The Man Behind Shen Yunchu

If the previous few days were when Gu Jinwei intentionally or unintentionally avoided Shen Yunchu, then the following days became Shen Yunchu deliberately avoiding Gu Jinwei.

She couldn't face anyone. It had been three days since the last peaceful meal between the two of them. Early in the morning, Shen Yunchu received news of the crew's opening ceremony tomorrow.

It was as if she had grasped a lifeline, so she packed her luggage overnight, intending to slip away before Gu Jinwei woke up. However, ...

As the sky was just beginning to brighten, Shen Yunchu had just descended the stairs when she saw the lights on in the dining room.

Then she saw Gu Jinwei, holding a cup of coffee, leaning against the door, looking at her with a smile that seemed both genuine and mocking.

She was somewhat puzzled whether this man had just returned after a sleepless night or if he had intentionally woken up early this morning.