I Love Wen Yao, I Want to Remarry Her

As the Maybach arrived at the Biluo Community, they were greeted by a series of arguments downstairs.

"You old hag! I'm building a house on my own terrace, what's it to you?"

"The second floor is your terrace, but building on it blocks the light in my house and is considered an illegal construction. Why can't you be reasonable?"

The middle-aged woman glared and snapped, "Reasonable? Let me make this clear to you! I am reason itself! If my house blocks your light, then why don't you move out? Your granddaughter married a rich man, right? Why are you still living in this shabby place? It seems she doesn't have much status even after marrying into wealth!"

The grandmother sighed and felt helpless dealing with this loud-mouthed woman.

Suddenly, a chilling voice filled with hostility came from behind.

"Today, I'll show you whether Wen Yao has any status after marrying me."

The grandmother turned around to see Lu Yancheng, and she was shocked.