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The battery of the phone finally couldn't bear the burden and ran out of power.

Gu Jinwei looked at the phone, which finally went black, and then bent down to pick up the woman who was still clinging to him. Shen Yunchu curled up in his arms, sleeping more soundly than ever before.

The scent of grapefruit, which she had been particularly fond of lately, surrounded her, giving off a light and unique fragrance.

In the bright morning sunlight, Shen Yunchu jumped out of bed as if she were pretending to be a corpse. Her head was a bit dizzy, and she felt a sense of confusion about the current situation.

She looked around and confirmed that she was indeed lying in bed. Wait, wasn't she live streaming yesterday?

Shen Yunchu glanced towards the side hall and, as expected, her phone was still on the stand, with a pillow on the table.

Could it be that she sleepwalked back to bed after finishing the livestream?