Wen Yao Is Lu Yancheng's Lifeline

Jiang Mohan's expression remained largely unchanged, but his eyes flickered briefly. "Doing that would expose you, wouldn't it? Don't forget, my real goal is Lu Yancheng. Killing Wen Yao is just the spark that will ignite his breakdown and madness."

He was Jiang Ya's legitimate son, while Lu Yancheng was just a bastard. He had endured humiliation for so many years just to gain Lu Yancheng's trust, reclaim what was rightfully his, and then send him plummeting from heaven to hell. Wen Yao was the key to opening the gates of hell.

Che Fu understood. "So, as of now, Wen Yao is Lu Yancheng's lifeline. Well done, Young Master Jiang!"

Suddenly, shouts were heard. "Che Fu? When did you come up here? What were you two whispering about?"

Gu Zhun finished his call, holding his phone, and climbed up the hill.