Live Version of "Three Strikes Against the White Bone Spirit"

Shen Yunchu sensed the hostility from the other party and disdainfully glanced at her.

Xue Yuanyuan clenched her fists, secretly looking for an opportunity to take a jab at her.

"All right, now that everyone is here before we embark on this adventure, let's introduce ourselves and get to know each other first."

The director prepared the program's flow. Naturally, the first introduction was given by the most popular and influential actor, Zhou Yu.

"I'm glad to participate in this adventure with all of you. I also enjoy fitness and have a particular fondness for triathlons."

"Hello, everyone. I'm Lin Zimao, the lead dancer of Chengle Little Five."

"I'm Qi Cheng, the lead vocalist. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Lin Zimao and I are both good at long-distance running."

Xue Yuanyuan jumped in ahead, "I'm Xue Yuanyuan. I enjoy practicing yoga and rock climbing. It's a pleasure to meet you, Zhou Yu, I'm a huge fan of you!"

As she spoke, her face turned red, and a blush appeared on her delicate cheeks.

With the support of the camera, her modesty became even more captivating, evoking a sense of protectiveness.

"Then we can team up together later," Zhou Yu, always a gentleman, politely replied.

After everyone finished their introductions, all eyes fell on Shen Yunchu, who had yet to speak.

Shen Yunchu deliberately approached Xue Yuanyuan. She had no other advantages, but her pretty face was her greatest trump card.

Not only did she stand out among ordinary people, but even in the entertainment industry known for its exceptional beauty, Shen Yunchu was truly remarkable.

She stood in front of Xue Yuanyuan, showcasing her superiority.

Lin Zimao, the youngest among them, couldn't help but blurt out, "She is so beautiful, like a blooming flower."

Shen Yunchu tilted her head, resembling a noble peacock. She looked at Xue Yuanyuan, who seemed somewhat ordinary beside her, and said, "I don't have any special talents. I enjoy watching plays and listening to music. Coincidentally, I know a segment, and today I'll perform it for you."

"I also love traditional Chinese opera. Yunchu, what will you be performing?"

Qi Cheng asked. Shen Yunchu's smile was subtle but incredibly captivating as she replied, "Today, I will present an adapted version of the traditional Chinese opera, 'Three Strikes Against the White Bone Spirit.'"

The barrage exploded instantly. "What's going on with Yunchu? Other guests only introduced themselves, why is she performing?"

"I've heard rumors that she loves stealing the spotlight, and today it seems those rumors are true. She's adding her performance."

"Poor Yuanyuan, Yunchu deliberately stood next to her, intentionally making her a foil."

"They say Yunchu is a cancer in the entertainment industry, and today she's truly opened my eyes. She even managed to show off in front of the actor. I genuinely feel sorry for our actor."

In front of the camera, Shen Yunchu seemed to be preparing for something, and everyone held their breath, eagerly anticipating her performance.

She slightly turned her body, facing Xue Yuanyuan, and then gently tapped her shoulder once, twice, thrice.

She deliberately slowed down her movements, afraid that others wouldn't count the number of taps correctly.


The entire production crew fell into an eerie silence for a few seconds.

Shen Yunchu seemed satisfied with her performance, smiling happily. "Thank you, everyone. My performance is over."


Perhaps everyone was caught off guard. Not only were the artists in front of the screen stunned, but even the viewers forgot to respond.

The barrage suddenly cleared. Xue Yuanyuan's face visibly darkened at an alarming speed, then quickly flushed red.

It was as if she had been slapped hard on both ears, and her entire body boiled with anger.

Three strikes against the White Bone Spirit? Did Yunchu just strike herself three times in front of the camera? Was she implying that Shen Yunchu was the demon?

"Damn, Yunchu's performance can be considered the most shocking of the year."

"As a fan of traditional Chinese opera, I never thought that 'Three Strikes Against the White Bone Spirit' could be performed like this!"

"Why didn't Xue Yuanyuan strike Yunchu? After being humiliated like this, how can she bear it?"

"Is Yunchu so audacious? This is a live stream with hundreds of thousands of viewers. Does she realize that?"

"I'm also familiar with the entertainment industry, and artists would never do something like this in front of the camera unless the other person truly disgusted them. The White Bone Spirit is known for craving Monk Tang's flesh, and although Yunchu didn't say a word, her message is clear: Xue Yuanyuan has impure motives."

"Yunchu is one of the few people in the entertainment industry who dares to speak and act boldly. She must have her reasons for doing this. She's retaliating against something disgusting Xue Yuanyuan did to her."

"This variety show has completely opened up a new world for me. I've decided, I'm going to follow this, I want to witness the showdown, I want to see which of them will come out on top."

"To be honest, I initially came for Zhou Yu, but Yunchu surprised me."

"Welcome on board, let's enjoy the show with Yunchu." The barrage was filled with excitement, while the scene fell into complete silence.

Zhou Yu awkwardly averted his gaze. Indeed, wherever there are women, there is a battlefield.

Lin Zimao retracted his curious neck and silently hid in his shell: Oh my, weren't girls supposed to be cute, kind, and generous? Why does this atmosphere feel like a fight is about to break out?

Qi Cheng seemed as if he hadn't seen anything, focusing on his thoughts. He couldn't help but mutter: If a fight breaks out, who should I support? If I go and help sort it out, would I get involved as well?