The Unspoken Rules

Shen Yunchu's mind buzzed, unable to comprehend the sudden change in demeanor from the director who had just moments ago shown disdain towards him, now appearing so gentle and kind. His smile was unnerving, to say the least.

Wang Jinguo, who was accustomed to maintaining an air of superiority, found it somewhat difficult to humble himself and comply. He reluctantly spoke, "Shen Yunchu, do you still want to try the wirework?"

Shen Yunchu couldn't fathom the director's intentions and nodded, saying, "If possible, I would like to give it another try."

"In that case, go and fetch Director Li," Wang Jinguo instructed the assistant who hadn't yet left.

The martial arts director quickly returned, holding a lunchbox in his hands. While eating, he asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

"Put your meal aside for now, none of our actors have eaten yet," Wang Jinguo said, leading them to the equipment. "Assist Shen Yunchu and go through the instructions again, safety first."