18.Akihiko vs Yuuki


"Don't you dare hold back on me" said Yuuki as she took out a black two sided spear out of nowhere and coated it in lightning.

"Haaaa, alright alright" replied Akihiko as he appeared in front of Yuuki and delivered a side kick which she blocked using her spear but slid back.

As she slid,a giant deep green tiger lunged at her which she used her Lightning to send out a lightning beam at the Wind construct barely destroying it and as soon as she did that she quickly arched her body backwards to dodge a kick from Akihiko and as the fights goes on several People were talking about them.

[Scene cut to the Kings and Professors]

"Professor this match will determine who your grandson will face,i know your grandson is strong but what about the winner of this match" asked Murak.

"Yuuki and Akihiko are strong but compared to my grandson,they will of course lose bwahaha" said The professor laughing loudly which made Omen uncomfortable.

"You are really confident in your grandson do you" said Murak chuckling.

[Scene cut to Sasuke who was in his personal room which the fighters get when they entered the tournament but they can also choose to leave home if they want]

"Would I be able to win this tournament?" Said Sasuke to himself.

Ever since his fight with Yan,Sasuke has felt that he isn't strong enough to beat not just Akihiko but both Ryu and Magna TERRA'S no.1 fighter.

"Even that fighter named Lowen,he hasn't even shown most of his potential"

'Akihiko and Ryu with a third stage wind element and that Lowen guy also has a third stage blue flame' thought Sasuke.

"Can I win this" as Sasuke said that to himself,his mother entered the room.

"Son, congratulations on the win" said Akane.

"Do you even care about Yuuki" said Sasuke out of nowhere due to his mental mindset not being in the right place due to his fight.


"Yuuki,my sister and your daughter,do you care about her" said Sasuke.

"Of course I---" 

"No you don't care about her,ever since we were little you only paid attention to me because "I had more potential" and completely ignored Yuuki and gave her training to some random clan tutor while you personally trained me" said Sasuke angrily.

"But I had to because you were improving at a really fast rate and you couldn't control yourself so I had to be there for you" answered Yuuki.

"And you couldn't do the same for Yuuki or atleast gave her the attention she wanted"

"Your actions led her to hate her own family,I've been try----" Sasuke was interrupted by a huge boom and as he looked at the television where his sister and best friend were fighting,he could see something which shocked him.

[Cut to fight]


"Well look at that Yuuki,you just surpassed the person which you always compete against, congratulations" said Akihiko smiling.

"I---" but suddenly Akihiko sent her flying by punching her face and as Yuuki got her footing she was met with kick in her chest making her crash to the wall.

And as she looked forward while wobbling she saw Akihiko in a serious face, something she has seen before making her shiver in fear.

Akihiko sent several deep green Dragons as Yuuki did the same,bothe Elemental dragons clashed causing a huge shockwave.

But Akihiko wasn't even stopping as he began attacking Yuuki with powerful strikes which she knew that if he managed to hit her,she probably would not get up ,making her use her full power at once as they fought each other.

"You are unnaturally quiet" said Yuuki.

As she got sent sliding backwards Akihiko said,

"You told me to get serious" as Akihiko said that he appeared in front of Yuuki and tried to punch her but Yuuki barely Dodge by dashing backwards but Akihiko instantly appeared in front of her again and delivered a punch to her gut but moved through the pain and used her lightning to strike Akihiko as soon as he punched her.

Akihiko got stunned and using the opportunity,she swung her spear at Akihiko as a huge beam of Black lightning struck him.

As Yuuki retreated back and looked at the smoke to see if she had put down Akihiko but to her surprise,Akihiko was standing there with abit burnt battle suit while his entire body was releasing smokes.

'it seems I won't be able to win the tournament' thought Yuuki smiling still happy that she knew that she has grown alot stronger.

'but it doesn't mean I'll give up' thought Yuuki as she channeled her mana beyond her limits and began attacking Akihiko.

Akihiko dodged every last one of her slashes but didn't attack back as he looked at Yuuki's concentrated face and smiled.

"You did well Yuuki"

"Hmm?" As she reacted to his comment she suddenly blacked out as a huge deep green dragon that she didn't know was above her struck her.


"Hahaha,look at that the daughter you neglected because she "wasn't strong enough" has evolved her Lightning element to the third stage" laughed Sasuke as looked at the result of the final match of the quarter finals further doubting himself.

"You know mother" as the now down casted mother looked at her son.

"Forget about beating Ryu or Akihiko,i don't think I'm strong enough to beat Lowen bright" said Sasuke as he looked at his and held made a fist which released deep blue lightning.

Akane just stared at her son and looked at her daughter getting carried to the infirmary then looked at her son again and left the room without saying anything.

"FUCK!!!!" Sasuke shouted angry and stressed as he punched the wall making it crack but it quickly repaired itself.

[Cut to the Professors]

"So tomorrow's the final day of the tournament,the day of the semi finals and the grand finale" said Oga.

"Mmm" everyone agreed.

"It has been amazing so far and although I wanted to say it after the tournament, I'll say it in advance,Lord Murak I hope our Kingdom can finally be good friends and maybe even more" said Belrion,the usual quiet king of Luminary.

"I agree Lord Belrion,our Kingdom has wasted too many lives, it's time to finally squash this Animosity between us" answered Murak.

"Did you forget about me Murak, I want to be friends with the great Kingdom of Xestria as well" said Oga.

"Of course, hahaha" as the three kings bonded Omen looked at Murak and thought.

'Although i don't lik my father and his constant thought about peace,i still can't forget that you people killed him,soon I'll have my revenge Murak'

[Cut to Akihiko]

As Akihiko entered the lounge he saw his mother and father smiling at him.

"I'm so proud of you son" said Saki as she held her son's face.

"Same here kiddo and no that even if you lose to Ryu tomorrow,i won't punish you by forcefully training you haha" laughed Alex.

This revelation made Akihiko really happy as he can finally laze around for a whole month but deep down he thought of something different.

'why aren't i as happy as I would've been a few days ago' 

