No One Will Report This Matter

Shen Yunchu really made a move, and it was a deadly one.

As everyone looked at Xue Yuanyuan lying on the ground, barely breathing, they hesitated to approach for a long time, fearing that Shen Yunchu, in her rage, would turn her anger towards them. Assistant Wang's mind was in chaos, and she could almost envision the upcoming frenzy on social media.

#Yunchu assaults on set

#Yunchu severely injures Xue Yuanyuan

#Conflict on the Cloudy Day crew set

#Yunchu left the entertainment industry

#Yunchu labeled as an immoral artist

Almost every trending topic could be the end of Yunchu!

Assistant Wang's legs went weak as she looked at the crew, consisting of at least fifty-six people, from the lead actors to the supporting cast, to the extras, and the staff.

With so many pairs of eyes and mouths, no matter what Yunchu did, it would be impossible to wash away her sins.

"Should we call an ambulance?"

"Is Xue Yuanyuan still alive? I just saw her finger move."