A Beautiful White Lotus

Xue Yuanyuan's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know what Yunchu and Zhou Yu had discussed, but judging by her malicious smile, they must have said something unfavorable to her.

With a radiant smile, Shen Yunchu approached the staff. She had already taken off her microphone, and no one knew what she had said to them.

Xue Yuanyuan felt uneasy, knowing that this woman was cunning and wouldn't reveal her true intentions. The more she smiled, the more anxious Xue Yuanyuan became.

At the next moment, a staff member walked towards her.

"I just consulted the director, and we cannot change the tent's occupants. Ladies and gentlemen, please respect the program's punishment system," the staff member said.

Xue Yuanyuan's face turned ugly. Anger made her body tremble slightly.

"Now it's time for the program's arranged performances. Ladies and gentlemen can interact with their fans for a while, and around nine o'clock, you can enter the tent to rest."

Zhou Yu looked at Xue Yuanyuan, whose face had turned pale, and apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't know about this rule."

"Mr. Zhou, you're too polite. I lost fair and square. It's my fault for not understanding the rules," Xue Yuanyuan said, her eyes red. Her pitiful appearance evoked a sense of pity.

Sitting on a low stool, Shen Yunchu held her face with one hand, her smile becoming even more radiant as Shen Yunchu watched the woman still trying to gain sympathy.

Xue Yuanyuan noticed her gaze. Although Shen Yunchu was angry, she maintained the grace and tolerance expected of an artist in front of the camera.

"Yunchu, do you dislike me that much?" Xue Yuanyuan deliberately steered the conversation towards the woman who was spectating.

Shen Yunchu didn't intend to hide anything and nodded. "Don' you know it yourself what kind of person are you and what have you done?"

The three male guests tactfully exited the battlefield between the two women.

Zhou Yu understood that Yunchu was once again creating a variety show effect for the newcomer. He didn't understand it before, but now he was clear in his mind that he shouldn't interfere.

Xue Yuanyuan tried hard to remain calm. "Just because the Cloudy Day crew chose me? But that was the crew's decision. Each role should be played by the most suitable person."

"Are you telling me that you didn't snatch this role, but the crew insisted on giving it to you?" Shen Yunchu asked.

"I didn't mean that. I just think, Yunchu, you shouldn't be so hostile towards me. I know I'm a newcomer, but I'm working hard to improve myself. I don't want to burden anyone," Xue Yuanyuan said, her voice trembling.

"You know we're still live, right?"

Xue Yuanyuan bit her lip lightly. "I know, I just don't want you to misunderstand me."

"Having listened to what you have said, I find that I did misunderstand you. You didn't snatch this role. The director thought you were suitable and gave you the opportunity. I understand now," Shen Yunchu nodded, pretending to be magnanimous.

Xue Yuanyuan looked at the smile on her face and didn't believe that this woman would let it go so easily.

"Now it's time for the fans' performances, right? How about I go first?" Shen Yunchu stood up and stretched her muscles.

The three male stars, who were initially just watching from the sidelines, slowly returned as the atmosphere eased.

"Misunderstandings resolved, and now we're all part of the same team. Let's work together and cooperate well. Tomorrow is the main event," Qi Cheng said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yunchu, what do you want to perform?" Lin Zimao sat cross-legged, eagerly waiting for Shen Yunchu's voluntary performance.

"Don't feel pressured. Whether you want to sing or dance, it's up to you," Zhou Yu said.

"I enjoy listening to cross-talk. I've been going to Sanqing's place recently and coincidentally watched three performances of 'Spitting Lotus Flowers'. It's still fresh in my memory," Shen Yunchu said with a beaming smile.

"I also love cross-talk. Yunchu, how about we do a skit together? I'll be your sidekick for today," Qi Cheng eagerly jumped up, wanting to give it a try.

"No need to trouble yourself. I've already found the perfect sidekick," Shen Yunchu turned her head to the woman beside her.

Xue Yuanyuan's face darkened. "You're referring to me?"

Shen Yunchu nodded. "Is there any problems?"

Xue Yuanyuan hesitated for a moment, but it was clear that Yunchu was deliberately trying to win her over. She had to admit that this woman had some charm.

The three male guests, who had been holding their breaths, finally relaxed. Fortunately, everyone was mature and understanding. Conflicts could be resolved through communication.

Shen Yunchu prepared her emotions and faced Xue Yuanyuan.

Xue Yuanyuan smiled gracefully, "I'm sorry, I haven't studied cross-talk much. If there are any flaws in my performance, please don't mind."

"Now, please enjoy our cross-talk performance, 'Spitting Lotus Flowers'," Shen Yunchu announced.

All eyes were fixed on them, and the anticipation was palpable.

Xue Yuanyuan also waited for her cue, standing face-to-face with Shen Yunchu.

Shen Yunchu maintained a smile throughout. In front of the expectant crowd, she faced Xue Yuanyuan and opened her mouth, "Pah."

The scene froze, and even the audience held their breath.

Shen Yunchu took her bow, "My performance is over. Thank you all for watching."