Yunchu Is About to be Banned

As soon as Shen Yunchu entered the set, she saw Xue Yuanyuan causing a commotion. She couldn't help but suspect that this woman had latent rabies, always acting crazy for no reason.

Xue Yuanyuan turned around, her gaze sharp. "It was you, right?"

Suddenly, Shen Yunchu felt like she was being blamed for something she didn't do. She had just arrived and hadn't said a word, and yet this person was acting as if she needed to be sent to a mental hospital.

Unable to hold back her anger, Xue Yuanyuan lunged towards Shen Yunchu, intending to start a fight.

"It's you who wants to harm me, Yunchu. Do you think you can kill me by spreading these things about me? Let me tell you, I have plenty of dirt on you. If you push me too far, neither of us will have it easy."

Assistant Wang stood in front of the furious Xue Yuanyuan and shouted, "What are you doing? Stay away from my Sis Yunchu."

Xue Yuanyuan's face turned green with anger as she roared, "Why do you want to harm me?"