My Hands Hurt

Orange: "I will immediately have the company issue a notice stating that Yunchu has assaulted someone. This matter is not over."

Fruit: "I will expose Yunchu's actions on Weibo, let everyone see how she has beaten me."

Strawberry: "Miss Lin, why should we ask her to do something? It should be her begging us!"

Miss Lin, listening to the incessant chatter of these three, raised her voice and shouted, "Quiet down!"

Fruit, with a grievance in her eyes, turned red. "Miss Lin, look at my face. How can you still be angry with us? It was clearly her who assaulted someone."

"Just think about what you all said," Miss Lin suppressed her anger.

"Those words, even if not directed at Yunchu, make me want to hit someone."

"We were just speaking casually. Who knew she was in the restroom?" Orange protested.