The Arrival of the Big Patron

All eyes fell upon the newcomer, dressed in a sharp suit and exuding an imposing aura. It was evident that he held a significant position.

"Who is this?" "He looks like an investor, judging by his appearance." "But didn't he seem to know Shen Yunchu from the way he spoke just now?" Whispers and murmurs filled the air.

Wang Jinguo's face darkened upon hearing the man's assertive words. "I apologize, but our crew is currently not accepting any visitors. Please leave, Sir."

"I apologize for forgetting to introduce myself." The man handed over his business card.

Wang Jinguo had no intention of engaging in conversation with someone unrelated to their work.

He disregarded the business card and emphasized, "Please respect our work. Where are the production assistants? We cannot allow any unauthorized individuals to enter."

This was the first time Li Yang had been so blatantly ignored, yet he remained unperturbed.