14.Akihiko vs Top.1



"It seems it's your student against mine in the first match professor" said Murak.

"It seems to be the case" replied The professor as he looked at Akihiko wanting to see his true capabilities since his display at the qualifiers.

"It seems like you expect something from that student and I heard he isn't even in the top 10 students" said Murak as he looked at Akihiko not sensing things that would insinuated that he is strong.

"Yes" said The professor which intrigued Murak and the other Kings and professors.

"I also heard he beat Zephys,the runaway brother of Zanis" asked King Murak.

"Yes he did and flawlessly at that which is why I want to see his true capabilities especially after he displayed his skill" said The Professor which further intrigued everyone near.

"Professor Hisashi, although Zephys is strong but I heard his brother has easily beat him everytime they fought which makes him bitter and jealous making him run away from his family" said the other King present Omen.

"Don't just assume things you don't know about King Omen" said as he didn't even look at Omen.

'who does he think he is,since the start he has been disrespectful to us' thought Omen angrily.

"King Belrion,you should really teach some of your people manners" said Omen.

"He can do anything he wants" said a man from behind them which revealed to be Alex the father of Akihiko which the Kings other than Omen nod their greetings.

"So Murak,you decided to make your student participate, thought you would make him take the King's trial" asked Akihiko which earned him a smile.

Omen looked at Alex not knowing who he is despite being a King allied with Luminary.

"I changed my mind after finding out that Professor Hisashi made his grandson take part in it" said Murak.

"I see"

"Who are you, it seems other than me,the other Kings recognises you even King Murak."

asked Omen not liking the fact that another person didn't even greet him with respect.

"I'm just a wondering man" said Alex as he looked at Omen which made him Shiver.


"I heard you beat my brother, I'm not impressed since he was a weakling" said Zanis.

Akihiko yawned and looked at Zanis and thought

'So this is Zephys's brother,i already don't like his attitude but I can also see that he doesn't actually mean what he said about Zephys...huh interesting'

as he looked at the black hair and blue eyed man in front of him.

"He wasn't weak" said Akihiko.

"Oh i forgot,you aren't even in the top 10 of your Academy so of course you think he's strong,i wanted to fight your professor's grandson or your Top 1 but oh well you'll do as a warm up"

As soon as Zanis said that he instantly appeared behind Akihiko and held up his finger in the back of his head with Mana ball spinning in the tip of his fingers.

As Zanis shot the mana sphere at his head, Akihiko disappeared and did the same thing he did, holding a mana sphere aimed at his head.

This made the crowd cheer.

[The kings]

Murak and the other Kings were shocked since they didn't expect something like that from Akihiko.

"It seems my student isn't the only obstacle in your grandson's victory" said Murak as he smiled at The professor.

"That young man has surprised me many times since the start of the qualifiers but I have my full confidence in my son" said the professor.

"I see,well that goes for me as well,he might've been underestimating him and got caught off guard but this will teach him something and that is not to underestimate anyone" said Murak.

While they were having their talk,Alex was concentrating on his son.

[Back to the fight]

The action of Akihiko made Zanis retreat and as he was away from Akihiko,he looked at him with shocked.

'how and when did he get behind me without me seeing, damnit'

"I underestimated you,i won't make the same mistake"

As Zanis said that he quickly appeared in front of Akihiko and quickly appeared above him with water now encircling his body and he quickly crashed down on Akihiko making a watery shockwave.

Akihiko dodged by stepping back but was quickly met with a fist which he barely dodged and they began trading blows which created shockwave after shockwave mixed with water.

Akihiko dodged his opponents punch and tried to do a judo slam buy Zanis turned mod air and delivered a knee which made Akihiko slide backwards.

'Thie person is alot stronger than anyone I've face before in the qualifiers,i can see why he beat Zephys' thought Aki as he traded blows with Zanis.

Suddenly Akihiko saw a huge water dragon which sent him flying backwards but quickly got his footing but his opponent wasn't letting breath for a second as he instantly appeared and Delivered a kick which he barely blocked but it still sent him flying sideways and this goes on for several seconds.

[Cut to different scene]

"It seems your student is having a hard time Professor" said Murak.

"It's obvious,when you compare a person who is eligible to become a King's Shield to an almost nobody" also commented Omen.

As they said that The professor looked to see Alex's reaction but he still had the same concentration.

[End scene]

"It seems you can't keep up anymore" said he he sent a barrage of water hounds which was destroyed by Akihiko.

"Not really" said Akihiko still hating the fact that he's even in the tournament.

'Damnit i wouldn't have to deal with this if I had lose back then but if I did that--fuck' as he thought that he decided to get serious.

"Enough warm up" Zanis said as his body is surrounded by more water but suddenly he was met with a kick to his stomach which sent him flying.

As he got his footing and clutch his stomach surprised that it hurt him and said,

"Why did you do that while i---"

But was quickly interrupted by a serious looking Akihiko which sends shivers down his spine.

Akihiko uppercut his opponent which sent him flying upwards and quickly appeared in front of him and delivered an Axe kick right in his mouth which sent him downwards.

Zanis slowly stoody up by was quickly met with a fist to the back of his head.

[Scene cut]

"What did you say before My lord?" Said The Professor while he got worried for his son deep down.

"I admit, he's really strong but Zanis hasn't even used 30% of his full strength" said Murak impressed.

[Scene end]

"Damnit" said Zanis as he saw another fist which made him angry.


As Zanis shouted a huge shockwave occured with his body now glowing blue and water dancing around him and seemingly coming out of the ground which made the Professor surprised.

Akihiko was sent backwards and as he looked at Zanis he sighed.

"You really aren't gonna make this easy for me do you?" Said Aki as he began using his wind as the air around him turned deep green which also shocked Murak.

"I wholeheartedly admit that you are not only strong but a worthy oppo---"

Zanis was quickly met with a fist which he barely dodged and they began trading blows once again which caused even more shockwave and seem to waver the high level mana barries as well.

'Damnit the guy I didn't expect to be strong is making me use more than half of my power' thought Zanis as he traded blows after blows with Akihiko.

'hmm this is the first time I've actually been hit clean' thought Akihiko as he began to know where the limit of his strength lies.

Water dragon clased with wind dragon as they punched each other which made the crowd go wild.

'damnit, it still isn't enough,more than 50% isn't enough,do i really have to use my full strength?' thought Zanis.

'this ammount is enough to destroy an entire City with ease but it's still not enough against a fucking----'


"hmmm?" Akihiko raised his eyebrows at the sudden outburst.

"You're a fucking nobody so why am I struggling this much"

[Scene cut]

"That boy" said King Murak as he looked at the misunderstood boy sadly.

[Scene end]

"Idk.....maybe you're weak?" Said Akihiko which made Zanis remember his step brother.

[Flashback time you can skip if you want]

"Zephys come on, let's fight" said a young Zanis.

"Alright" replied a young Zephys smirking.

*As they fought which ended in a draw as the two boys smiled together totally different from the older siblings*

"Zanis,stop playing with your brother and concentrate on your training"

"But father Zephys can train with us too?"

"No,i can't train both of you and stop playing with your brother you understand me"

"Why can't you, and there's no reason for you to do this,he is your son as well" cried Zanis.

"Do you want me to train you or not"


"Yes or no answer me" 


Young Zanis scared of getting rejected by his father went on to accept his father's proposal thinking that he would still disobey his father and play with his brother but that didn't happen as he slowly stopped talking to Zephys and as they grew older became arrogant and started mocking his brother but deep down he regretted his decision and hated his lack of courage in speaking to his brother which eventually drove away his brother and regretted even more so after finding out why his father did all that.

[Flashback end]

"Damn youuuu" shouted Zanis as he unknowingly enchanced his body to the max and appeared in front of Akihiko and punched him right in the face sending him flying.

Akihiko slowly got up and smirked.

"Heh i can tell, you used your full strength to punch me and I wonder why,why did you get angry when i called you weak" said Akihiko as he Instantly healed from his injury using his mana which Zanis didn't realise is something hard to do and mana consuming but the King's didn't miss it.

"Is it your brother because I heard you would mock him everytime before he left" said Akihiko which made Zanis angry and began attacking him which confirmed Akihiko's suspicion.

"It's not my fault that he left, it's that damn father of mine" said Zanis as he bombarded Akihiko with strikes and elemental attacks.

As Akihiko dodged and destroyed the water projectiles he said,

"I don't know the history of your family but what I know is that your brother hates you and you have yourself to blame" said Akihiko as he dodged several water cannons,water dragon's and an onslaught from his opponent.

"You bullies him"

"I did not"

"Then is your brother lying when he said that to me"

"FUCK YOU" as Zanis shouted,a huge vortex of water surrounded him.


"So you're saying that you're a coward" said Akihiko as he stood and stared at Zanis.

"I understand that you were kids back then but you seem to realise that what you did was wrong now so why not apologize?" Said Akihiko which made Zanis silent.

"See you're a coward, you could've apologized to your brother, although it wouldn't change the fact that your brother hates your family but it would remove the animosity between two brothers" 

"You call your brother weak but here you are getting angry at someone telling you the truth."

"Do you know why your brother was weak?,he had to deal with not only you but the bullshit of both your parents making him unable to concentrate on his own training which I can tell he does alone while he was with that family of yours" said Akihiko.

"SHUT UP!!!"As Zanis shouted in anger,two huge vortex of water shot towards him making the barrier crack.

[Scene cut]

"Damn this kids and what is that stupid kid doing making him that angry" said King Omen scared of losing after seeing the display of power which he wouldn't even admit to himself.

Suddenly a huge ammount of killer intent dropped on the area of the kinds making Omen kneel and the other kings grip the throne expecting that something like this would happen.

"Call my son stupid again and I'll end your entire country,innocents be damned" said Alex as he looked at Omen.

"No--now now Alex,eat some ice cream and forgive teh ignorant" said The professor which made Alex drop his Killer intent.

'damn despite being the strongest person in the peoples eyes,and having witness his power several times I'm still shocked at how strong this Man who most people doesn't even know is' thought The professor.

Meanwhile King Murak looked at Zanis sadly and knew the outcome of the battle, although he didn't like to admit it but this boy is much much stronger than his prized Student especially after finding who his father is.

The King of Luminary looked at Alex proudly with a smile on his face.

'Way to go son,no one calls my grandson stupid' thought King Belrion revealing to be the Father and grandfather of Alex and Akihiko.

"Anyways Doria,can you please make a barrier? it seems this year's students turned out to be stronger than we expected,we should've used more mana into making the barrier" asked the King to Doria who wasn't initially there but appeared in a swirl of water.

"Okay professor" as Doria said that she put her arm forward and water started appearing in the form of a barrier which earned her a surprised look except from the people of Luminary since they could sense how durable it is.

'interesting,even I don't think I'll be able to break that without using most of my powers' thought Murak while Omen just sat quiet scared of Alex.

"Now we don't have to worry about the barrier breaking again"

[Scene cut]


shouted Zanis as he kept sending out Vortex after vortex with no signs of mana exhaustion.

As he sensed the never-ending Vortex, Akihiko has had anough and said,

"Haaa, I hope you apologise to him after this match is over, he's in the crowd watching as well you know" said Akihiko as he used the most mana that he has ever used with deep green wind destroying all the on coming vortex's.

"Give me everything you got,your brother despite losing still destroyed his body by enhancing himself over the limit to fight me and I hope you,a person who thinks of himself as stronger does the same because that is not going to be enough to beat me" said Akihiko as Zanis got more angrier getting called weak once again.

"I'll SHOW YOU WHO'S WEAK" Said Zanis as he charged at Akihiko but to his utter surprise,he felt the sensation of a wall and as he looked to his side he saw that he was etched in the wall,the water barrier arriving near him to protect the wall from breaking removing him from the wall making him fall

Akihiko walked slowly and as Zanis saw this he got scared for the first time in a long time.

"DAMNIT!!!! " Shouted Zanid as he appeared in front of Akihiko and was about the punch him but in the corner of his eyes he saw Akihiko despite there being Another one standing in front of him.

*BANG!!!!* A loud bang rang as he was sent crashing to the now water reinforced wall.

Zanis's face now bruised and battered.

"Stand up, weakling"said Akihiko as his voice rang.

Zanis was barely able to stand up but suddenly a force held him in place and slowly picked him up in the air, bringing him in front of Akihiko kneeling.

"C'mon do it, enhance yourself to the point that your body breaks" said Akihiko as he looked at Zanis who just trembled in fear.

"DO IT" Said Akihiko with a low tone which seems to ring really loudly.

"DAMN YO----" suddenly a Akihiko held his mouth and slammed him to the floor destroying the Entire flooring and tossed him in front of him.

Zanis knew he can no longer go on but Akihiko's previous words about how his brother broke his body enhancing himself to fight struck him.

"I have never lost to my brother even when we were kids" said Zanis as he began to use every last bit of his mana to over-enhance himself for one final try.

His water element concentrating on his right arm.

"I WILL NEVER LOSE TO MY BROTHER" shouted Zanis as he flashed towards Akihiko delivering a punch that sent shockwaves but Akihiko used his wind element to block it sending him sliding far backwards.

"Good,now you and your brother is equal" as Akihiko said that Zanis collapse.

"I hope you apologise to your brother after this" as Akihiko said that,the Announcer shouted the winner which made the crowd go wild.

"It seems you already lost the bet King Murak" said The professor.

"It seems i lost the net but it was a bet between who's the strongest,your grandson or my student so i technically didn't lose so tuff luck" said Murak smiling which made The professor angry making the others except Omen laugh.

[Scene cut]

"Akihiko" said Ryu as he witnessed the power of the one he used to underestimate.

[Different scene]

"Aki,it seems you finally decided to truly fight,good I hope to fight you in the final" said Sasuke smiling while looking at his friend.

[Another different scene]

"Way to go Aki" shouted a pink haired girl from the audience earning a wave from Akihiko.

'Aki-dear' thought Akihiko's mother who was with Sakura worried about her son as she knew how much her son hated fighting.

[Scene end]


Oof this was long and i totally forgot to write water element in the elements note lol.

Anyway tata!!!!