22. Ceremony.

"you why are you here again" said Musashi facing Alex in his own domain.

"Next time refrain from doing the same thing,even more so if it could kill my son" said Alex.

"Hm why would I listen to--" he was interrupted as a huge pressure fell on him putting him in one knee.

'i know I haven't recovered my full powers but this guy..... he's stronger than i thought' thought Musashi as he looked at Alex.


More force pressed him down making him lay on the floor as he tried his hardest to stand up.

' *hck* this guy.....he's stronger than Poseidon' thought Musashi as he struggled.


Suddenly the space around him distorted as Musashi woke up sitting in a chair.

"He even managed to destroy my domain" said Musashi as he looked shocked and then smirked as he was revealed to be in a luxurious mansion in the middle of the forest.

"Interesting" Musashi smiled as mana began to flow around him.

[Scene cut to the end of the tournament]

"How rude, didn't even say yes or apologize" said Alex as he disappeared and appeared in the infirmary with his Wife and his son's friends Sakura and Yuuki.

"How are Luminary's finalists" said Alex as he smiled.

"They're both healed now" said a woman with Purple hair.

"Hey dad" said Alex as he smiled as his mother rushed to him and began asking several questions.

"Hey sis" said Sakura to the the nurse who's revealed to be the older sister of Sakura.

"Hey little sis"

She is Mai ichika,the greatest healer of Luminary and older sister of Sakura.

Sasuke woke up as Sakura tend to him and as he looked around,he smiled and glanced at Akihiko.

"You should've held back when punching my face you know" said Sasuke which made everyone one smile or laugh.

"Hey brother" said Yuuki as she smiled along with the others.

"Hey sis" smiled Sasuke.

'although i didn't win but I'm happy, I have a person that I can share my heart with,i finally fought my best friend in his full power,evolved my lightning element and finally My sister" thought as he smiled and looked at Akihiko who was getting scolded by Sakura for almost hurting them during his fights with both Ryu and him.

"Anyways you two, congratulations are in order" said Alex.

[Scene cut to the end ceremony]




The kings instantly appeared in the stage that was created in the arena with red carpet laid around it with the professor's standing a few feet in front of the kings where a path was laid out with red carpet.

all the fighters came inside the arena and knelt in front of the kings as well.

"You all are amazing fighters and the pride of your Kingdom, don't you feel bad that you lost today because you aren't weak there was just someone stronger so you must become stronger to surpass them" said King Oga as the other King nodded in agreement.

"I as the King of Luminary am amazed at how strong you are compared to the your peers at that age,so like King oga said, don't be sad that you didn't win" said King Belrion of Luminary

"I asked Lord Oga here if my Kingdom could take part in the tournament as a way to hopefully form trust and get rid of the animosity that my predecessor has created and i do not regret it and I think I may have even become friends with the other Kings and professors and I have to agree with most people here,you kids are no short of amazing" said King Murak as he smiled which got him a cheer.

"You all are amazing and although disappointed that my fighters lost but it just means that my fighters are weak and just needs to get stronger" as Omen said that some people and even the kings and professors gave him a disapproving look.

Hearing his words the fighters from Nyxshire just looked down.


AKIHIKO walked in without his usual bored face as he was instructed by his father to act respectfully before the kings but we could see his facade slowing revealing itself which made his parents,friends and almost everyone face palm.

As he reached the professors,he met The professor who congratulated him.

"You really are your father's child I'm proud and happy that my Academy won the tournament,now go and hear what the our Kings have to say" said The professor but we could see a slight irritated face as he looked at Akihiko which made Oga chuckle but quickly got silent as he was the king.

"Professor just admit that your pissed thatbi beat your "amazing grandson" " said Akihiko as he smirked at him.

"Why you little brat,next time he'll beat you"

"Bwahahaha" The kings and everyone in the arena smiled except for the fighters of Nyxshire which was noticed by the Kings and professors including Alex and Akihiko.

As Akihiko knelt in front of the kings while the other fighters stood up King Murak came forward.

"Thank you" said The King which shocked most of the people present including Akihiko.

"Ah my lord,what did I do to earn your thanks"

"Your fight with Zanis was a wake up call to him and it even made him apologize to his brother which still shocks me, seriously Zanis? Apologizing hahaha" Laughed King Murak while Zanis looked embarrassed.

Oga came forward and talked about how it was fun to watch his brother witnessing his "amazing" grandson getting defeated was which made Ryu chuckle at his Grandfather's antics and Oga also praised how strong he was.

Omen came forward and *joked* about changing Kingdoms and Congratulating Akihiko.

Finally the King of Luminary came forward and looked at Akihiko warmly with a smile which made Akihiko embarrassed.

"The others have said everything I needed to say so I'll only say this,I'm proud of you" said King Belrion De'arch which made Akihiko smile.

"Thank you my lord"

'Thanks gramps' said/thought Akihiko to the King of Luminary who is also the father of Alex,full name Alexander De'arch and his grandfather.

'I wish i could tell the world that you're my grandson brag about it haha but you know that your father wants to live relatively normally without being known as the next King of Luminary'

'its fine Gramps,you still spend time with us secretly so I'm happy' the two parental duo was talking in their mind while Akihiko was awarded with money and a sword.

"What's with the sword" said Akihiko.

"that's your reward, it's the legendary sword of Musashi" said Oga.

"So if Enzo were to win the tournament,you were gonna give him a Katana despite his weapon of choice being a dagger" said Akihiko.

"Brat you're speaking in front of the kings" said The professors.

"Your disrespectfulness is fun to witness hahaha" laughed Murak.

"It seems we didn't do any thinking,we just thought why not reward the winner the legendary sword of Musashi"

"Nono it's fine,Sasuke here fetch" said Akihiko as he tossed the sword to Sasuke who caught it and looked at him in confused.

"I have a feeling you'll be dual wielding a Katana soon and I don't need it" said Akihiko.

"What an interesting fellow" said Murak surprised that he easily gave away a legends sword that is said to be unbreakable and remains sharp.

After the ceremony was over the kings bid their good luck and the tournament was finally concluded.

[Scene cut]

"Lord Omen,Your Fighters looked down during the ceremony and not to offend,your father was an amazing and kind person but judging by how you talk,it doesn't seem like you aren't giving them the credit that they deserve" said Oga to Omen.

"What Lord Oga's saying is right Lord Omen,you need to cherish your warrior" said King Murak.

'this new King,i can tell isn't a good one' thought Murak as he looked at King Omen.

"Lord Oga I assure you,i treat my Fighters with the respect that they deserve afterall they're my people,they were feeling down because of their lose and with how competitive they are, you'd get how they would be down" said Omen as he smiled.

"If you say so" Oga reluctantly agreed.

'King omen doesn't feel the same as his father and I have a feeling he isn't a good person but what can I do,if i confront him I'm afraid things would go wrong' thought Oga.

King Belrion just looked at Omen as he wasn't one to talk much thinking the same thing as Oga and Murak.

"Anyways Lord Murak I'm guessing from today onwards we are allies" said Oga as he smiled.

"Yes, and may this friendship last for generations to come with our bonds getting tighter by the passing seconds" said Murak as he shook hands with both Oga and Murak.

Murak didn't bother trying to befriend Nyxshire as the King himself didn't propose the idea to him and also because he sensed that he wasn't a good person.

[Scene cut]

The tournament was over and the people went home in including our protagonist who just arrived home.

"Haaah we're home, I'll go make dinner go take a shower you two" said Saki as she rushed to the kitchen but was stopped by her husband.

"Saki let's tell him the good news" said Alex as he smiled warmly which made Saki smile aswell.

"Good news?"

"Yes,son there's good news but before that, I want to ask if you're sure about going out for training" asked Alex as he looked at his son seriously.

"Son,you won the tournament so you really don't have to force yourself, in fact after you graduate from the academy a few months later you can just do whatever you want even lazing around although I hope you serve the Kingdom or even become a King's shield but I don't want my son to not enjoy his life, as selfish as it sounds" said Alex as he smiled at his son while his wife smiled and listened to him.

"Dad,I know I said that I don't want to fight anymore but being in the tournament changed my mind, about whether I would be able to protect the people I love so yes I'm sure of it" said Akihiko with a serious face which made his father smile.

"Besides I can just quickly get stronger and laze around after I think I'm strong enough" Said Akihiko which made his mother and father laugh.

"I see then I hope you are ready for the training because I won't go easy on you and tell your friends too.afterall, I did say that I'll also train them" said Alex as he smiled.

"I will,so what's the good news?"

"Oh well,your are going to be a brother" smiled Alex and Saki wildly.

Akihiko took a while to process the news.


"Yes, your mother's pregnant" smiled Alex.


"And since the training trip will go on indefinitely, obviously your mother will be coming with us"

"We can just push the date at a different time,mother needs her rest" said Akihiko worried.

"It's fine it's not like we are gonna train in the mountains where food is scarce,we are just gonna train in the mountains where I have my training facility"

"You have a training facility?"


I know not much happened since this is like the closing chapter of a season and the next chapter will basically be the season 2 where I hope I'll be able to start the true plot or like the first villain arc,hope the chapters comes at the top of head like the other chapters except a few ones because I'm trying too hard and I can't stop,it seems i like writing(need to relearn grammar)

Anyways tata!!!!