17.Quarter finals continues

"This tournament has been absolutely amazing so far, don't you think Lord Belrion" asked The professor.

"You're right, I'm happy knowing that the future of our Kingdoms has such great warriors to lead us,but...some can fall and we should not forget that" Said Belrion.

"Mmmm" agreed The professor.

"We ourselves should treat our warriors with respect despite being Kings,if one falls,it could lead to the whole Kingdom's downfall like it has happened in the past" added Murak.

They were silent until the fighters appeared in the stage.

"It seems it's your student against mine lord Oga" said Murak.

"Yeah,let's see who's student is better" said oga confident in his last remaining student.



Thorne is a brown haired yellow eyed 5ft 4 teen with round glasses holding what seems to be a pretty big sword made of bones.

As soon as the match starts Lowen quickly dodged a scarlet beam aimed at his head casually but tilting his head.

"I thought you were holding a sword but it turns out to be gun, interesting and it's made of bones too" said Lowen.

"It can be a sword too if you want" said Thorne smiling.

"Truly interesting,what bone is that even or is it just for design" asked Lowen.

"It's mine" Thorne appeared in front of Lowen saying that while swinging his gun/sword at his neck.

Lowen dodged and said "aiming for my neck, Are you sent by Ming?" Asked Lowen jokingly as he dodged attacks from Thorne.

"Heh,i don't even know who that is" replied Thorne while fighting with Lowen.

"It's good that you don't know him, he's a bit of a bitch and a sore loser too" said Lowen smiling as he kicked Thorne sending him sliding backwards and quickly appearing in front of him but suddenly red flame walls appeared in front of him making Lowen quickly Dodge backwards and suddenly turned around to grab a leg aimed at his head but quickly released it and retreated backwards,a scarlet beam barely missing his head.

"Um, you could've taken your foot off with that you know?" Said Lowen.

"But i didn't" smiled Thorne as he appeared in front of Lowen and they began trading blows.

'this guy is surprisingly strong,he can keep calm and knows how to use his gun/sword really well, he's stronger than Max that's for sure' as Lowen talked to himself,he suddenly got startled and dodged a huge red beam.

"Damn,are you an assassin because I'm pretty sure you're trying to kill me" said Lowen as he appeared beside Thorne and gave him his receipt by kicking his arm and sending him flying sideways.

"Ahh fuck, atleast tell me that I made you use atleast 50% of your full power" said Thorne as holding his arm.

"Around 34%" answered Lowen.

"Damn,well let's do this I guess" said Thorne as he is shrouded by a second stage red flame and began attacking his opponent.

As Thorne was attacking him,Lowen smiled and used his element which he hadn't shown before.

His flame turned yellow then red and finally blue shocking some of the kings.

As Lowen unleashed his fire,his opponent shot a red beam towards him which was deflected by a swing of his wrist as blue flame collided with red flame.

And suddenly appeared in front of Throne at speed which wasn't even seen in Ryu,Sasuke or Akihiko smilling as he put his palm in his chest and struck him with his blue flame point blank making his pass out.


"Blue flame huh? At that age too,this generation keeps surprising me" said The professor.

"Brother I know you are questioning if your Grandson can win this bwahahah" said Oga which made the other King Murak and Belrion smile at the two brothers antics.

[In the audience]

"Tsk tsk tsk,how can you even lose to that weakling little brother" smiled a mysterious person with a tanned blonde haired man with one single red eye with the other being a blue eye.

"You couldn't even make him go at you with full power,such a disappointment but you're my little brother so I can't keep getting angry at you for losing to a weakling,oh well" said the mysterious person as he disappeared with people not even reacting to his sudden disappearance.


The crowd cheered



"Look at that,same hair color as you Doria" said The professor to the Professor Doria seeing that Yan has the same color which also intrigued Murak since it was too similar.

While Doria looked at Yan Murak thought.

' they're so similar and the fact that both of them were orphans is strange'


As soon as the announcer started the match Sasuke with a Katana and Yan with an all blue sword rushed at each other.

As they traded blows,both fighters began using more of their powers as Sasuke was coated with lightning while Yan was coated with water and to the slight surprise of Sasuke,wind element as well.

"You're strong, I'm honoured to face the No.1 of Luminary" said Yan as they traded but we can see that Yan was struggling slightly.

"I'm honoured to face you as well but I'm not the strongest in Luminary unless I beat my best friend" said Sasuke.

Yan more or less knew who he meant by Best friend having been in the same waiting room and he was also curious about something although he could guess by the best friends personality but wanted to ask.

"I'm curious--" said Yan as he got sent sliding back but quickly rushed towards Sasuke.

"I'm curious,he isn't even I'm the top 10 despite being that strong and from what you say,he seems like he is as strong if not stronger than you,why is that" asked Yan as they kept fighting while Yan slowly pushed himself to his peak.

Sasuke while dodging wind slashes,water bullets, wind dragons and water dragon's said,

"He's Lazy and that's all there is to it,he wasn't always like this though" said Sasuke as he kicked Yan sending him sliding back once again but quickly shot out several deep blue Lightning hounds along with 2 giant lightning Dragons.

Seeing this ,Yan gritted his teeth and made and giant shield which was combined together and blocked the attacks but he was still pushed back a few meters.

'to be able to control both elements that well together,it might not be as easy as i thought' thought Sasuke.

Sasuke quickly dashed and slashed the shield which caused a shockwave full of wind water and lightning as the shield breaks but Sasuke wasn't letting Yan breath as he kicked him in the abdomen with his right leg and immediately tried to knee him using his right knee but Yan used his wind to push his knee back and immediately tried to slash him with his sword while Sasuke is unbalanced but he blocked it which made Yan to retreat.

'good at fighting too' thought Sasuke.

Sasuke enchanced himself more and appeared in front of Yan and tried to finish it but a huge gust of wind pushed him back and as he looked he saw that Yan has evolved his wind to the 2 stage.

'damnit so many fighters awakening to the 2nd stage while I've been stuck with the 2nd stage of lightning for 2 years now' thought Sasuke.

'even Akihiko has evolved his wind in the 3rd stage' 

Sasuke quickly dashed towards Yan and began sword their sword fights which caused shockwaves of green wind,water and lightning.

'he's gotten faster and more fluid,a trait of Wind elementalist' thought Sasuke.

[Cut to the kings and professors]

"Despite using one element and fighting an opponent that uses two elements really well, he's still going toe to toe with him" said Ruork who's the professor of Avalon.

"Sasuke is afterall the no.1 student in Luminary Academy" said The professor as he watched the sword fights.

"That boy Yan as well,to be able to use 2 elements that well,you have an amazing set of students Lord Murak" said The professor.

"Yan is the heart of our Academy despite Zanis being the no.1 he's personality is a bit to consider" said Murak.

While they were talking Doria was looking at Yan intently.

'could he be my family' thought Doria as she felt a connection.

[Scene cut]

Sasuke sent Yan flying making him tumble to the ground and Sasuke can also be seen visibly panting as well.

As Yan stood up he stared at Sasuke who was slowly walking towards him.

'i have a chance now that I got the 2nd stage' 

' i need to finish this in one blow else I'll lose my mana ' thought Yan as he enhanced his mana to the max and powered up his 2 elements as far as he could and readied his sword.

Sasuke seeing this instantly appeared to attack but Yan was protected by a water wall.

'it seems I need more power' thought Sasuke as he channeled more power and slashed the water barrier making a loud sound but he was too late as Yan finished charging his final wind attack.

Yan quickly slashed towards Sasuke as their sword clashed creating another shockwave.

'this person is without a doubt strong,but having able to use 2 elements won't be enough to beat me' thought Sasuke as he channeled more power than he ever did since the qualifiers creating a several long stream of lightning.

'so strong' thought Yan as he finally got overpowered.


"It seems all my fighters are eliminated now but I'm happy that my fighter not only displayed amazing performance but even got stronger" said Murak visibly happy that the future of his Kingdom is bright.

'all my fighters has learned something today and they even got stronger' 

'Even Zanis has made up with his brother' thought Murak as he remembered Zanis apologizing to Zephys and getting a punch with the two of them laughing in the end.

Murak laughs slightly as the chapter ends.

