Who Are You?

Miss Lin could sense that the atmosphere in the lounge changed abruptly with the entrance of this man.

The previous evenly matched battle had vanished, replaced by a one-sided dominance. It was evident that they were at a disadvantage.

This man exuded a powerful aura, commanding respect without anger. It was clear that he was an elite, and judging by his intimate gestures with Yunchu, he must be her hidden husband.

Gu Jinwei seemed to sense the other party's scrutiny and turned to meet his gaze, expressionless. Miss Lin suddenly felt a sense of guilt, as if her secrets had been exposed, and quickly averted her eyes.

"Miss Lin, why aren't you saying anything? We are the victims here. Look at my face, if I'm disfigured, what will I do?"

Orange's face was already bruised, and from her appearance, it was clear that the other party had used excessive force.

"I've been disfigured, and I won't easily let this matter go. Yunchu wants to ruin me," Fruit wailed like a spoiled child.