16. Resilience


The crowd erupted in cheers.

"It's a pleasure to watch this amazing tournament with all of you" Said King Oga.

"Likewise King Oga" replied Murak which made Oga,the professor and King Belrion smile.

'maybe we can truly finally squash this Animosity between us' thought the professor.


'Enzo,you better not disappoint me' thought Omen as he thought of what he said to Omen.


"You 3 disappoint me,how dare you make me and my Kingdom look bad in front of the other Kings" shouted Omen towards 3 of his fighters who lost their 1st match making them look down.

"And you Enzo,you better not lose the

tournament or you know what will happen right" said as he looked at Enzo closely.

"Yes my lord" said Enzo as he looked firm and confident compared to the other 3.

"Good" said Omen as he left.

As omen left,Roxie knelt and cried with Natalya comforting her.

Natalya is a woman with green haire with brown roots showing that it's dyed.

"Bestie cheer up,we still have Enzo" said Natalya trying to cheer her up,while Dirak in the corner looked down despite being a big statured man,he was as sad and scared as his other comrades.

Dirak is a brown haired tall man with his right arm completely scared.

"BUT WHAT IF HE DOESN'T WIN!!!!" Shouted Roxie crying.

"That monster will ruin our lives and we can't do anything because we're too weak to do anything to him" said Roxie.

"Roxie,trust me alright, I'll win this and everything will be alright" Said Enzo,but deep down he doesn't have the confidence after witnessing the power's of the other fighters despite him being the strongest in his Academy,he knew that he was outclassed.

'i know that I'll probably never win and that fact makes me want to end it all right here right now but I still have to try, for me,my friends and every other people that will be involved if i lose this' thought Enzo.

"Natalya take her in your room and Roxie,trust me alright" said Enzo.

"Mmm" agreed Roxie as she left the room.

After they left

"You're gonna lose" said Dirak firmly.

"I know" replied Enzo, voice about to break.

"What do we do,we can't even tell the other kings or their fighters,if we do and they find out,you know what will happen" said Dirak.

"I-i don't know,i really don't know" answered Enzo.

[Flashback end]




As soon as the match starts Enzo rushed towards Ryu and began attacking him.

'i have to win this no matter what' 

Ryu would instantly use full power knowing that he needs everything for his opponent unlike his previous match.

And as Ryu used everything he has, shockwave after shockwaves occured as he attacked Ryu with everything he has.

'this guy is strong,but why isn't he using his elements,it doesn't seem like he's underestimating me' thought as he blocked and dodged the onslaught occasionally getting hit and hitting back more.

Every one hit Ryu took,he gave back 3times that.

'he is the strongest one I've faced yet making me use this much money,but why not use elements before he runs out of mana' thought Ryu so he asked.

"Why aren't you using your element" asked Ryu as they traded blows but Enzo didn't reply as he kept attacking.

'not answering or listening? Let me make you listen if that's the case' thought Ryu as he channeled more mana into his Wind element and punched Enzo in the stomach making a loud boom sound sending Enzo flying.

As Enzo stood up wobbling and stared at Ryu,his opponent said.

"You actually made me use exactly 50% of my full potential, I'm impressed afterall I'm stronger than some of the professor's in the world including our own professors" said Ryu.

"Now, I'll say it again,why aren't you using your element,are you looking down on me" said Ryu.

"It's none of your business" said Enzo as he began attacking Ryu but this time,he couldn't even hit him as Ryu was a lot stronger after using enhancing himself more.

"If you don't use your element,you won't have even a slight chance of winning" said Ryu as he kicked Enzo.

"Don't tell me what to do" shouted as he tried punching Ryu but got sent flying crashing to the wall.

"Then just give up if you aren't even trying your hardest, it seems to me like you aren't treating this match seriously" said Ryu.

"Y--you talk.... too much,I hate people like you who has all the talent and the big family to help you get stronger and talk to others like they don't work hard enough,so what if I don't have an element a big family to help me get stronger or some devine blood in me... I'LL STILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU" Shouted Enzo as he suddenly disappeared and Kicked a Shocked Ryu who barely blocked but still got sent flying.

As Enzo kept relentlessly attacking him his mana bursting out of his body compared to the normal blue hue,he thought.

'damn,is this guy suicidal, he's gonna kill himself and no elements?' thought Ryu shocked.

'i need to quickly end this or he'll die from mana burst' thought Ryu as he channeled more mana than he ever did for a long time and Struck him with a fist that has a deep green wind dragon encasing it.

As Enzo was struck he crashed to the wall but to Ryu and the others surprise,Enzo wobbled to his feet and rushed towards Ryu albeit a lot slower.

"STOP YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF!!!" Shouted Ryu as he used his Wind to hold him still.

"AAARRRRHHHHH!!!!!!" Shouted Enzo breaking free and instantly appeared in front of Ryu which shocked him as he got punched due to his shock sending him sliding back while Enzo knelt to the ground his body not able to handle it.

"I-----will---- not----- lose" said Enzo as he walked slowly to the still shocked Ryu but collapse in front of Ryu.


Ryu was still shocked that Enzo was able to break free of his Wind despite his body being broken from mana burst.

'in fact he should've collapsed after his overexertion' thought Ryu as he left the arena.

[Scene cut to Professors]

"It seems you have no more fighters left King Omen" said The professor.

"But I have to say,that student of yours is amazing and his resilience is outstanding,you have a great treasure there,to get that strong without elements boosting your speed and I've never heard of anyone being born without elements, that's something to be talked about after this tournament" said Oga.

"Of course, that's my prized student after all" said Omen smiling.

Omen put up a happy face but deep down he was livid.

'You'll get your reward real soon' thought Omen.

[Scene cut to Akihiko]

"Sheeesh,talk about resilient" said Akihiko.

"It seems we'll be fighting today" said Yuuki as she sat besides him.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah it seems to be the case and where's your brother" replied Akihiko.

"He's with mother" replied Yuuki.

"I seeeee" said Akihiko not knowing what to say anymore.

"I've thought about about what you said about me and my brother" said Yuuki.

"Oh color me impressed miss Yuuki" replied Akihiko happy that she actually listened.


"I'll talk to him after the tournament" said Yuuki.

"Nice, now you u can be less Broody and actually be friends with Sakura who btw has tried being your friend since we were kids,oh poor little Sakura kept getting rejected" said Akihiko faking a tear.

Yuuki just sigh deeply while looking at Akihiko and smiling slightly.

"You better not hold back on me when we fight" said yuuki.

