Qin Kaize's Unusual Emotions

"Whatever Uncle Xia says is fine. However, we'll have to rearrange the wedding banquet. I can't just marry Kaize without any rituals, and we can't rush through his marriage either," Su Yijia asserted, showing no reservation.

She had always been someone who wouldn't compromise herself, nor would she compromise those who were on good terms with her.

Qin's father frowned and wanted to object. He didn't want things to escalate further, especially with Su Yijia who seemed uncontrollable, as it would only bring more disgrace to their family.

However, before he could speak, Xia Weiguo cast a commanding gaze their way, sensing something amiss. "How dare you seize the things I bought for Kaize?" he coldly questioned.

Qin's father trembled with fear and quickly stammered out an explanation, "Shufen was afraid that the fan would make Kaize too cold, and the radio might disturb his rest."

"Do you take us all for fools? If you wanted to keep these items for yourselves and didn't want to take proper care of Kaize, you should have said so," Su Yijia bluntly exposed his lies.

Before Qin's father could react with anger, Su Yijia moved to Qin Kaize and rolled up his clothes, revealing his skin. "Uncle Xia, look. Kaize not only has heat rash, and his skin is chafed and inflamed from sweating. Didn't they used to bathe him daily? Things couldn't go bad in just one or two days. If left untreated for too long, the flesh can rot, sores can form, and Kaize's body won't be able to withstand it."

As Su Yijia spoke, her heart ached. She turned her head aside, took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"What have they done!" Xia Weiguo's face turned completely dark, like a piece of charcoal. He had initially thought that the Qin family, eager for Kaize's money and belongings, would take good care of him and use this time to improve their relationship. He never expected that they would want everything without making any effort.

Qin's father and mother felt a tingling sensation on their scalps and hurriedly apologized and begged for forgiveness, "We were wrong! We didn't expect it to turn out like this! We lacked experience in taking care of patient like Kaize before. This sudden situation made us flustered, and we overlooked things. We promise that we will take good care of him from now on, and we will absolutely not make such mistakes again."

"No need! Kaize has me as his wife now, so keep your distance," Su Yijia retorted with disdain.

Qin's father and Qin's mother wanted to cover her mouth with a piece of cloth, but in the presence of Uncle Xia, they didn't dare to say another word beyond their apologies.

Xia Weiguo's eyes were cold and hooked onto them, and a few times he wanted to reveal the evil acts they had taken, but in the end, he refrained himself on the sake of Su Yijia.

"Kaize is a hero to our country, keep that in mind! If I hadn't arrived today, his wife would still be suffering from your bullying. Since you guys lack awareness, some jobs may not be suitable for you," Xia Weiguo's words threw everyone into an ice cellar, and their blood froze.

Although this group of people had jobs that weren't arranged either by Qin Kaize or Xia Weiguo, they had managed to secure these positions privately by exploiting Qin Kaize's status.

In the past, when Qin Kaize was still in the army, he had almost dedicated his life to advancing his career and didn't have time to pay attention to them. Now that he had the time, he couldn't take action himself. However, Uncle Xia was more than capable of giving them a lesson.

"Chief Xia, we know we were wrong! We promise we will never make the same mistake again. We will definitely listen to Kaize's wife, whatever she says," they pleaded desperately.

However, Su Yijia sneered arrogantly, "Now you're afraid? Why didn't you do something earlier? Now you can still make some money from selling your jobs to other. Or else when Uncle Xia takes action, you will have nothing left."

The pleas from the relatives of Qin's father and Qin's mother froze in place. Even if they were unwilling, they were truly afraid of reaching the point where Su Yijia made threats.

"My patience is limited.. You'd better make it done before I leave." Xia Weiguo gave them a direct deadline to prevent any delays.

Realizing that they couldn't change anything, those people reluctantly nodded, their smiles looking even more awkward than tears. "We promise to handle this matter tomorrow."

They were all stuck in favorable positions, and selling them would likely bring in a thousand or more yuan. With this money, they could wait for Chief Xia to calm down and then secretly buy some other jobs. However, from now on, they had to be submissive and not meddle in anything related to Qin Kaize.

Thinking about this, they glared at Qin's father and Qin's mother resentfully, almost making the two people angry to death.

"Yijia, I apologize for the inconvenience regarding your marriage to him. Since these people don't know how to handle things properly, as your uncle, I'll take charge of this matter. Tomorrow, I'll visit your parents and discuss the wedding in detail. We can't skip the traditional formality, and we must host the betrothal gifts and the wedding banquet grandly. Don't be fooled by Ze's cold demeanor; he's well-liked among his comrades. There will be many of them attending your wedding, so you should get to know them. You can rely on them for help in the future," Xia Weiguo said to Su Yijia, clearly quite satisfied with her.

In fact, as long as she treated Kaize well, he would gladly treat her as his own daughter. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to face Ze's biological mother who had passed away.

"Thank you, Uncle Xia. You can keep Kaize company and chat with him in the room for now. I'll prepare dinner for you all," Su Yijia said, keeping her mind on the task.

She promptly ushered the people who were trying to get close out of the room. Once everyone dispersed, she handed over a pen and notepad to Xia Weiguo and even thoughtfully closed the door behind her.

Xia Weiguo took back his gaze, teasingly looking at Qin Kaize, whose eyes had a hint of chill. "You still act so reserved after getting married. Don't scare the little girl away. I might have to help you win her back later."

Qin Kaize's eyes filled with a hint of dissatisfaction, and he stared at Xia Weiguo with intensity, as if trying to force him to take his words back.

Xia Weiguo hadn't expected Qin Kaize to be upset, so he quickly restrained his teasing and spoke seriously. "Since you care so much, look her in the eyes more often in the future. Let her know that you can't live without her. Don't overthink things. Since she has agreed to marry you, it means she doesn't mind your current condition. Everyone owes favors to others throughout their lives. For now, you owe her. In a few years, once there is no barriers, my little brother who is doing well in business abroad will find a reliable doctor for you. You'll definitely get better. In these years, we'll take good care of your wife. Whatever she wants, we'll support her. As elders, we won't let her feel constrained in any way."

Could he really get better? Qin Kaize looked down, focusing on his legs, which were devoid of sensation. The already gloomy atmosphere in the room became even more stifling.