
"umm....did I go overboard"

" *Sigh* yes,yes you did " replied Akihiko's father.

"Announcer, Aren't you gonna announce the winner?" Said Alex.


[Scene cut to the kings and professors]

"Oh my"

"It seems Ryu lost brother" said Oga.

".....I know he's Alex's Son but to think that he was that strong"

"Mmmm it's amazing, being able to use every element all at once" said King Murak as he looked at the scene below them with the broken water barrier and the destroyed arena.

"Doria dear,you alright?" Asked The Professor.

"Ah yes professor,I'm fine" said Doria as she looked at Akihiko.

"What's on your mine Doria"

"I'm just shocked,he was able to completely destroy my barrier and he doesn't even have a God energy powering him" answered Doria.

"I see but you didn't even use that much power to create that barrier so just think nothing of it,besides he's Alex's son" said the Professor.

Suddenly Alex appeared besides them and looked at The professor with an huge grin making professor roll his eyes knowing what was coming.

"My son beat your Grandson" said Alex as he looked at The professor.

"Yeah yeah"

"What's that I'm tasting,is it bitterness"

"Fuck off"

"my son beat the infamous grandson of The greatest professor Hisashi Hoshino" laughed Alex.

"Ouch" said the other Professors.

"No offence"

"It's fine, Professor Hisashi is afterall truly one of if not the greatest professor in history" said Florentino who's the chief professor of Nyx Academy of Nyxshire,he has brown hair and brown beard and looks like a cowboy.

"I agree as well" Said Ruork who's the chief professor of Avalon Academy of Xestria.

"Look at that Professor,it seems you have fans"

"Hohoho it's obvious, afterall I AM amazing" laughed The professor out loud which made the others sweatdrop.

"And that son of yours, to be that strong at that age is unbelievable" said Florentino.

"Mmmm he truly takes after his father" said Oga.

"Mmm" Alex as he looked at his son and then the King of Luminary who has a smile on his face he smiled and said,

"He is my son afterall" smiled Alex.

"Tch,my grandson will not lose to him next time if they fought again" 

"He's lost his chance at beating him professor,i was shocked as well you know"

"Hmm, shocked? Don't you check up on him"

"I did but he stopped training for a few years now and he didn't show me much when we were training for the tournament so it surprised me that he was that strong" said Alex as the others looked at him.

"It's probably either he has trained secretly or he was already this strong a few years ago.....when he was 12" as he said this they were all shocked.

'thats bullshit,a 12 year old strong enough to destroy a kingdom? all i see is a bragging father' thought Owen while the other's had the opposite thought as they knew that Alex is not lying.

"If you're thinking if I'm the descendant of Musashi than quickly scratch that thought, im not,on the contrary I know who the descendant of Musashi is"



"Mom i can eat it on my own"


"Now eat this sandwich that I made for you"

"Ummm,am i interrupting" said Sasuke as the both looked at him.

"Oh, Sasuke,nono come here and sit with us".Sasuke entered the infirmary and looked at the person he sensed coming in which was revealed to be Sakura.

"Ah sasuke you arrived before me,we could've gone together you know"

" Anyway You were amazing Aki and congratulations on beating the professors grandson who we thought would be invincible!!! and it seems you finally decided to go all out,good for you and Sasuke because i know he would be mad if he fought the lazy you" said Sakura as he congratulated Akihiko.

"He's right about that and congratulations Aki but I'm here not only to congratulate you,but to ask you to not hold back on me...please" said Sasuke.

"Fine,if you really want to get beat up"

"Are you sure you're not a masochist?,Sakura write it down" said Akihiko which made them blush while looking at each other knowing what he was insinuating.

"Hmmm? Wait you didn't tell me anything,when did it happen" said Akihiko knowing what was happening.

"When he fought Lowen bright,i went to visit him and i listened to what you said back then"

Said Sakura as she blushed while looking down.

"Oh my congratulations both of you now come here both of you finish the sandwich that my son won't finish,let me feed you"

"No mam" shouted both as Saki laughed.

[Slight time skip to the final tournament match and we can see the arena is back to how it was before,showing no signs of being destroyed before]




As the announcer said that Akihiko and Sasuke came into the arena and looked upwards at the kings and got into position.


"Aki can you give me a couple of seconds?" 

"Go on" said Akihiko as he could guess what he's about to do having seen his match against Lowen not so bright.

"Thanks" said Sasuke as he closed his eyes and called Musashi and as he had hoped,he was in an all white room and as he looked forward he saw Musashi.

"You can use my mana"

"I didn't even ask"

"I know you want my strength to beat the son of that person and I'll allow it so don't lose because I don't like losing especially to that person"

"Thank you,but I want to ask you a few questions"


"How can you make me more powerful when you're not a God to give me a boon and if you're alive where are you now"

"Who says I can't, I'm Miyamoto Musashi and for where I am you'll know when the time arrives now go"

Sasuke was kicked out of the weird plane of existence and as he arrived in the real world a huge pillar of mana shot up similar to his previous one and he could feel the huge power flowing through him.

"I'd take that as you're ready" said Akihiko as he Instantly appeared in front of Sasuke as both lock their wrist together causing a huge shockwave.

"Not wasting anytime i see,why don't we go all out and finish the match quick" said Sasuke as he smirked and used channeled to his mana to his full capabilities as black lightning danced around him.

"Heh" smirked Akihiko as all water,earth, fire lightning(first stage) and deep green wind danced around him as well causing as huge unending shockwaves while they still had their wrist locked with each other.

Both smirked and began attacking at almost invisible speed and everytime their attacks connected,it would cause even more shockwave.

Aki and Sasuke would appear in several places at once looking like they cloned themselves to the untrained eyes even with the enhanced glasses, sending a huge shockwave occured as Sasuke was quickly sent sliding bakc by a kick which made his arm vibrate from the hit.

Akihiko didn't let him stand still as he began attacking Sasuke,first with a kick which he followed with another kick while still in the air and instantly appeared above Sasuke and dropped an axe kick which was blocked by Sasuke with his two arms crossed in axe while his feet was embedded in the ground.

Akihiko appeared in front of him to punch his face but Sasuke would Dodge it and instantly appear above Akihiko and send a slash which hit Akihiko but he wasn't done as he sent millions of lightning infused sword slashes that sent crescent shaped blue with black lightning mana at Akihiko all in the span of just a Millie second.

As soon as he was done Sasuke appeared on the ground and charged another slash and appeared on the opposite site instantly which caused a huge shockwave as powerful as Akihiko's final attack on Ryu but Doria wasn't letting her barrier be destroyed again so she poured a bit more of her mana.

"Hah hah----" panted Sasuke as he looked at the smoke but suddenly felt something above him and as he looked it was Akihiko with his battle suit cut open in several places and his abdomen cut open from his last attack.

As Sasuke slashed upwards at Akihiko,he was sent flying backwards as he crashed at the wall,Akihiko would appear out of nowhere and would do a spinning back kick as all the main elements concentrated on his right leg.

Sasuke tried to block but was too slow as the kick connected to his head as making the wall crack.

Sasuke would be stuck in the wall as Akihiko stared at his unmoving body.

Seeing this the announcer decided to announce the winner.


Suddenly Akihiko sensed something and tried to dodge by jumping upwards but something instantly hit him as he was sent flying through the water barrier completely breaking it as Akihiko was sent out of the arena.

[Cut to the kings and professors]

"Another power up" said oga shocked much like the other kings.

'it seems your ego is too big to lose to what you would consider a no one' thought Alex.

[Scene end]

UM AH----

the Announcer didn't know what to do so he tried to announce the winner.


"The match isn't over until i say it's over" said Sasuke in a different tone and weird voice that sounds like two people talking.

"How dare some no name humiliate my bloodline"

In the audience,

"WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THAT SASUKE" shouted Sakura worried.

"Shut up" said Sasuke which made Sakura shocked.

Sasuke instantly disappeared and appeared above the arena flying as he tossed Akihiko downwards.

The kings and professors tried to interfere sensing that there's a problem but was stopped by Alex.

"Doria use alot more power to create a barrier"


"Just do it,I want to interfere as well but something tells me this truly isn't over"

"Immm" agreed Doria as she created another water barrier which Sasuke(Musashi) was about to comment on but felt that the barrier was really power and even he in Sasuke's body won't be able to break it anymore.

'is she the daughter of Poseidon but I don't sense any God energy in her' thought Musashi.

"You know,you just created a difficult situation for your Descendent right...ow that hurts" said Akihiko as he stood up.

"I don't care about some useless relationship"

"Ooh edgy are you sure you didn't adopt your child because you'd get no women" said Akihiko as he smirked but suddenly sent flying backwards but he quickly stood up and smirked at Musashi again.

"Hm,i admit you're resilient"

"So about my comment before,what kind of women married you" said Akihiko which made Musashi livid.

"The more jokes you make,the more pain you'll get"

"Oooh scary,must be some women who was too scared to say no" as soon as he said that Musashi immediately appeared to finish off Akihiko but to his surprise he was sent sliding back by a punch he didn't even see.

Musashi looked at the smirking Akihiko with shock.

'this boy' but he wasn't able to think much as he got struck by lightning which stunned him then Akihiko immediately kicked him in his chest but was blocked by Musashi and both began trading blows.

'this guy is able to use Sasuke in his full potential which makes him alot stronger than even Ryu' thought Akihiko as he used his full power but was still not able to push back Sasuke but the same could be said for Musashi in Sasuke's body who was shocked at how strong the person he was fighting was.

'the only way for me to beat this guy is if I also use everything i got' thought Akihiko as he slid back and used earth control to suddenly shoot a pillar from below Musashi which he dodged which Akihiko used the moment of vulnerability to axe kick him from above which was also blocked by Musashi.

Akihiko began running around which confused Musashi and began to chase after him as they fought all around the arena.

Musashi would punch Akihiko making him slide back as he used his Earth to stop himself and quickly dashed forward but quickly turned left and began running around the arena.

"Hmmm" Musashi tried to guess what he was doing and as he looked at him he saw what Akihiko was doing and seeing that he's been caught Akihiko smirked and quickly dashed forward and punched Musashi as he connected his own fist with his.

"Trying to place rune traps,that won't work now so what other plans do you have"

Akihiko retreated back and began stretching as his once cut chest from before has already healed.

"I honestly don't know" said Akihiko.

"Hmm i applaude you for your strength,you really deserve to be your father's son"

"You know dad"

"Yes, someone who was strong enough to come to my own home"

"Oh I see,i have to warn you though,don't fight him because you'll lose" said Akihiko as he got ready to fight again.

"Hahaha that's the funniest statement I have ever heard,i slew Poseidon why do you think some guy would be able to defeat me" as soon as he said that he quickly blocked a slash from a huge sword made of mana.

Akihiko began his sword fights with Musashi and as they fight each other and as they fought,Akihiko for the first time in his life enchanced his body over his limit and began pushing Musashi back as both of them bled from several cuts from each other's attack.

Musashi smirked as he was deeply impressed by the person before him.

"I wholeheartedly admit you're strong,you are almost as strong as I was when I was your age" shouted Musashi as he received a smirk from Akihiko as the area below him suddenly glowed as several elements shot out from all the rune traps he placed including below him and struck Musashi.

As the smoke cleared Akihiko sighed.

'it seems I got rusty,to think i forgot to think about the traps'

"You gotta be kidding me haha" Akihiko could only laugh as he saw Musashi using a full body rune shield.

"* Sigh* you know what,fuck it I'm done,i give up" said Akihiko as he was sent flying and Musashi began to toss Akihiko around.

Alex was about to intervene but Musashi was sent flying to the wall which stopped him and saw what his son did.

'Haha Are you trying to kill yourself...I would stop you and I know your mother will kill me for not stopping you but I know you wouldn't like it' thought Alex as he looked at his son who released his enhancement rune that he always placed around his body as mana leaked around his body in a liquid form.

As Musashi looked at Akihiko,he was shocked.

"Boy are you stupid,do you want to di---" he was interrupted as he was punched through the wall making Doria use half of her full power to reinforce it with her water element.

Musashi couldn't do anything as he was rogdolled around the arena as he tried his best to dodge and block to no avail.

i can't win this unless I had the same enhancement rune and there's so much this body can dish out' thought Musashi as he was sent crashing down from the the air and quickly out of pure instinct dodged a curb stomp but still got sent flying with a soccer kick

Musashi could barely see Akihiko as he was alot faster as Akihiko soccer kicked him sending him flying and would instantly appear and kick him in different directions and ended with Akihiko making a huge Greatsword using mana and slashed downwards with all his element following the slash.

Musashi slowly stood up as he wobbled to his feet with somehow only the lower part of the protective suit left as he panted.

"To use enhancement rune while using your own mana to enhance yourself over the limit is pure stupidity" said Musashi.

"You think I care, you're the one who is fighting a much younger and inexperienced person and you also can't comprehend the meaning of the term "give up" especially in a tournament"

"Now prepare the beat up of a lifetime so don't you dare leave Sasuke's body" said Akihiko as he smirked and slammed his palm with his fist while bleeding from his mouth,nose,ears and even eyes.

And Musashi began getting his beat up of a lifetime completely unable to defend himself as he was too weak and Akihiko not caring whether the owner of the body is his own friend or not

'i won't kill him, don't worry Sakura' thought Aki as he had a crazy grin.

Alex was satisfied with the outcome so he arrived and knocked out Akihiko and teleported him to the infirmary.

Alex looked at Musashi in Sasuke's body who's face is swollen.

[Inside Musashi's domain]

"This is humiliating" said Musashi to himself.

Suddenly he felt a huge killing intent and as he looked behind he saw Alex.


I didn't know how I would go about his fight with Sasuke so I did this so I hope to the people who read this doesn't think it's disappointing because I'm slightly disappointed but i didn't know how to go about it that's better than this.

