5.Second qualifiers starts

"Poor guy got the wrong opponent" said our Protagonist who almost feel bad for the guy fighting Sasuke.

"Give up" said Sasuke.

"Never" as soon as he said that he was struck by lightning which put him down.


The crowd erupted due to Sasuke's dominant victory and his overall popularity.

"I was hoping he would get a stronger opponent" said the principal from the top of the stage where the Academy professor's sit there to watch the qualifiers.

The principal looked at the woman who stood near him with Bluish Black hair similar to the student president.

"What are you thinking there Akane" said the principal.

"Thinking about a certain someone... WHO'S CLEARLY WAY OUT OF HIS LEAGUE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE QUALIFIERS" Shouted the woman in anger due to the principal's grandson taking part in it.

"Calm down there miss Thunderous temper" said a bald man with a golden robe,

as soon as the man behind her said that a deep blue lightning quickly shot at him but the guy threw a paper which turned the lightning into nothing.

"Honey you really need to take anger management" said a brown haired green eyed woman with a seductive smile.

"And you need to mind your own business, I didn't forget about that day you tried to seduce the students" said Akane angry at her comment.

"What Miss Akane said is right though uncle...i mean professor" said a blue haired blue eyes petite girl.

"I told you it's fine to call me that wherever you are dear but wouldn't it be better for the students who see's that the boy their age is much more stronger than them, it'll make them want to be as strong" said the Principal.

The principal was talking to the 4 main professors of Luminary.

The one with hot temper is Akane Miyamoto, the mother of Sasuke.

The bald monk looking one is Kubo Daishi who just used what they call Seals or runes which is another source of power that can do things without the need for mana but now people use mana to write seals and use them.

The seductive brown haired woman is Yang Yuhuan who is a master at wind element.

While the cute Blue haired girl is Doria who is the strongest amongst all of them including even the the chief professor but not alot of people know how strong she is other than her close friends.

And then there's also the butler of the Chief professor Alfred who is also a professor.

"Don't believe what he just said,he only allowed it because his dear grandson asked him and he couldn't refuse" said the now arrived Alex.

"Haha" principal wryly laugh.


"Way to go Sasuke" said Sakura which earned her a nod from Sasuke "Now it's my turn let's see who my opponent is" said Sakura as she payed attention to who her apponent is going to be.



"Ah shit" slumped Sakura after finding out her opponent who turned out to be her crush's own sister who is the second most strongest student in Luminary.

"Buahahahaha you're fucked" laughed Akihiko

Aki quickly stopped his laughing fit because he felt bad and said,

"Well although I find it really funny know that I'm on your side so go break her leg" 

"You can do it Sakura" said Sasuke and then also said "And you too Sis" as he looked at one his sister who was behind them all this time.(they are watching the fight on a television near the entrance to the arena)

"I don't need your support" said Yuki as she entered the arena.

"Oh yeah I keep forgetting that your sister is the edgier one" recalled Akihiko

"Well here goes nothing I guess" said Sakura feeling discouraged despite the support from his friends.

Akihiko went towards her and held her shoulders,looked in her eyes and said,

"Look Sakura I'm not gonna pretend and tell you that you will surely win this but I'm gonna say this atleast,your chances of winning isn't 0 so no matter how bad the percentage is,there is still a chance got that?" Which made Sakura blush and just said.

"Thank you"


