3.His story begins

A week passed by,the day of the qualifiers,this last few days his dad would spar with him and even threatened him that if he lose the qualifiers his monthly pocket money will be removed and he will personally train him for the last few Months until his vacation is over which,he absolutely don't want to do because he knows that once the tournament which will start a month from now is over they'll have a leave which will last for one and a half month and he is not going to miss that opportunity.

"Aki you're here,how are you feeling, confidant or let me guess.....bored?" Said Sakura the black haired pink tipped annoyance that he has a crush on and in the process of getting over...for a few months.

"I'll get over...just trust me" said aki out of nowhere.

"Get over what?" said Sakura.

"Oh ah yeah sorry anyway, I personally don't feel anything because i really don't care about it...wait i forgot... dad's gonna grill me if I lose...shit,fuck" said Aki stressed.

"Your dad's home? Wow that's some way to make you try your best in this match"

While they were talking they were interrupted by one of his opponents today 

"Yo Akihiko ready to get beat up,just don't sleep on me haha" Said a black haired with emo ass hair who's irrelevant.

"I would've already slept if not for dad's threat"

"just don't pay attention to them, anyway you know how the qualifiers goes right?"


"Ugh 😩 then listen you'll have to win 3 random matches in a row and if you lose even once then you're out of the tournament next month because there can only be 4 candidates from each major allied Academy"

"Oh ok"

Just as he said that there was boom caused by the fighters in the tournament.

We cut to a scene where we see a Man with Bluish Black hair with blue eyes staring at a red hair and brown eyes slightly larger than the black haired guy.

"Haha President, Give up or else you'll ruin your pretty face" this Brutes name is Cedric

Despite his side antagonistic behaviour, he's actually a good person and he is considered to be the 3rd strongest in the academy.

"give up? The tournament is there for me to show who I am so I'm not gonna give up and besides i didn't even break a sweat while you're covered in bruises" said the president who's name is Miyamoto Sasuke

"I admit you're stronger than me but I'm not one to give up either" said Cedric and as soon as he said that his body starts to release his mana and he then suddenly burst up in flames..."c'mon president show me everything you got"

"I don't need everything to beat you...just this is enough" as he said that his body starts to glow the same as Cedric before he flames up and just like his opponents his body suddenly got covered in lightning.


Cedric quickly dashed towards his opponent at blinding speed causing shockwaves around the wide battlefield while the people watching burst with excitement.

Cedric punched Sasuke but sasuke quickly dodged by ducking and immediately punched towards Cedric's face but Cedric blocked it,they quickly retreated backwards to set a better opening

"Guess I have to give everything" 

"Hmm?" Sasuke's confused because he thought that's his limit.

"Oh you thought this is my limit?" He smirks and his yellow flames becomes redder in intensity and he quickly shot towards the president.

"Shit" as he said that he quickly went on the defensive and starts firing out streams of lightning bolts but was either dodged or blocked by his fire wall.

"Holy shit the president is actually on the defensive" random dude said

"Yeah Cedric's so cool" another random dude

"I'm bored" random dude the-oh it's Aki sorry

President jumped up but was instantly caught by Cedric "caught you" Cedric punched The pres in his arm covered chest and before he was sent flying he quickly changed the momentum to send him down below him and he quickly dived down to deliver a punch but suddenly energy(kamehameha style) infused with not only lightning but to the surprise of many watchers fire as well which caught Cedric off guard as he land from the hit with massive damage on his body.

"What the hell flame as well?" Random dude

"Amazing" random girl

"To think you're able to use fire element the same time as lightning" Cedric said fatigue evident in his face and body.

"Enough" said Sasuke and lightning and fire starts going berserk around him and then those energies goes to his right arm and as soon as that happened, the president dashed so fast that most of the audience wasn't able to see it,sasuke punched with all the energies concentrated in his arm while Cedric could only block because he was tired to dodge.

*Huge explosion with lightning sounds everywhere in the arena*

As the dust clears we see Cedric unconscious in the magic wall which was also cracked while Sasuke breath heavily.

"Wooo the president won"

"That was so cool"

"The president is so cool"

"Cedric you rock"

We cut to see Sakura and a bored looking Aki

"See wasn't the president cool,I knew he would win but I was surprised by how strong Cedric was but The president was just stronger and to think he could use fire as well I'm sure he would..."as she realised what she was saying she quickly apologized

"I'm sorry" 

"It's fiine I already got over it after all the last time I confessed was a year ago" said aki lying.

"Besides I feel pity for you...that boyfriend of yours is so cringingly edgy hah" said Aki laughing.

"Why you, and he's not my boyfriend"

"Seriously do what I did to you, confess fast or you might lose him" 

"I...I don't know how "

"Just do it!!!!" Meme style

"Anyway my fights up see ya and also know that I'll be there for you as a friend despite that painful rejection you gave...woe is me"

"Fuck you and good luck" said Sakura smiling slightly.

"Next up Akihiko vs"


And I'll explain some parts i missed in later chapters if i remember it or you guys could just make up some names

And yes I'm bad at naming so I'll use some existing names from anime,games and other show

like sasuke(which isn't the only guy with that name but you get it).
