Yao Yao, I Agree to Divorce

The USB drive contained only one video, recorded by Mr. Lu before his passing.

"A'Yan, when you watch this video, I believe your marriage with Yao Yao has reached its end. Back when I wrote my will and you asked me to include her, it was to use the substantial inheritance as leverage to force your mother into a compromise and let you marry her.

But I know your mother's temperament, and I knew Yao Yao would be mistreated in our family. I also knew how influential you are in the business world, and I foresaw the difficulties you would face in your personal life. That's why I approached Yao Yao's grandmother and left behind this video and the second will.

I may have helped you get married, but you've failed as a husband, so I have the right to help Yao Yao get a divorce!