How My Wife Was Lost Is How She'll Be Regained

With a flick, the signing pen was casually tossed aside. At that moment, a flower shop employee, led by the receptionist, appeared on the top floor, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Secretary Fei was thunderstruck! What on earth was this? These were flowers, yes, but they were chrysanthemums!

"Is this for Mr. Lu?" The employee asked while presenting the flowers.

Lu Yancheng looked at the bouquet of chrysanthemums and nodded.

"Mr. Lu, these flowers were ordered by Miss Wen for you."

After leaving the flowers and a greeting card, the flower shop employee departed.

Lu Yancheng stared at the bouquet of flowers before him, his temples pounding like a drum. He opened the card attached to the bouquet, and it read: "Wishing you a speedy recovery from your hospital stay." The handwriting didn't resemble hers; it seemed like someone else had written it.