design slid onto the floor, leaving Su Yajing in a ridiculous position.

Though she felt indignant, Su Yajing dared not say anything. The presence of Yao Tiao, a genius designer who was the hottest topic in the design world, was essential to Fanchen's current success.

After analyzing the last two design drafts, the designers left the meeting room one by one, leaving behind an echoing silence.

The moment the door closed, Shen Nao looked at Wen Yao with starry-eyed admiration, and Shen Rou handed her the contract. After reading it, she requested only one thing: that her identity as the mysterious designer Yao Tiao remain concealed.

Shen Rou agreed and stressed that to her cousin Shen Nao.

Shen Nao nodded with an expression that seemed to say, "I'll definitely not betray my idol."

With three copies of the contract signed, Shen Rou smiled with satisfaction. Now that this was settled, it was time to move on to the next one.

"Wen Yao, tomorrow is my birthday. At 6 PM, I'll have Shen Nao pick you up to attend my birthday banquet."

Wen Yao's head was still a bit foggy, and she only then realized that tomorrow was Shen Rou's birthday. She nodded immediately in agreement.

After work, she went to Huan Ding Plaza to buy a gift for Shen Rou. On her way to the subway station, she received a call from Shen Nao.

Shen Nao's chattering voice came through, "Idol, did my cousin tell you? Her birthday banquet is tomorrow night. I'll come pick you up."

Wen Yao responded, "Yes, I'm planning to buy her a gift."

"Are you going alone? Do you want me to accompany you? I can also give you some advice." Shen Nao giggled mischievously. She wanted to go shopping with her idol!

Having someone to give you advice was always a good idea, especially when buying a birthday present. Wen Yao agreed, and they arranged to meet on the first floor of the mall.

She took the subway and listened to an ad compilation for Song Yiling, with the logo of the Luding Entertainment Group at the bottom right corner.

As a multinational conglomerate, Luding Group had a diverse portfolio. A few years ago, it entered the entertainment industry and established Luding Entertainment.

In the same year, they made a satisfactory debut, introducing the new star Song Yiling.

At the time, Wen Yao hadn't given it much thought and didn't pay much attention. But now, thinking back...