Public Opinion Storm

Ten seconds passed...

Thirty seconds went by...

A minute vanished in the blink of an eye...

The night wind on the mountaintop blew vigorously, rendering everyone present motionless, as if petrified.

Zhou Yu, having experienced many ups and downs as a renowned actor, may not understand cross-talk, but the performance style conveyed to everyone that Yunchu was insulting Xue Yuanyuan, calling her a hypocrite.

Lin Zimao secretly glanced at his position relative to the tent. How could he move without leaving a trace in front of the camera?

Qi Cheng felt a chill down his spine. Among them, he was the one who understood cross-talk the most and naturally knew that the final scene of spitting in the Spitting Lotus Flowers was meant to be a comedic act.

However, he didn't anticipate that Yunchu would skip all the previous plotlines and go straight to spitting.

Should he explain it to her? This was a comedic setup, a setup in cross-talk, not a personal attack.

It wasn't an impromptu targeted offense, no. Xue Yuanyuan's face initially turned pale, then she forcefully suppressed her anger, turning it into a purplish hue, and finally a dark shade.

She couldn't bear it any longer and raised her hand, intending to slap this wretched woman. This was an insult to herself, a blatant and naked insult! How could Shen Yunchu stand there waiting to be hit?

After the performance ended, she swiftly left the scene, closing the tent with a loud noise. "Goodnight, everyone."

The people looked at each other, puzzled. Was she going to sleep like this?

"Yunchu has gone too far. How could she treat her junior like this? As soon as they met, she confronted our Yuanyuan head-on, and now she's behaving so disrespectfully. It's despicable."

"How can such a low-quality celebrity not be banned? Star City Entertainment, are you allowing this mentally unstable person to harm others?"

"Yunchu, get out of the entertainment industry and apologize to our Yuanyuan immediately!"

The barrage intensified, filled with criticism. Yunchu's remaining loyal fans and those who had just joined the club curious dared not speak up.

The development of the situation had spiraled out of control.

Xue Yuanyuan's fans were a force to be reckoned with. In less than ten minutes, they had pushed #Yunchu Insults Newcomers# to the top of the entertainment news rankings.

At this rate, it could easily reach the top trending topics. During the evening rush hour, any trending topic would cause a sensation.

"Damn, as a fan of cross-talk, I've never realized that Spitting Lotus Flowers could be performed like this!"

"Although I'm not familiar with this reality show, curiosity got the better of me eventually, and so I watched a fan-recorded video. Considering the cause and effect, I have to say that Yunchu, this female celebrity, is truly bold. She's tearing apart the hypocrites."

"That Xue Yuanyuan is indeed putting on an act, trying to make the male guests take care of her. She even cried after losing the game, pretending to be innocent and weak."

"In this situation, I'm truly on Yunchu's side. Fake bitches are the most disgusting."

As public opinion fermented, Yunchu's self-exposed marriage news was also brought up.

#Yunchu's Marriage# #Yunchu's Husband Is Unwell# #Is Yunchu's Man Behind the Scenes: Her Sugar Daddy or Husband? # #Yunchu Being Kept, Mysterious Man Revealed#

One peculiar term after another flooded Yunchu's social media, filled with spectators, onlookers, and mockers.

Assistant Wang felt completely numb. The company had completely abandoned Yunchu, seemingly even adding fuel to the fire, allowing Yunchu's social media to be slaughtered by Xue Yuanyuan's fans.

Now, Yunchu was all alone. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, how could she resolve this crisis? Should she beg Ms Chen for help?

As long as Ms Chen stepped in, these negative terms would surely be taken down. The variety show set had returned to normal.

Although it was a twenty-hour live streaming, to protect the artists' privacy, the live stream channel would temporarily close after nine p.m. and switch to recording.

It would only be determined later if it could be aired after post-production editing.

Xue Yuanyuan sat in her chair, glaring at her phone screen with a sinister gaze.

"Ms Chen, Yunchu is bullying me. I want her out of the entertainment industry," Xue Yuanyuan angrily typed.

"Don't worry, I've prepared the water army and marketing accounts. Yunchu is preparing to terminate her contract, and the company won't let her off either. Just focus on the show and don't let her lead you astray," Ms Chen reassured her.

"She humiliated me today, I wish I could rush over and tear her mouth apart right now." Xue Yuanyuan clenched her phone tightly, her hand covered in bulging veins.

Ms Chen comforted her, "With all the trouble she's caused, I'll handle it on my end. No one will dare to work with her again. Just make sure to leave an impression on Zhou Yu. He needs a female supporting role for his next project."

Xue Yuanyuan's face brightened. "Do I have a chance?"

"The company is already in talks. After all, Zhou Yu is a top-tier actor. As long as he says so, the director will give surely consider it."

Finally, the fire in Xue Yuanyuan's heart subsided by half. She put down her phone and looked at Shen Yunchu's tent with a scheming gaze.

One day, she would crush this damned woman under her feet. She not only wanted to snatch her roles but also take away everything Shen Yunchu was proud of!