15.Tournament and new Demi God.


After the match between Akihiko and Zanis ended the other fighters faced each other as well.

[Sasuke Vs Roxie]

The crowd the whole time was hitting on Sasuke from the crowd making a pink haired girl angry.


Roxie is a green haired girl who uses wind element and is one of the strongest in 

We see Sasuke in between Several tornadoes made by his opponent concentrating and as he sensed the location of Roxie who was hiding inside the tornadoes he took out his sword and cut the air which created a crescent shaped mana hitting Roxie which sent her flying.

As Roxie wobbled in her feet a sudden kick was delivered in her liver by Sasuke making her kneel.

"Give up" said Sasuke.

"No...never if I do that----" 

"I forfeit" Roxie was about to say something but quickly held back and forfeited the match which made Sasuke curious.


[Ryu's match]

We see a pink haired girl flying through the air crashing to the wall but quickly got up and with a crazed look,she charged towards Ryu who appeared behind her and chopped her neck making her lose her consciousness.



"I'll have to say it again,this year's fighters are amazing" said The professor.

"Mmmm" agreed the kings and professors.

"Lord Oga,it seems it's your student vs my own prized fighter" said Omen looking as creepy as ever.

"It seems to be the case" replied Oga.

[Enzo vs Celica]

Enzo a silver haired brown eyed man faced a Red haired girl in dreads and dark skin with white lipstick holding a huge scarlet hammer.

Seeing this,Enzo took out too daggers and quickly appeared beside Celica as he tried to cut her neck but Celica was able to block with the handle of her hammer.

The two fighters began trading trading blows but it was evident that Enzo was stronger as he was stronger as he was much faster than Celica who is a defensive hard hitter.

Celica sensing this,she smirked and used her Earth Element to mess up the arena to slow down her opponent from running straight at her.

'tch,she messed up the arena,i can't run or I might trip and I can't jump at her at fast speed without jumping really high because of rock walls blocking the way'

Celica smirked and began controlling earth to fight her opponent.

Enzo Dodge rock projectiles and blitz around rock walls to deliver a blow but suddenly more rock walls appeared around her hiding her from him and as he quickly searched for her,he sensed something above him and as he looks it was a huge boulder which easily cut in half but more began appearing out of thin air and as he dodged and sliced the boulder, he forgot about his opponent who was behind him.

Enzo sensing something behind turned back but was too late as he suffered a hammer blow from Celica sending him flying.

As he slowly got he he sensed another object above him so he dodged but quickly sensed another object on his side which he barely dodged revealing to be Celica.

But as Celica was about to strike him again she was sent backwards sliding from a kick and his opponent began appearing everywhere cutting her in several places.

'damn, he's too fast' thought Celica as she couldn't react fast enough to him and her obstacles wasn't doing anything since he was too fast so he was instantly able to move around them.

'well let me try this' thought Celica as she conjured a huge meteor and big enough to barely fit in the arena outside of the barrier and sent it down and Professor Doria decided that it's not illegan and opened the barrier and instead created a water barrier to cover the audience and the Arena so that it wouldn't be distroyed by the meteor.

Seeing this Enzo looked up and charged his mana and in struck the air above him countless times which shot out several mana slashes which completely destroyed the Meteor and quickly appeared behind Celica with his dagger aimed at her neck.

"Surrender" said Enzo.

"I give up" said Celica as she knew she couldn't beat him.



"King oga,It seems you already lost 2 of your candidate and it's basically 3 since 2 of your students are unlucky enough to face each other" said Omen smirking at Oga happy at the outcome.

"Well who knows King Omen,the winner of the tournament can't be decided with just the prelims" replied Oga.

"I like your optimism haha" laughed Omen.

[Yuuki beats dextra of Xestria of Avalon Academy.

Yan of Xestria defeats Natalya of Nyxshire making Omen angry.

Thorne of Xestria also defeats Dirak of Nyxshire making Omen more angry as he just lost 3 of his fighters]



The crowd erupted as several girls for Lowen who they find handsome much like Sasuke.

"Man, I had to face you in my first match" said Max angry.

Max is a short blonde haired boy with a short stature wearing a grown glove and dirty electrician esque attire.

"Haha,your bad luck is always amazing to see" laughed Lowen who was a handsome Purple haired man.

"Damnit" said Max as he got ready.

Max dashed towards Lowen who smiled at the short boy and easily blocked and reflects his attacks to hit himself.

"Concentrate and keep calm little brother, don't just rush" said Lowen smiling the whole time.

Max would disappear and appear behind for a kick but Lowen would casually block and this would go on for a good minute with it basically looking like a teacher teach student session.

"You have grown stronger since a month ago Max,keep that up and you'll have the girlfriend that you always wanted haha" laughed Lowen.

"Fuck you" as Max said that he suddenly felt something in his eyes and he could see how Lowen would counter if he attacks him in a specific way so by instinct he utilised the weird stuff he saw and managed to kick him in his chess by feighing a strike.

"Wow color me impressed Max, you're the first person in our academy to hit me in several months granted Ming wasn't in the academy.

"Wha---how" Max was shocked.

"What's wrong Max?" Asked as he saw Max's shocked face.

But Lowen quickly got his answer as he decided to check what's wrong with him and checked his mana and saw something that made him smile.

"Well look at that Max, you're a God now" said Lowen as he held his shoulder really happy that his little brother has such potential.

"Wh-----WHAT!!!!!" Shouted Max.

'From the orphanage to now,you have grown so much brother's thought Lowen happily.

"Now Max since you're a Demi-God let's test your strength,give me everything you got" said Lowen as he moved far from him and got into a battle stance.

"Ah yes,okay" said Max as he got into a stance and as he channeled his mana to his body he found out that his mana has gotten a lot potent with golden mana along with it and also felt his body grow alot stronger.

As soon as he decided to strike Lowen,he saw himself instantly appear in front of Lowen causing a huge shockwave behind him,meeting a smiling Lowen which Lowen dodged making him crash to the ground.

"Well look at that strong guy,now go on get used to your boys" said Lowen.

For a few minutes Max would fight or try to hit Lowen and Lowen decided that he has gotten used to his new power now so he go serious and began beating the crap out of Lowen who despite being awakened as a Demi-God wasn't able to do anything and he wasn't fast enough to use his strange foresight.

After a while of getting beaten Max decided to finally give up.

"I give up.....you could've held back you know"

Said Max

"What's the fun in that and also what's your additional powers" asked Lowen.

"A can see a few seconds into the future" said Max.

"Oho look at that, Descendent of the great Heimdall" smiled Lowen brightly.

"Who's that"

