
After the Graduation ended the Academy Students had a leave for a Month.

And the Kings returned to their own country with their fighters at hand including the people who travelled to watch the tournament.

Day's quickly passed as Akihiko hung out with Sakura and Sasuke but with a new assortment of friends in the form of Cedric,Zephys,Yuuki,Willow,Mei yin and even Ryu.

Ryu decided to train more with his Grandfather before becoming a King's Shield and also decide to have a leave as well and hung out with the other's along with Mei yin.

And as the days go by the crew would ask Akihiko for a spar, especially willow who kept asking for a spar despite the constant rejection from Akihiko but a few days after Akihiko would accept and fight Willow for the first time.

[Battle scene]

"Finally decided to accept my challenge?" Smirked Willow as he glowed green with lightning dancing around him.

"I can't keep rejecting you can i" replied Akihiko.

'yup, that's a God energy alright, people might mistake it for a wind affinity due to the green glow but elements don't make us glow that way' Ryu thought in the sidelines.

"Don't hold back on me" Willow smirked as he quickly dashed towards and was about to punch Akihiko but was met with a hand that caught the back of his head as his face was planted in the ground.

As Akihiko shoved Willow's face in the ground he sensed something behind him as he jumped and twisted in the air to dodge a huge drill like rock.

Willow quickly got up as he began attacking Aki with his full power.

'hmm, he's getting stronger rapidly,must be his God gene constantly improving his body, let's test something out'

Akihiko only dodged or block Willow's strike and would only occasionally hit him.

"It's been an hour now and it seems Willow has reached his growth limit for now" say's Ryu as he and the other's knew what Akihiko was doing.

"Man God's are strong, it's kinda unfair" said Zephys as he saw Willow making Akihiko use all his element as they fought and making it look even.

Akihiko would punch willow's gut while willow would do the same with his jaw making him wobble from dizziness as willow knelt from the pain from his gut but both would smirk and quickly began trading blows.

"Yeah,that amount of growth in just an hour long fight" said Ryu as the other's agreed.

"Even with me becoming a lot stronger now,i don't think I'd be able to win against willow" said Sasuke which shocked Sakura and Yuuki while Zephys and Ryu knew what Sasuke said was the truth.

"I'm not confident if i could win against him either" said Ryu which made Mei yin shocked as well.

"In fact I think I'll lose" Ryu saying this made the other's realise how strong God's were.

Akihiko was sent flying as he crashed in a tree.

'damn, he's exponentially stronger now, I'm pretty sure he could beat Ryu now' thought the now fully powered Akihiko as he rushed and thrust kicked Willow for him to block it with a rock walls.

As willow blocked it,he instantly appeared above Akihiko as he pulled out a huge bow and shot a green arrow towards Akihiko but Akihiko quickly blocked it with a rune shield.

Willow landed and looked at Akihiko with a grin as he pulled out his bow once again and pulled the string creating as green arrow while lightning and rocks danced around the arrow.

'damn,i shouldn't have accepted the fight or ended it before he got stronger ,oh well' thought Akihiko as he sighed and began using all of his mana at once to create a blue(mana color obv)bow and arrow much like Willow as all his elements danced around it as deep green wind,blue lightning,water,rocks and fire circled around the arrow.

Both without saying anything just smirked.

"YOU TWO DON'T!!" Shouted the others as they knew that it was really dangerous.

Both quickly released the arrow before the other's could even finish their sentence as both arrows flew but the arrows quickly disappeared before hitting each other and when they looked,they saw Alex standing in the middle with a pretty angry face.

"Um, we're sorry?"

"If not for the goddess of life interfering for some reason,you two would've destroyed this entire forest and don't forget about the last attack you two did,that was strong enough to destroy several kingdoms at once without a rune of invincibility placed throughout the Kingdom which is only a few country btw, seriously you kids have become reckless after our Kingdom placed those runes" ranted Alex as he scolded his son and his friend.

"And you Ryu,i thought you would be the most mature one,why didn't you stop them from going all out" 

"I'm sorry sir,i didn't know willow would get that much stronger" apologised Ryu.

" *Sigh* alright what happened is in the past don't make the same mistake again and you two" said Alex as he looked at the bleeding and bruised fighter,he just sighed and told them to heal themselves.

"Go to the Infirmary and heal yourself because I know you don't have mana to perform self healing"

[End scene]

After that day the crew would only spar without going too hard and a month quickly passed by and they were back in the Academy but this time they were not going to stay long as senior's would graduate after the annual tournament.

They would attend the academy for a week to show themselves to the lower class and the professors would even give the students the task of taking of being a professor for a day and seniors like Jin chan (first rune guy),Sakura,Yuuki and Ryu were natural at teaching while Akihiko,Zephys, Cedric and even Sasuke were really bad at it,while the first three can be easy to guess but Sasuke was the one that surprised everyone since he makes the students want to quit rather than improve.

A week quickly passed by as the day of the graduation finally arrived.

We see the seniors who are eligible to graduate standing in groups in front of the professor in a stage while all the other underclassmen were behind them as they attended the graduation ceremony and to bid their farewell.

Not all Seniors were among the graduates as they weren't ready to set out yet.

Among the well known Graduates were Akihiko,Sasuke,Yuuki, Sakura,Ryu,Cedric,Han xin,Jin chan,Mei yin,Zephys,Yue shou and willow sabien among other back ground characters.

The Graduates instead of being happy somehow had a tired look,all because of The professor talking too long.

"I'll say it again---"

"Yeah yeah, you're proud of us,we get it" said Akihiko.

"Hoho disrespectful as always,anyway I'm proud of all of you" said The professor which made the students and even other teachers to groan.

"Now I'll give all of you your Graduation arm bands and rings"

The professor handed all the graduates a single White arm band with the symbol of the Kingdom of Luminary (it's up to your imagination) and a white ring with a jewel that releases a faint mana.

The graduation ended as everyone headed home except for a few others and those are Akihiko and his groups and Alex who were having a discussion about the training trip.

"So,we have Akihiko of course then there's Sasuke,Cedric,willow and Zephys."

"Sakura and Yuuki dear, are you sure about not joining us?"

"Yes uncle, I'm gonna be learning under Sasuke's mother and My Sister along with Yuuki" said Sakura.

"Yuuki...did you and mother?" Sasuke was surprised by what Sakura said about his sister and mother.

"Mother talked to me last night while you had a sleepover at Aki's and I guess she want's to train me and catch up as she said it" said Yuuki.

"I see, that's good to hear" Sasuke smiled seeing this made the others who were aware smile as well.

"Alright, remember tomorrow at 10 in our house" said Alex as he got a nod from the others and went home to prepare.

[Sasuke's house]

As Sasuke and Yuuki arrived home they saw their mother still in her uniform as she looked at them.

"Welcome home you two...and Yuuki,can you help me with the cooking, it's been a while so I told the maid that i would do it with You" said Akane which made Yuuki smile as she said yes.

Seeing this,Sasuke smiled.

[Ryu and Mei yin]

"So,ready to get trained by Gramps with me" said Ryu as he looked at Mei yin.

"Finally yes" replied Mei yin happy since she's been wanting the train with Ryu more.

[Zephys in his apartment]

"Brother,when i finish training I wish to fight you again and this time,i won't lose" said Zephys to himself as he packed his clothes for the trainin.

[Cut to a dark unknown place]

We hear heavy breathing and crying as a man dragged himself in the floor towards someplace and we can see several bodies with blood everywhere and even decapitated heads and limbs all over the place.

*Cough* *pant* the bloodied person as he dragged himself while leaning to the wall into a room.

As the person entered the room and saw what was in front of him,he knelt down.

"No, please" said the man as he crawled towards a pile of bodies.

"Please" cried as the man took hold of one of the body that seems to have a missing right arm from her elbow and no legs down from her knees which he turned revealed to be a woman with blood all over her body,hair and eyes but the blood didn't cover the green hair that the person has.

"Wake up...wake up" said the person through sobs.

"Roxie" said the person revealing himself to be Enzo with his silver hair almost Fully covered in blood.

Enzo in between sobs looked around and saw one of the bodies sitting on a wall with his left arm gone.

"Dirak...why" Sobbed as he looked at his best friend.

He looked around to see the a woman with brown hair,her body bloodied and as he looked he saw that the person didn't have her lower torso.

"Natalya...no...all of this... just because we lost?" Said Enzo as he looked around and what he saw froze him.

He slowly stood up and wobbled to one of the corner and as he looked at the Woman who held the head of a young girl while her whole body is covered in stabs,his tears flowed down as he couldn't even cry properly.

"MOM?"Enzo dropped to his knee as he stared at his dead mother who's holding the head of his Little sister unable to cry while his tears flowed.

Seconds turns to minutes and minutes turns to hours as he just stared at his dead family.

"What do we have here...a broken man filled with thoughts of vengeance" said a man as he appeared in thin air as he squat down in the middle of Enzo and his family as he looked at Enzo.

"Tell me,Do you want to pay him back for all the things that he's done to you" "if so,would you do anything" "would you throw away your morals to kill the person that did all of this to you" "would you do it?" Said the man as he smiled.

