7.Vs 6th Strongest

Seals or runes are another source of power that has the ability to grant humans unimaginable powers,the kind of powerful ability which can be done using mana but really hard or even thought to be possible,a seal practitioner can pull them off with little mana meanwhile doing that with just mana would either sucks them dry or outright kill a person.


This announcer was known other than one of the participants,Cedric who was bored so he took the mic.




"Sooo are we gonna have some dialogue before our fight?" Said Akihiko not knowing what to do.

"We fight?" replied Jin who was a short brown haired with brown eyes man with yellow monk like robe.

"So why aren't you attacking me?" Said Aki.

"Why aren't YOU attacking me?" Replied Jin really not understanding his academic mate.

"Ugh 😩 fine" as Aki said that he quickly run towards his opponent and Jin quickly re

acted by running towards him as well and before they traded blows Jin quickly wrote something in the air with his left finger which disappeared and suddenly A a huge fire ball appeared out of nowhere.

As soon as he saw that Akihiko quickly flashed left dodging the huge boulder and then went towards Jin for an attack but saw Jin smirks and suddenly before he could reach him *BOOM* The ground below him exploded with smokes everywhere around the arena.

But surprisingly Akihiko was in the air unharmed as he used his mana to for Armor against the explosion.

As he lands he said " I see you used the split second of me being blinded by your fire ball to quickly place a floor trap around you predicting that I would quickly dash towards you"

"Quiet Perceptive"said Jin.

"Ah yeah actually now that I think about it, that's about the only way for you to do that without me seeing it so it's not perceptive" said Aki.

"Fair enough" as he said that he rolled his sleeves to reveal some seals around his arm which started glowing.

"Hey is that even allowed,and i think you're trying too hard for an opponent who isn't even in the top 100 let alone the top 10 like you" said Akihiko not liking what his opponent was about to do.

"I know not to underestimate my opponent from watching the previous fight and also because I know who your father is" said Jin not wanting to underestimate the man in front of him.

"Oh come on,i forgot the principal is your dear old personal teacher" said Akihiko as he prepared for the on coming onslaught.

Jin felt the power that releasing his power runes gives him and as he they finished their little chat he starts to run around the arena and began writing something around the floor which Akihiko quickly noticed.

"Oh no you don't" he quickly rushed towards to stop him from doing what he thought he was doing and so they began trading blows at blinding speed.

"Didn't know Akihiko could run this fast" the crowd began talking about the display of speed that Akihiko showed meanwhile.

'Aki why are you messing around,i know what you are capable of' thought Sasuke watching the fight 'the only reason i pushed myself so hard is to not only become one of the strongest but surpass the person who have always beaten me before he suddenly started to become lazy' 


Aki delivered a kick to his opponents liver which he staggered but quickly recovered by healing himself using his mana which would take a good chunk of a person's mana but he did not use his mana to power himself unlike Akihiko.

"Using an already prepared enhancement rune,this has got to be forbidden" as Akihiko said that he dodged a flurrys of punches and kicks and all of this happened while still running around the arena which confirmed what he thought Jin was doing.

Akihiko pushed more of his mana as he dashed at Jin which shocked him because he could barely keep up with him despite his enhancement seal having reflects enhancer runes.

"Holy shit that's fast"

"It's even faster than even Sasuke was when he fought Cedric"

"He is either hurting his own body to enhance himself or he is actually strong enough to handle that much mana coursing through his body" said Cedric in the announcer stand which people heard because of him still being near the mic.


'Damn i know that teacher told me to absolutely not underestimate him but he actually this strong'.thought Jin as he was sent flying 'good thing I only need a few more words for plan' thought Jin.

As soon as another kick was was delivered which said Jin flying he quickly finished one of the words he wrote all the while tumbling through the arena.

'Done' as Jin smirks which put a frown.

"Now,this match over" said Jin as he wobbled still shocked that the person most people thought to be weak did so much damage to him despite using seal enhancement.

"I have to admit, you're really strong but now you can't do anything so forfeit the match or i would trigger the seal i wrote around the arena that would shoot countless elements towards you".

"Naaa I'm fine,i don't want get tortured for a month by my father which I will get if i lose now". Replied Akihiko.

"Then so be it" as he said that he wrote another rune in the air and the rune starts multiplying and began flying towards the several runes that Jin chan wrote while fighting.

As soon as they disappeared in those runes nothing happened for a good 2 seconds,then suddenly a small earthquake happened and the runes began to glow and suddenly lightning,fireballs,windblades and several large rocks formed and dashed towards Akihiko who to the shock of Jin chan didn't even show an ounce of panic or fear.

And as the those large amount of elemental projectiles neared Akihiko.

*Huge explosion which made a crack in the arena magic barrier but it instantly fixed itself and Jin chan who used every last bit of mana that he could to shield himself from the explosion but still got sent flying to the wall by his own move*

Some People began talking about how powerful it was how they were glad they didn't participate.

"Thank God i didn't participate"

"He won't need to use that if you did"

While they also wait to see what the outcome of the match was which to them seems pretty clear.

As the smoke clears everyone in the arena got silent at what they saw.

There he was Akihiko Michael Hirawa,with one arm forward with giant pinkish red rune in front of him and we can also see several runes written in that same arm that he used to hold the runes.

As the runes disappeared,Akihiko looked at Jin chan in the wall struggling to stand with looks of absolute of shock and some horror.



"When did you have the time to write a giant advanced level rune like that in your arm" said shocked not even questioning the fact that his opportunity knows how to write runes.

"Oh i wrote them while we were fighting" replied Akihiko to his opponents question.

"But that's impossible, there's no way you're able to write a rune while fighting me" said Jin chan not believing the truth in front of him.

"But you also wrote runes while we were fighting too" replied Akihiko.

"What I wrote was an intermediate level seal while you wrote an advanced level seal at such a young age all the while fighting and that fast as well, that's impossible" said Jin chan.

"It's not impossible,i just did it" replied Akihiko nonchalant.

Jin chan didn't know what to say anymore so he said,

"tch fine, someday I'll beat you and you can bet on that, CEDRIC I FORFIET ANNOUNCE THE WINNER"



"Heh took you long enough to get serious,I hope that if we ever fight in the tournament tomorrow or a month from now,you give me everything you got because i want to beat you in an official match" said Sasuke to himself ready to congratulate his friend.


"it seems my son destroyed your student Professor" said Alex smiling, happy that his son decided to actually get serious.

"It seems to be that way,but still an advanced level Runesmen at 17 and one with high level mastery at that,it seems your son has a great future" complimented the principal.

"Well my son can do whatever the fuck he wants,if the world was about to be destroyed and only he can save it but he decided not too because he wants to sleep than me and my wife will still support him" said Alex showing his love for his son.

"Are you sure he isn't adopted? And can I take him" Said one of the other professors,the seductive professor Yang Yuhuan.

"What do you mean adopted? He is my own blooded son and about making him your lover,you have to go through my wife" replied Alex.

"What is this talk about making him your boyfriend and why aren't you refusing" said Akane,Sasuke's mother.

"Hahaha" the principal laughs as the chapter ends.

