Rosy and Delicate, Making Mr. Lu Back to Eighteen Again

Lu Yancheng didn't take the black card; he just turned his head to look at her.

Wen Yao furrowed her brows slightly, seeing that he didn't reach out to take the card. She released it right in front of him.

A black card that others dreamed of having just fell on the ground like that.

Now, both Secretary Fei and the plaza manager were stunned.

Secretary Fei: ??? Madam really is madam; she's so brave!

Plaza Manager: Who is this beautiful lady? What does she want?

The plaza manager kept glancing at Secretary Fei, hoping for some guidance.

But how could Secretary Fei dare to say anything? He still hadn't figured out if the president intended to reveal his long-hidden wife to the public. It would be better to keep quiet for now.

The whole space fell into a terrible silence, with only the sounds of passing vehicles on the main road nearby.

He took a step forward, lowered his head, and gazed at Wen Yao. His tongue touched one side of his mouth.

"I agree."

It was just a Shen family, something he didn't care about at all. But if he didn't agree, the young woman in front of him might end up throwing a tantrum again.

Wen Yao was taken aback. He agreed?!

Secretary Fei was equally shocked. Mr. Lu actually compromised?!

Wow, the president had improved in coaxing women!

Secretary Fei quickly and respectfully picked up the black card and handed it to Lu Yancheng.

Lu Yancheng looked at Wen Yao, signaling with his eyes.

Wen Yao understood. When dealing with Lu Yancheng, it was best to see the situation through. He always did what he said he would, and since he had agreed, the Shen family would be safe.

She reached out and took the black card from Secretary Fei's hand.

Subsequently, Secretary Fei immediately directed the plaza manager, "Xiao Zhao, don't stand there stunned. The luxury men section. Lead the way."

As the plaza manager, Xiao Zhao was naturally the most familiar with the layout of the mall. "Yes!"

Xiao Zhao quickly assumed a "please" posture and hurriedly led the way. How could he dare to be negligent?

Soon, they arrived at the luxury section.

Wen Yao didn't even bother to look; she just started picking items at random.

"I want this row."

"And this row."

Secretary Fei's eyes widened, "?" He quickly stepped forward and discreetly offered a friendly reminder.

"Madam, the row you just picked, there's a set of pink suits there. Are you sure about that?"

He had worked for Lu Yancheng for years, and he hadn't even seen the president wear a white suit, let alone a pink one! Putting such a flamboyant color in the president's wardrobe, wasn’t that suicidal?

Wen Yao, however, calmly nodded. "Sure, don't you think it looks nice?"

Secretary Fei was dumbfounded. "In what way does this look nice?"

"Pink and tender, it'll make Mr. Lu feel like he's eighteen again."

Secretary Fei: "..." Only you dare to say that.

Afterward, Secretary Fei cautiously glanced at Mr. Lu.

Not only was he not displeased, there even seemed to be a trace of joy?

Secretary Fei was left with a bunch of question marks, thinking that his eyes must be deceiving him.

Throughout the process, Wen Yao continued her spree. After all, Lu Yancheng had a cold and noble aura; his good looks were enough to make even a sack look great. Not to mention suits from the luxury men's section.

She handed over the black card multiple times, swiping it one time after another. She didn't know how much money she spent, but it wasn't her money anyway...

After leaving the luxury section, Wen Yao turned to Lu Yancheng. "I’ve done what you asked for, and I hope you'll keep your promise, too."

With that, Wen Yao didn't say anything else to him, turning to leave.

But before she could take a second step, her wrist was firmly held.

"Where are you going?" His deep voice followed closely.

Wen Yao looked back at him, and from the corner of her eye, she saw her wrist being held tightly. Her delicate brows furrowed slightly as she tried to free herself.


"I'm going home too."

Wen Yao was puzzled for a moment and then suddenly understood his meaning. Did she not explain it clearly enough, or did this usually wise man suddenly pretend not to understand?

"Lu Yancheng, you've misunderstood. I meant I was going back to my own home, Yan Nan Apartment, Xingnan Middle Road."

Now he couldn't pretend not to understand, right?

But unexpectedly, Lu Yancheng adopted her tone and used his tempting voice to say, "Wen Yao, you've misunderstood too. I meant going back to our home, Lu Mansion, Lu Jin Avenue,."

The moment his words fell, he tightened his hold slightly and pulled Wen Yao into his embrace.

The next second, he lifted her up shorizontally.

"Lu Yancheng! What are you trying to do again?"

"Taking you home!" His firm words echoed.

Wen Yao was startled. "Are you crazy? Put me down!"