Something Happened, What's Wrong with Lu Yancheng?


The phone fell heavily to the ground.

Lu Yancheng fainted!

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu, what's wrong! Doctor! Call a doctor!"

Wen Yao didn't react at first, clutching the handset tightly.

"Lu Yancheng? What happened to Lu Yancheng?"

A flurry of panicked footsteps!

Wen Yao could only hear the voices but had no idea what was happening.

It wasn't until Secretary Fei picked up the phone and said, "Miss Wen, Mr. Lu has fainted. The doctor is conducting an examination. Preliminary diagnosis is heatstroke, aggravated by the concussion."

"Is he going to be okay?"

Secretary Fei was about to say "yes" but remembered how distraught Mr. Lu had been, so he swallowed the word back.

"We don't know for sure right now, but it doesn't look good, Miss Wen. Are you busy? If not, could you come to the hospital to see Mr. Lu?"