Chief Designer, The Calculations Fall Flat

Yao Tiao signing with Fanchen confirmed that there were no internal issues at Fanchen, and that the misconduct of the designer was an isolated incident. The attention of netizens was successfully redirected, with many of them rushing to follow Yao Tiao on her newly created social media platform.

Her Weibo username was simple: DesignerYaoTiao, and her verification was equally straightforward: Chief Designer of Fanchen. Yet, these seven simple words effectively addressed the rumors circulating in the media.

Subsequently, hashtags like #YaoTiaoRuijitersOnWeibo# and #YaoTiaoChiefDesignerOfFanchen# also surged into the trending topics. After years of mystery, the enigmatic designer Yao Tiao finally had a social media presence, allowing a glimpse into her otherwise concealed life.

At this moment, most of the attendees were following Mrs. Gu.

Along the way, she handed out several invitations.