The Reality Show Begins

Xue Yuanyuan couldn't hide her displeasure and spoke indignantly, "What do you mean by this?"

Shen Yunchu lowered his brows and smiled lightly, "It's a talent performance. Isn't my acting realistic enough?"

"They asked you to introduce yourself, not to perform."

"I'm used to stealing the limelight, don't you know?"

"..." Xue Yuanyuan didn't expect her to openly admit to stealing the limelight. She was audacious!

"What did you mean by patting me three times just now?" Xue Yuanyuan asked through gritted teeth.

"A reality show needs some variety. Isn't it better for us to go on an adventure together? Previously, you had to snatch things from me, but now, there's no need to snatch. I brought the spotlight to you. Shouldn't you be grateful to me? But no need to thank me, I always keep my accomplishments hidden."


Shen Yunchu ignored her tantrum and turned to the motionless director beside her, asking, "Director, can we continue with the program?"

"Y…yes." Director Li reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

His original intention was to create a wave of momentum by exploiting the discord between the two female celebrities.

With Shen Yunchu's daring attitude and Xue Yuanyuan's rising popularity, he knew that as long as the two appeared together on screen, it would surely attract more attention.

But he never expected Shen Yunchu to publicly humiliate Xue Yuanyuan like this.

The next two days of the itinerary would surely be unexpectedly exciting.

"Today's schedule is simple. Everyone can see the Wutong Mountain behind me, right? The production crew has set up five supplement warehouses on the mountain overnight, each providing the necessary supplies for today's activities. You can obtain supplies through the game," the director announced the tasks.

Everyone instinctively looked towards the towering mountain behind them.

Zhou Yu asked, "Director Li, won't it be midnight by the time we return?"

Director Li smiled, "That's why the production crew has thoughtfully arranged tents for everyone. However, every game has clear rewards and punishments."

Shen Yunchu listened to this and immediately thought of the director's tricks. Someone would have to endure hunger and coldness.

"The production crew only provides four tents, so the last guest to reach the mountaintop will have to endure the inconvenience of staying overnight," Director Li added.


The entire scene fell into silence once again.

"Director, as a girl, it's too difficult for me to carry my luggage up the mountain, isn't it?" Xue Yuanyuan glanced at the three male guests, almost writing her request on her forehead.

"You won't need your luggage," Director Li signaled to the staff, clearly intending to quickly move the suitcases onto the vehicles before they were snatched away.

Qi Cheng looked puzzled, "Director, all our belongings are in the suitcases."

Director Li nodded with an air of understanding, "This is a wilderness survival program. You'll have to rely on yourselves for any living supplies. Now, let the game begin. You can set off."


The entire crowd fell into silence once again.

Everyone was empty-handed, not even a bottle of water, and they were expected to climb the mountain for several hours like this?

"Lastly, let me remind you all that the supplies at each point are limited in quantity, and it's first come, first served," Director Li smiled as he looked at the expressions of the group.

It was easy to imagine the hidden curses that would follow.

The group didn't dare to delay any longer and, accompanied by their cameramen, started climbing the mountain one after another.

The mountain was tall, and the trees were dense. Once they entered, it felt as if all contact with the outside world had been severed.

Shen Yunchu leisurely walked along the path, followed by her cameraman, who was also puzzled. Was she here for a vacation?

"Finally, I can watch the live stream and wait for Best Actor Zhou to appear. No more watching female celebrities causing trouble and stealing the spotlight."

"My two babies are running at the front. They're almost reaching the first supply point. I'm relieved that they won't go hungry."

"Why do I feel something is off about Yunchu? She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to grab supplies. She's leisurely strolling at the back by herself?"

"Yunchu always likes to attract attention in unconventional ways. I just watched the live streams of five people, and she had the lowest viewership. As soon as the camera switched to her, her viewership didn't even reach five thousand. The production crew made a big mistake this time."

"Her popularity is really low. I guess people are just here to watch the show. In a while, even those five thousand viewers will probably be gone."

"My idol Zhou has the highest popularity, with over four hundred thousand viewers."

"My Chengle Little Five are steadily at two hundred thousand viewers."

"Yuanyuan also has over a hundred thousand viewers. Popularity is indeed like a magic mirror, revealing who is real and who is fake. Is Yunchu just here to make up the numbers?"

Shen Yunchu couldn't see the various mocking comments in the live chat.

She found a clean spot and began searching her pockets. The cameraman, familiar with her usual behavior, knew she couldn't handle hardships and exhaustion, but he didn't expect her to be unable to walk after just ten minutes of climbing.

Just as he was puzzled, a bag of chocolate balls was handed to him. The cameraman was a bit confused. Where did this come from?