25.Training/time skip(kind of)

"So,Omen are you here to accept my proposal" said a Red haired man with red eyes and pointy ears wearing a equally red suit with sleeves rolled with skeleton tattoo in both of his arms.

"Yes,Lord Luxiv" said Omen.

The man smiled as he said,

"Good,But you know the deal,we will make your Kingdom the strongest Empire in existence,we will also give you all the wealth you want and in return you work under us and do anything we ask of you even if it's destroying the lives of millions" 

"Of course my Lord"

"Good, now let's start building your empire shall we" said the man as he smiled sinisterly.

[After 5 months]

It's been 5 months since they arrived in Alex's floating island and started their training.

The boy's have grown at an exponential rate in the hands of Alex with Zephys evolving his wind to the third stage similar to Aki while Cedric evolved his flame to the 3rd stage and willow evolving lightning to the third stage as well and Akihiko evolving his Lightning and fire to the second stage each and during this time Alex was revealed to be the Son of The King Luminary to the others revealing his full name to be Alexander De'arch.


"WHATT!!!" The boy's shouted,even Sasuke as he didn't know anything about it.

"Wait,then Akihiko's a prince?" Said Zephys as he looked at Akihiko who just sighed.

"Does that mean in the future Teacher and You will become a King?" Asked Cedric to Akihiko.

"Just because I'm basically a prince doesn't mean you should treat me as such and no I won't become a King because I don't want to" said Akihiko.

"My lord" Willow jokingly knelt before Akihiko which made the other's laugh.

"Fuck you guys"

[Flashback end]

That news didn't change anything though as they still treated Akihiko as their friend they like to bully every so often and the other's has also started calling Alex uncle like Sasuke does.

We see the Boy's fighting each other as Zephys and Sasuke punched Cedric on both sides which was blocked but suddenly a figure flew backwards towards crashing at Cedric while the force sent the two others flying as well.

"Damn...Aki what the fuck are you and your father made off,are you sure you two aren't Gods"said Zephys as he stood up.

"Not that I know off" answered Akihiko.

"Well" said Willow as he stood up so did the other two

"It's great because your dad is too strong for us,so you're the perfect training partner" said Willow as he channeled his mana again but they were interrupted by Saki who's belly has grew from her pregnancy.

"Alright Boy's, breakfast is ready!!!" 

"Alright breakfast" Cedric quickly bolted off.

"Welp,i still wanted to fight but I can't miss aunty's cooking" said Willow as he left as well followed by Zephys.

"Sasuke let's go" Said Akihiko as he looked at Sasuke.

"Ah yeah go on, I'll follow" said Sasuke as he followed Akihiko to the mansion as his mind was elsewhere.

'am i really getting stronger,if so why can't I easily beat Zephys or Cedric now when I could before,then there's Aki and willow who I have no chance against now' thought Sasuke.

Sasuke suddenly stopped and talked to the person who has been haunting his mind.

"Hey,you there?" 

"You aren't strong enough" Musashi quickly answered what he was about to ask him.

Hearing this Sasuke just kept quite and clenched his fist.

As the boy's ate their breakfast they could sense that Sasuke wasn't his normal self which prompt Cedric to ask him about it.

"Yo,Sasuke you alright?"



"Ah yes!yes?"

"Sasuke are you feeling alright,you kept blanking out"

"Yes...yes I'm fine" replied Sasuke as he smiled.

"Are you sure" said Zephys.

"Yes,i promise"

The mood was interrupted by Alex who came home from a meeting with the king.

As he kissed his wife he said "it seems an Animosity has formed between several empires including us and The Empire of Nyxshire" 

This information made the other's surprised.

"What? I thought we were allies" said Cedric.

"We were,but recently Nyxshire has become stronger and stronger and King Omen has began to ask allied Kingdoms for more stuff like mana stones, legendary weapons including the one that Sasuke is holding if they want to remain as allies including us" said Alex which shocked everyone since it was an outrageous demand.

"What's our decision" asked Aki

"King Belrion is trying to keep our relationship as allies in tact due to his relationship with the previous King while not giving them everything they want and that will determine the outcome" said Alex as the other's just went silent.

"Alright forget about that,now that you've finished your breakfast let's start the training"

After their breakfast Alex started to train them again and those training method includes using gravity seals,mana control, elemental controls etc.

And day's quickly passed by and those days turns into a month as they trained non stop until one day.

Cedric was sparring with Willow and as Cedric is struggling to hit Willow,his body glowed a bright golden color as he sent Willow flying backwards.

Seeing this surprised everyone.

"What do we have here,of course the prodigal orphan is the child of a God as well and a strong one as well" said Alex as he looked at the insignia in the back of his palm,a sun with 4 lines pointing upwards.

Cedric was in a golden room as he looked around and suddenly a voice spoke from his side.

"It seems I have a descendant who is worthy of my power"

"Who are you" said Cedric as he looked at the tanned skinned person who has a hawk as a head.

"My name--- is ra,I am the Sun God"said Ra as he walked forward and transformed into a black cat.

"That's awesome,does that mean I can beat Willow and Akihiko now?"

"In time my child,in time" 

As Cedric regained his body,he saw Willow who smirked at him and both quickly clashed at each other.

After that day Cedric has become as strong as willow as 2 months pass by but to his and even the Sun God Ra's surprise,Akihiko was still stronger than Cedric when they fought after Cedric got used to his God energy.

Cedric was seen flying backwards as a bruised and bleeding Akihiko instantly appeared above him and delivered an axe kick that was infused with every element as he was sent crashing down.

Cedric slowly wobbled to his feet but suddenly met with the face of Akihiko as he blocked by pure instinct as he slid back from a palm thrust.

"Damn, I thought I'd have a chance after awakening"

"I don't care if you're a God, I'll still kick your ass"said Akihiko as he smirked.

"Hahaha,i give up" Cedric just laughed as admit defeat.

While Willow and Zephys went on to aid their weak friends Sasuke was on the side looking at Cedric and then at his palm as he clenched his fist.

"You are pathetic,fine I'll make you stronger but you have to leave them" said Musashi in his mind.

Hearing this Sasuke was conflicted as he looked at his friends and recalled his time with them.

"You can meet them again later" said Musashi without his usual arrogant way of talking which shocked Sasuke.

"Unlike those Gods,I know human emotion" said Musashi as Sasuke made his decision.

"I'll stay here for a few months,to witness Aunty Saki's baby and then we can leave"


And after that Months pass by and in those months Alex has appeared less and less which concerned Aki and his Mother as he was supposed to be on his vacation.

And 9 and half months passed by and Saki is finally having her baby as they were in the living room while Alex,Saki and Sakura's sister Ichika with 2 nurses were in the personal medical room in the mansion.

"I can't believe you guy's train in a floating island" said Sakura who followed her sister when she found out that Akihiko's mother was pregnant and about to give birth.

"Heh it's nothing for us" bragged Cedric.

"Sakura, how's your training going along" asked Akihiko.

"Oh it's going great,Yuuki has become so strong now but I'm still able to push her limits" said Sakura excitedly which surprised Sasuke as he knew Yuuki was strong.

'even you've grown so strong' Sasuke smiled at Sakura which made her blush but they were interrupted by the sound of a baby crying.

In the medical room

"Your little girl has been finally freed of her jail" said Ichika which made the other's sweatdrop from her weird way of describing.

As ichika finished cleaning the baby she gave it to her father,

"Here,hold your child Mr father" said ichika.

Alex looked at the baby lovingly for a few seconds.

"I hope when you grow up,you annoy the shit out of your brother" said Alex as he smiled.

"Language dear and aren't you gonna let me hold her"

"Oh sorry, she's just so cute i forgot you exists" said Alex as he gave the baby to her mother as she looked at her lovingly.

"Everyone you can come in"

Everyone came inside as they introduced themselves to the baby with Akihiko going last.

As he held his little sister he smiled,

"I'll castrate every men including God's" said Akihiko as he released killing intent which surprised Alex and Merlin as it was really strong


Akihiko started laughing from the reaction he got,

"Just kidding"said Akihiko as the other's laughed as well.

"Not really"

In different places,Several Men including God's covered their thighs as they suddenly Got scared for no reason.


Man i just got an idea and it's ambitious to say the least but let's see if I can do it.
