On the Path to Remarriage

On the way back to The Regent One, the rain grew increasingly heavy. Lu Yancheng held Little Lu, his voice cold. "Has Jiang Mohan completed his exchange visit and returned to the country?"

"He landed in Jiang City this morning and took care of the handover work at the Luding Hospital in the afternoon. He starts his official position tomorrow."

"Tell him to come to The Regent One."

Secretary Fei's expression turned serious, probably due to Lu Yancheng being caught in the rain and not feeling well. Oh well, in ancient times, people did daring things to make a lady smile; today, they got caught in the rain while rescuing a puppy. What a world...

Secretary Fei didn't dare to delay, so he immediately called Jiang Mohan during a red light.

Inside the sealed car, the rain continued to pitter-patter. Lu Yancheng held Little Lu and issued instructions.