Stay Away from Your Sister-in-Law, Don't Bother Your Brother

With no other choice, Xia Weiguo quickly changed the subject. "By the way, your wife said you have something to discuss with me privately. Is it about the mission, or do you have other concerns?"

Qin Kaize restrained his self-loathing and blinked twice.

"Xue. Collusion. Informant. Evidence hidden in the Miao Village ancestral hall, above the main altar."

He managed to convey useful information with great difficulty, and his self-loathing intensified. Xia Weiguo looked at him with concern but couldn't contain his impatience. He stood up and began pacing around the room.

"How dare he to commit such an act and shamelessly claim glory that doesn't belong to him? Because of this incident, the leaders have decided to promote him. No, I must retrieve the evidence and thoroughly investigate who's behind him."

After calming down a bit, Xia Weiguo returned to sit by the bed. He held Qin Kaize's hand and spoke with a serious tone.

"I know you're stubborn and don't like to trouble others. But this time, you have to listen to me. That guy, Xue, as well as the person behind him, won't leave you alone. I also don't trust the people in your family. Even if you're not doing this for yourself, think about your wife. If I hadn't arrived today, she would have definitely suffered. And she's certainly no match for Xue. You can't put her in danger because of your so-called principles."

Of course!

Qin Kaize blinked his eyes forcefully, and there was even a hint of disdain deep in his eyes.

"You brat, it seems you've become considerate now that you have a wife."

Xia Weiguo had initially thought he would need to persuade him more, but he was surprised that Qin Kaize agreed so quickly. Feeling a bit amused, he gently patted his shoulder.

"Now that you're a married man, you should be the one supporting your wife. "You're a husband now, so why keep your money with me? At the very least, give her your monthly allowance of 25 yuan. Don't let a young girl spend her money on you."

Qin Kaize glanced at the notebook, and Xia Weiguo immediately write it down.

"Compensation, all coupons."

"Alright, this should be sufficient for now. When I come to visit you next time, I'll get some more for your wife," Xia Weiguo said. He didn't dare to entrust all of his possessions to Su Yijia at once. Not only was it because he hadn't fully trusted her yet, but more importantly, he wasn't sure whether she was be able to hold onto it. The three locusts of the Qin family were not likely to give up easily.

[Congratulations on finishing the task! You have obtained the recipe of Great Strength Pills.]

The cheerful voice of System 666 sounded like it was dancing with joy.

Su Yijia's hands paused briefly as she was stir-frying the dishes, but her face showed no signs of happiness. The medicinal herbs required for the Great Strength Pills were not only more numerous than those for the Whitening Lotion, but they were also more precious, which meant she had to spend a lot of money on it. She had made some money, but now her pocket was almost empty. She had no idea when she would have enough money to buy these herbs.

After cooking the sweet and sour pork, Su Yijia also prepared minced meat with eggplant and stir-fried hollow-stemmed vegetables with black bean sauce. The exquisite white rice, along with the three dishes and one soup, looked incredibly appetizing.

She brought the dishes to Qin Kaize's room but was stopped by Qin's mother as she was about to leave.

"Why don't you serve them in the dining room? Are you planning to let Chief Xia eat in that room without even a dining table?" Qin's mother was critical.

Mingcheng had just graduated from the University of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers, and was now in the stage of finding a good job. Of course, he needed to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with Xia Weiguo. Even though he had just got angry with them, given that Mingcheng was Qin Kaize's younger brother, how could he not do anything to help?

"Uncle Xia came to see Kaize. What does it have to do with you? You want to bring Kaize's uncle to the living room to that you can flatter him to fulfill your need, but you're leaving Kaize alone in the room without even a dining table. It's truly shameless," Su Yijia retorted.

Seeing that Qin's mother had no intention of giving way, she kicked towards Qin's mother's shin. Qin's mother was startled and quickly moved aside.

Su Yijia didn't bother with her further and took the last two bowls of dishes into the room. She was about to go to the kitchen to get the congee and fine rice when Gao Huabin led a group of people and entered hurriedly.

"Is Chief Xia here already? I saw his car outside," Gao Huabin said as he pushed a wooden wheelchair into the room. Although it didn't look as exquisite as modern wheelchairs, it would serve the purpose for now.

"Yes, Uncle Xia is in the room with Kaize. You should join them," Su Yijia replied. She noticed that Gao Huabin's face was turning red from the heat, so she thought about pouring him some cold water.

However, Gao Huabin followed her into the kitchen instead. "Sister-in-law, do you need any help? Is this congee for Big Brother? I'll take it to him. Also, the bathtub is still at the door. Where do you want me to put it? I noticed that the bathroom in the Qin family's house is quite small, and if we put it in there, there won't be much room to move around."

Su Yijia followed him and considered his suggestion. "Put it in the room. It's summer, even we bath in the room, with the doors and windows open, the moisture will dissipate quickly. In winter, we can put the charcoal basin next to it, and the room will be warm, plus it won't dry out your throat. But I might trouble you to find a carpenter later to make a five-compartment cabinet. There will be more things in the future, and we can't keep everything on the desk."

"Alright! I'll talk to the carpenter later. The bathtub costs five yuan, but the cabinet might be a bit more expensive, probably around eleven or twelve yuan," Gao Huabin replied, still chatty while they entering the room.

Qin Kaize's breathing hitched slightly at the warm atmosphere between the two of them. His long, raven-like eyelashes hung down, casting shadows in his eyes. However, no one noticed his anomaly.

It was as if he was trapped in a cocoon, isolated from the outside world. Then, Su Yijia's sweet voice, filled with laughter, rang in his ears.

"Uncle Xia, you two go ahead and eat. I'll help Kaize some congee."

Su Yijia looked at the desk, which had been moved to the center of the room. She didn't rush to the dining table. Instead, she took the lukewarm congee and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You can't have heavily seasoned food, so I only added a tiny bit of salt and MSG, so it may not taste good. Later, when the hot water is ready, I'll help you take a bath, and we can listen to the radio together in bed."

She looked at Qin Kaize in the eye, ignoring his lack of response, and laid out her plans for the evening.

Hidden from everyone's view, Xia Weiguo took a secret glance at them. He saw that Qin Kaize's gaze was firmly fixed on Su Yijia, and it carried a hint of gentle and warm. He couldn't help but smile with satisfaction and a bit of nostalgia.

Turning his head, he noticed that Gao Huabin was also watching them and gave him a stern look. "Kaize and his wife just got married; they need to nurture their relationship."

It wasn't that he didn't trust Gao Huabin, but Kaize had always been a possessive person. Given his current physical condition, his thoughts might run deeper. What if he overthought and misunderstood them?