Everything Goes According to Plan

"Who are you?" Song Yiling looked at the series of numbers on her screen; it was an internet call.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that now Jiang Ya and Su Yajing are both behind bars. Are you afraid that you might be next? Wen Yao has a bright future ahead and the protection of Lu Yancheng. As for you? You not only lost your position as the top star but also have to feed your money-hungry mother. I bet you didn't know that. Gu Zhun has already decided to give up on you."

"Why would Gu Zhun give up on me? Luding Entertainment was created for me!" Song Yiling argued, refusing to accept her fate.

"Even if it was originally created for you, now Lu Yancheng only has Wen Yao in his heart. You no longer have a place there."

"Wen Yao, again with her! How can a rural girl ride on top of me like this? She takes what belongs to me and wants to take everything I have!"

Just then, the doorbell rang.