Love Me Love My Dog

"Did you say my husband?" Wen Yao frowned, thinking she had misheard.

"Don't you know? Yesterday afternoon, when that shrew bullied your grandmother, your husband came just in time. He immediately contacted the relevant department and had the illegal construction on the second floor demolished. They moved away last night without saying a word."

"Mrs. Zhang, could you have made a mistake?"

"How could I be mistaken? He called your grandmother and even helped her upstairs!"

Wen Yao bit her lip.

So, Lu Yancheng had been here yesterday afternoon and resolved the problem, even helping her grandmother. It was dark when she returned last night, so she didn't notice. Now, she could see that the illegal construction on the second floor had been completely removed.

Lu Yancheng, you're putting in a lot of effort to remarry.

But unfortunately, the previous Wen Yao could never return.

Wen Yao withdrew her gaze and left, facing the rising sun.