The Unwritten Rules, Cleansing the Stain

"Zhao Mengqi! Have you gone mad? How dare you? It's not yours to take, what right do you have to demand others to hand it over to you? In this world, strength doesn't justify your actions, and not everyone should cater to your desires! Do you think you can deceive the world with your impersonation, as long as I remain silent? The false can never truly remain hidden, and paper can never contain fire! Someone as experienced as Madam Gu could see through your true colors at a glance!"

Wen Yao's voice was ice-cold, each word piercing to the core, sending shivers down one's spine.

She released her grip forcefully, and Zhao Mengqi's legs gave way as she fell onto the sandy beach.

Suddenly, Zhao Mengqi burst into laughter. "So, are you satisfied now with this spectacle? Don't forget, I'm the designer for Fanchen. When things like this happen, Fanchen's reputation will also be tarnished!"