Wen Yao Negotiates with Him for the Shen Family

Wen Yao's beautiful eyes widened instantly!

He was planning to destroy this place!

But this was the estate of the Shens! It was Shen Ruo’s and Shen Jin's birthday today!

The Shens were still in the hall, listening to Kunqu Opera!

"Don't... Lu Yancheng!"

Wen Yao reached out and held his arm.

Lu Yancheng calmly looked at her, his lips curving in a smile that wasn't quite a smile. "You know what to do, right?"

"I know."

"Be obedient."

Lu Yancheng was a dominant figure in the business world, known to all. But his most disdainful tactic was threats. Yet, for the sake of taking her away, for making her willingly choose to go with him in the face of Shen Jin, he was breaking his own bottom line.

His slender fingers held her delicate waist, his fingertips lightly brushing against her lower back. A soft touch, repeated over and over, very gentle. It was as if he was asserting his existence while holding an unspeakable power.

Wen Yao took a deep breath and looked at Shen Jin, showing a brilliant smile. "Shen Jin, thank you for your and your sister's hospitality today. Happy birthday to both of you. I'm leaving now; remember to tell your sister for me."

As her words fell, Shen Jin saw her smile at this moment, and a pang of heartache surged through him.

Lu Yancheng looked at Shen Jin, his lips curling in a cold smile. He let go of her waist and held her hand instead, their fingers tightly intertwined.

As he led Wen Yao away, however, Shen Jin grabbed her wrist.

"Wen Yao, if you don't want to go, you can stay."

Wen Yao turned around, looking at Shen Jin, her eyes filled with worry.

Did Shen Jin know that this action of his was a blatant declaration of war against Lu Yancheng?

Lu Yancheng's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help but smile.

Shen Jin, the Shen family.

Quite daring, aren't you?

The air around them seemed to freeze, and Wen Yao felt two sets of eyes converging in the air, sparking an astonishing fire!

Shen Jin showed no sign of fear. He looked directly at Wen Yao, his tone unusually calm. "Yao Yao, after the Kunqu performance, there's a comedic skit program. It won't make you sad anymore. Besides, Rou Rou and Nao Nao haven’t seen you for a while. They must be worried. If you leave now, they might misunderstand and think I've mistreated you. So, will you come with me and explain to them?"

Shen Jin's tone was gentle, but there was an unmistakable challenge against Lu Yancheng in his words.

But what was one Shen Jin in Lu Yancheng's eyes?

Since he had been thinking of having his woman stay, watching the cross-talk with him, and celebrating his birthday, he would solve the problem at its source and erase Shen Jin from her thoughts completely!

Lu Yancheng tightened his grip on Wen Yao's hand, causing her to stumble slightly before steadying herself in his arms.

The next moment, Lu Yancheng lowered his head and smiled indifferently. "Wen Yao, will you come with me?"

Wen Yao didn't want to nod, but she had no choice.

His earlier words lingered in her ears.

—You two enjoying yourselves makes this estate uncomfortable for me.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, and every cell in her body reminded her that Lu Yancheng always followed through with his words.

So the estate belonged to the Shen family, but so what?

So long as he moved a finger, he could change the ownership of this estate to the Lu family.

Wen Yao took a deep breath. "I'll go with you."

Her voice was as faint as a mosquito's whisper, but it was crystal clear.

Right after she said that, Shen Jin had no choice but to release his grip.

Because it was her decision.

He had made it clear. As long as she shook her head, as long as she said she didn't want to leave, he would protect her and confront this unruly man.

But she chose to go with Lu Yancheng...

Shen Jin's expression became desolate, and he watched Lu Yancheng lead Wen Yao away.

Shen Ruo stepped into the courtyard but only saw Shen Jin standing there alone, lost in thought.

"Brother, where's Wen Yao?" Shen Ruo immediately asked.

"Lu Yancheng took her away." Shen Jin's brows furrowed, and his words contained indescribable reluctance.

"Lu Yancheng?"

Shen Ruo was stunned. She never expected someone as prominent as him to show up.

"Brother, are you just letting Lu Yancheng take Wen Yao away like that?"

"It was Wen Yao's decision."

"What?" Shen Ruo found it hard to believe.

How was this possible?

She knew Wen Yao well. Once she made a decision, it was difficult to change her mind. She had just signed the divorce agreement a few days ago—how could things change so quickly?

Shen Jin was speechless. Gazing at the fountain in the near distance, he smiled wryly.

The car door closed.

His overwhelming presence exuded an intimidating aura, filling the car with an eerie silence.

Facing this supremely confident man, Wen Yao broke the silence with her voice, "Lu Yancheng, I've already agreed to go with you. Will you keep your promise?"

Secretary Fei, upon hearing this, trembled in fear and quickly raised the partition screen in the back.

"What promise?" Lu Yancheng sneered. "I forgot."

Wen Yao's eyes widened in surprise. If he forgot, she would remind him!

"Do not interfere with the Shen family's affairs!"

Lu Yancheng's expression remained cold, and his deep gaze was filled with unfathomable chill.

"That depends on you."

Wen Yao was surprised and frustrated. She had said everything clearly, signed the divorce agreement, and granted him freedom. What more did he want?

"Lu Yancheng, what do you want?"

He lifted his hand, cupping her chin. He applied a gentle force, but his gaze was increasingly intense.

Suddenly, the car came to a stop. Lu Yancheng smirked, "I want you to buy me a suit."

Wen Yao: ??? What on earth is wrong with him?

Knock, knock, knock...

Secretary Fei lightly tapped on the window, and his respectful voice sounded, "Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu, we've arrived."

The car door opened, and Lu Yancheng led Wen Yao out of the car. Before she could steady herself, she found herself in his embrace.

At 11 p.m., the Huan Ding Plaza was still brightly lit, displaying a scene of prosperity. However, besides them, there wasn't a soul in sight.

The manager of the plaza, accompanied by an elite team, stood in a row at the entrance, waiting respectfully.

When they saw Lu Yancheng, they quickly bowed. "Mr. Lu!"

The leading manager swiftly stepped forward, nodding and bowing. "Mr. Lu, we cleared the plaza and closed it ten minutes ago."

"Mm." Lu Yancheng let out a single syllable.

His gaze never left Wen Yao from the beginning to the end.

The next moment, a card was placed in her palm. Lu Yancheng held her waist and whispered in her ear, "The password is six ones."

Wen Yao saw the card in her hand. It was a thin black card with no spending limit. After a few seconds, she finally realized his intention.

He wanted her to use his money to buy him a suit?!

What was wrong with him?!

Wen Yao squinted her eyes, an idea forming in her mind. She raised her head, locking eyes with him. "Mr. Lu, I can buy you a suit, but you have to promise me not to mess up with the Shen family."

Her voice wasn't loud, but it coincidentally drifted into Secretary Fei's ears.

Secretary Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly pulled the plaza manager, who was still in the dark, away. The president and his wife were conversing; it would be wise not to eavesdrop.

A gust of cold wind blew, ruffling his short hair. Stray strands covered his eyes, hiding the dark, surging glint beneath.

"Negotiating with me for the sake of the Shen family?" He watched her calmly, his voice calm but with a smile that wasn't a smile. "Wen Yao, you have some guts."

Wen Yao handed the black card back to him. "You won't agree? Then buy it yourself."

It was originally his money, anyway.

Her fair and lovely face remained unchanged.

Once, her eyes would shine whenever they met him, but now they seemed dim.

For the sake of Shen Jin, she was willing to confront him?