
"Give up now Akihiko" challenger

"Ah no,if I did,pops would grill me"

"Oh then i almost feel bad for you because I'm not gonna go easy on you" challenger said while smirking.

"I see, well hope I won't die at least" said Aki looking bored.

"Oh you won't be looking like that all too long"


As soon as the mic said that Challenger quickly dashed towards for a punch to Akihiko's face.

Akihiko quickly dodged the punch by arching his back while still keeping his eye on his opponent,

His opponent began swinging his fist enhanced with mana but to the surprise of some of the onlookers Akihiko kept dodging him seemingly effortlessly.

All while the battle was going on some of the onlookers starts chatting.

"I know Akihiko's opponent isn't the strongest but I'm surprised he still dodged them really easily because all he do during academy hour is sleep and never even attends battle class"

"I'm actually not surprised"

"What do you mean"

"Look, to get to higher class you need not only a good result in the written part of the exam you also need to be good in the battle department,and he is now in the highest class probably about to pass in three years too"

"Oh yeah now that you mention it,he is a senior"

"Then does that mean he's a secret protagonist" stars in his eyes.

"You boy's shut up and no he's not the protagonist,the only protagonist is our handsome President" hearts in her eyes

"Okay enough chit chatting pay attention"

*Scene cuts to the battle*

"You can't dodge forever now watch this" said Akihiko's opponent as his body is surrounded by winds.

"Surprised that I'm able to use Wind reinforcement?"

"Not really" said Aki.

"Tch you will be now"

As he said that his opponent quickly in a blinding speed shoved his foot forward for a kick which Aki dodged and his opponent quickly back for a punch which Aki dodged again but this time Aki punched his opponent straight at his heart.

"Guagh" *looks like his soul went out* 

But Aki wasn't done,he held both foot of the now downed opponent and he began spinning him.

" What the hell aki you could've knocked him out" shouted Sakura.

"It's not fun,let me make him taste the wind more" as he kept spinning him and finally after many spins he suddenly let go of his foot making him tumbling through the ground.

"Too many openings,if you were me, dad would've killed you out of pure embarassment"


"Let's go Aki" shouted Sakura still happy that her best friend won.

"Main character development woooo" shouted the random dude from before.


We are now in the infirmary where we see Akihiko,Sakura and the president and several of the participants today talking to each other

"Congratulations Akihiko" said Sasuke with his usual stoic face.

"Thanks dude," said Akihiko to his other childhood friend.

"Still bumbed that you two were late for my match"said Sakura sad because her two childhood friends didn't watch her fight.

"Sorry Sakura tomorrow I'll make sure to watch you fight" said Sasuke which made Sakura blush.

"Eugh" Disgusted Akihiko.

"Anyway I'm not seeing your sister today didn't she participated today" said Akihiko

"She did but she already went home" replied Sasuke.

"Yeah she finished her match before you arrived in the arena" stated Sakura

"She crushed her opponent who's said to be the 6th most strongest person in Luminary Academy(name of the protagonist's Academy"

"Oh Ryuhei?" Said Akihiko

"Umino Ryuhei yes,his mastery in earth element wasn't enough for my sister's Wind and water" replied Sasuke.

"Man I wished the qualifiers is over now and also Man do I hope my opponent tomorrow will be a like today" said Akihiko not wanting to get hurt which is the sole reason he doesn't like fighting.

"I wish I get to fight you tomorrow because I want to see your full capabilities" said Sasuke which Aki quickly refuted "nope no nada nein i don't want to fight you"

"You pussy" said Sakura laughing.

While they kept bickering we cut to another scene.


"Bunch of fine warriors don't you think Alex?"

Said a whitish brown haire with brown eyes with bushy beard who is the professor of Luminary and one of the strongest person in the Entire world Hisashi hoshino.

"Yes old man,it seems the future of your Academy is looking to be Amazing" said the revealed Alexander Mercer,father of Akihiko.

"I'm was surprised to see Young Akihiko when I looked at the participants last week" said the professor.

"Yeah I was as well since he doesn't like fighting ever since he was young despite being natural at it" said Alex.

"Are you sure you didn't force him" said the professor.

"What do you think of me as old man,if I was the type to force my child then he would've already become the strongest person his age"Said Alex.

"Bwahaha you seem to have alot of confidence in your son young man" said the professor.

"Of course he's my son afterall,i know he can beat anyone" said Alex smiling proud of his son.

"Let's hope he doesn't fight my Grandson because he's sure to lose" said the professor smirking.

*Realisation hit Alexander as he remembered that the Professor's son who never attends the Academy for 3 years now due to being in the country's special forces at the young age of 14 years old*

"Wtf old man i just remembered he took part too and it's completely unfair for the other students" said Alex a bit angry that someone like that despite technically being a student of Luminary is taking part in the tournament.

"Language and he wanted to take part in it and i couldn't say no to my amazing grandson hahaha and i thought you said your son can beat anyone hahaha"

"Fuck you old man" said Alex


