Wen Yao, Do You Think I'm Dead?

"Brother, she's already signed the divorce agreement," Shen Rou quickly explained, "After her divorce, she signed a contract with me and became a designer for Fanchen."

Shen Rou put away her phone and blinked at Shen Jin. "Brother, as the saying goes, 'Near water, moon appears clearer.' But this is as much as I can do as your sister."

As Shen Rou turned and headed into the main hall, Shen Jin called her back. "Rou, send me that photo and make sure to crop Shen Nao out."

Shen Rou burst into laughter and gestured "OK" to him.

Then, with a helpless shake of her head, she murmured, "My poor little cousin..."

Shen Nao sneezed several times on the way.

Wen Yao handed her tissues multiple times.


"Yao, is someone talking behind my back?"

Wen Yao burst into laughter and then immediately put on a serious expression. "It wasn't me, I promise."

They arrived at the Shen Mansion.

Wen Yao handed her gift to Shen Rou and Shen Jin. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you so much. I really love this dress," Shen Rou was genuinely delighted, and her joy was evident!

Given Shen Jin's silence, Shen Rou assumed that he was too overwhelmed with happiness to speak!

"Brother, do you like it?"

Shen Jin remained composed and responded graciously, "Why wouldn't I? It's the first time I've received such a unique birthday gift—a suit that's not from Fanchen."

Shen Rou: ??? My brother has grown up?!

As they took their seats at the table, Wen Yao noticed that everyone she saw seemed to be part of the Shen family. The birthday banquet felt more like a family gathering.

This was the first time the Shen family was meeting Wen Yao. Shen Rou took the opportunity to introduce her to everyone.

"Allow me to briefly introduce her to everyone. This is Wen Yao, our studio's most important person! Fanchen owes much of its success to her!"

"Shen..." Wen Yao softly called out, "Is this a bit too exaggerated?"

"I'm just being honest! You haven't seen the more exaggerated yet!" Shen Rou glanced at Shen Nao next to her and gave her a meaningful look.

"Shen Nao, give everyone a more detailed introduction!"

"Got it!"

Shen Nao stood up and started lavishly praising Wen Yao, "I can vouch for this! Yao's expertise in design is truly extraordinary!"

"Other idols peak after their debut, but Yao was born at the peak! She's not only my idol but also a masterpiece of the God!"

"Everyone, young and old, do you think I'm right?"

The people present burst into laughter at her words. The atmosphere at the Shen family's gathering was indeed pleasant. A few of the older relatives smiled and corrected her, "Shen Nao, at this table, we don't have anyone younger than you! You're the youngest one!"

"Ah, I'll drink three shots as punishment!"

Shen Nao was quite the lively soul; the dinner table couldn’t go without her.

Although the birthday banquet wasn't extravagant, it felt exceptionally warm. After the third round of wine and the fifth cuisine of the meal, the Shen family prepared a Kunqu Opera performance for the elders.

Listening to the performance, Wen Yao felt a bit uncomfortable and thus stepped outside to get some fresh air. Shen Jin followed her.

"Is it boring?" Shen Jin stood beside her, about three to five meters away.

Wen Yao turned to look at him and shook her head gently. "I'm having a good time. It's just that hearing Kunqu Opera makes me feel a bit uneasy."

Shen Jin was puzzled; he wanted to know her, but he was afraid of bringing up something painful of her. He tentatively asked, "May I ask why?"

It wasn't a secret.

Wen Yao nodded, answering truthfully, "My grandfather was a Kunqu Opera enthusiast, but he's no longer with us."

Shen Jin frowned. "If you don’t feel good, why not look up?"

"Look up?"

"See which star in the sky shines the brightest."

Wen Yao looked up at the night sky. It was a clear night after the rain, with stars twinkling overhead.

"Um... that one!" Wen Yao pointed to a star on the right side of the night sky.

Shen Jin said firmly, "That's your grandfather."

Wen Yao was taken aback, and her hand pointing at the star froze in place.

Suddenly, a loud sound—"snap!" The water from a musical fountain shot up into the air.

"Be careful!" Shen Jin immediately pulled Wen Yao closer.

Wen Yao exclaimed in surprise and stumbled a few steps, struggling to keep her balance.

Shen Jin held her by the wrists, steadying her. Fireworks burst in the sky above them, displaying a dazzling array of colors.

Not far away, a black Rolls-Royce pulled up.

Bang! The car door was closed with force.

"Wen Yao! Do you think I’m dead?"

From this angle, she appeared to be in Shen Jin's embrace. The fireworks above them and the musical fountain by their side created a beautiful scene that pierced his eyes!

Lu Yancheng grabbed Wen Yao's arm and pulled her into his embrace, his hand resting firmly on her slim waist.

For a moment, Wen Yao was immobilized.

"Lu...Lu Yancheng?"

Why was he here?

He sneered coldly and gazed into her eyes like a bottomless abyss. "Are you surprised to see me?"

His deep voice resonated with unpredictable emotions.

Wen Yao looked at him and attempted to free herself from his grip, but he had her firmly under control.

She struggled a few times but failed each time. She knew she couldn't break free, so she stopped wasting her energy.

Lu Yancheng's imperious tone reverberated in her ears.

"Come home with me."

"Mrs. Lu," the two words carried immense weight in his voice.

Go home?

They didn't have a home!

Shen Jin realized what was happening. His brows furrowed, and he understood that when Lu Yancheng called her "Mrs. Lu," it was a deliberate address meant for him.

"She signed the divorce agreement. What's 'Mrs. Lu' supposed to mean?"

Shen Jin's words caused the hand around her waist to tighten abruptly. However, Lu Yancheng's expression remained as enigmatic, as cold as ever.

He leaned down and whispered into Wen Yao's ear in a voice only they could hear, "I heard you gave this gentleman a suit as a birthday gift?"

Wen Yao's heart skipped a beat, sensing that something was off.

Lu Yancheng's low chuckle reached her ears. "Since I'm an uninvited guest, how about I also give him a birthday gift? What do you think?"

The anxiety that had gripped Wen Yao's heart now intensified. "What are you planning to do?"

"While you two enjoy your romantic evening, it's making this estate a bit uncomfortable for me."