26.Move on

We are introduced to a scene of the crew minus one resting under a tree near the training/sparring field.

"man,our crew doesn't feel complete without Sasuke" said Cedric.

"Mmm" agreed the other's.


2 weeks after the birth of Akihiko's sister who is now named Ceris Sasuke revealed his identity of being the descendant of Miyamoto Musashi and his plans to get trained by him.

We can see the crew with Sakura who decided to stay for a couple of days sitting in the sofa with Sasuke standing in middle.

"I'm the descendant of Miyamoto Musashi"

"...are you serious?" Asked Zephys shocked that The Miyamoto Musashi had a child.

"Yes,and i plan to study under him" 

"Why, aren't you getting stronger here in the hands of uncle Alex" said Willow.

"I am...but I feel like I'm not getting stronger at a fast rate,before I was able to relatively easily beat Cedric and willow but now I stand no chance against you"

"But they're God's, you're comparing yourself against God's" shouted Zephys.

"What about Akihiko, he's the strongest amongst us and he isn't even a God and there's Musashi who also went toe to toe with Poseidon" said Sasuke.

Hearing this,Zephys didn't know what to say.

"Look, I'm just gonna train under him and I'll be back to hang out with you guys again when I'm done" said Sasuke.

"Do you swear about that" asked Akihiko.

"Yes,you guys are my brother's so of course I swear on my life that I'll return when I think I'm strong enough" said Sasuke as he smiled.

"What about Musashi,you just agreed to get trained by a person said to kill several people just to get what he wants and do you think you'll improve in his hands" asked Cedric.

"Some parts about him is fabricated,sure he did some questionable thing's to achieve peace but he didn't kill innocent people unlike what some books say's and maybe I'm wrong but I have a feeling that I'll get stronger in his hands afterall we share the same blood maybe that's what I need"

"And I can tell that he isn't a bad person he just has a not so good personality haha, besides I've already asked uncle Alex and he told me to go"

"What,Dad did?"

"Yeah,I asked him him a day after Ceris was born"

"Mmm,when are you leaving" asked Akihiko.

"I plan to go after this"

"I'm sorry" said Sasuke sad as he looked down.

"How many years do you think you'll be gone for?" Asked Sakura as she looked at Sasuke sadly.

"Not more than 5 year's, we'll basically be adults by the time I return" answered Sasuke as he looked at Sakura with the same sadness.

"5 year's,if you do not return after that, I'll find you and drag you back whether you like it or not...and if that new teacher of yours tries to stop me, I'll kill him...just kidding" said Akihiko which made Sasuke smile.


"Why are you still here,go away" said Cedric as he shed tears.

"Dude,are you seriously crying" said Zephys as everyone laughed.

"Don't forget to tell Yuuki and Aunty" said Sakura.


[End flashback]

"We'll see him again let's move on for now and beat the crap out of him when he returns" said Akihiko as he stood up and stretched.

After that day the crew continued their training for a few month's as they kept getting stronger and during this time Willow took to learning wind element while Zephys started learning Runes and Water element.

[5 months later]

Zephys was fighting Cedric while Akihiko and Willow rest as they watch the fight.

Zephys appeared above Cedric with water and deep green wind around his body as he dived down towards Cedric who used his blue flame with bits of Godly golden flame as he punched towards the spear but suddenly Zephys appeared behind Cedric and at the same time Zephys released his seal as the runes glowed white and quickly disappeared.

Zephys thrust his spear towards Cedric which caused a huge shockwave but with no damage as the island is protected by runes.

But to Zephys's surprise,Cedric held his Spear with bleeding hands as golden flames surrounded his body in a rune like pattern.

Zephys released his strength sensing that the match is practically over.

"What the hell is that" asked Zephys.

Cedric as he looked at the flaming runes around his body said"i don't know,i didn't know what to do so I just decided to hold your spear then this suddenly appeared"

"You God's are really unfair,i thought I had a chance when I placed that teleportation rune"

"Hehe" laughed Cedric as he rubbed his nose.

"Alright let's go, it's almost dinner" said Akihiko as they left for the mansion.

As they entered the mansion they saw Alex in the living room looking worried.

Seeing this Akihiko asked,"Dad, what's wrong"

"Well,it seems we are no longer allies with Nyxshire and other small Kingdom's like the Kingdom of Erzin"

"What!! I thought Luminary and Nyxshire came to an agreement, what now"

"Nyxshire broke our agreement and asked for the legendary weapons including the Empire's Sword of Luminary"

"WHAT!!!!!!" Everyone shouted including Merlin.

"That's an Outrageous demand" shouted Merlin.

"That Sword appeared in front of the First King and he gave the sword to a hero who won the first great war,That sword is Luminary's heart, Soul and Savior" said Merlin angry.

"...not only us but Oga also cut ties with them as they asked him The Excalibur" added Alex.

This revelations made Merlin livid as air around them thickened.

"Calm down old man, we aren't giving them and although I don't want to leave Ceris I'm going to investigate them so we will temporarily finish this training after next month" said Alex which surprised the Boys.

"Investigate?" Said Akihiko curious.

"Yes...you know how I said they have become alot stronger despite it only being a little more than a year, it's because of several new warriors suddenly getting incredibly strong and I'm not one to understestimate someone but thousands of warriors suddenly getting stronger is suspicious" said Alex.

"In fact one of their strongest is someone that has never appeared or mentioned before which is weird because I know alot of things because of my job but this person appeared out of nowhere and quickly became their country's strongest at just the age of 25" said Alex which shocked everyone.

"How strong?" Said Akihiko.

"Really strong,i met him when their Chief Commander Rass who has also become really strong Came to negotiate"

"Will you be able to beat him?" Asked Zephys.

"Are you stupid,of course even if both of them came at me" 

This made the other just sigh at Alex's confidence or arrogance.

"At least they aren't threat big enough for our country"

"I wouldn't be so sure if that" said Alex which got their attention.

"I've met their chief commander Rass during the tournament and he wasn't that strong but the Rass that I saw that day was exponentially stronger than the one I saw during the tournament, from my calculations even if he awakened as a God and trained for the year,he still won't be as strong"

"Not only that The guy i said was the strongest can easily beat Rass who's a 40 year old commander and a genius in his own right" said Alex.

"If I'm not wrong,Rass is strong enough to destroy several Kingdom's and if that person can easily beat him..." Said Willow as he got excited.

"I want to fight him"

"Heh,never change willow,so that's why I won't be training you for a while and you'd have to train yourself and I know you can do it until I can train you again"

They agreed with Alex's decision despite Saki's disagreement about Alex leaving his daughter.

But even if Alex decided to not investigate, somethings are bound to happen.

[At an unknown place]

We see Enzo with an all black scaley armour with a tail.

"So Enzo,do you like that new power of your's?" Said a man as he smiled slowly revealing himself to be a middle aged looking man with long white hair with stitches around both of his eyes in a circle with black lips and yellow eyes and pointed ears.


"Remember the more people you kill,the stronger you get so kill lots of people so that you can get your revenge hehehe" said the man as his eyes glowed and we can see Enzo's eyes glowing the same.

'how many have i murdered.....just so i could avenge my friends and family.....why did I even agree at his proposal' thought Enzo as he recalled the day his live completely changed.


"If I tell you to kill someone no matter who he is,you have to do it and in return you will receive power and vengeance" said The man.

"I---I will do anything as long as you can promise me that I'll have my vengeance" said Enzo as he looked at his dead family and friends.

"Of course,an equal payment afterall hehehe" said the man.

The man revealed his full face to Enzo as he extended his hand while smiling sinisterly.

"Hello Enzo,My name is Malus" said Malus as he smirked.

[Flashback end]

'no matter,i have already done it and there's no changing the wrongs I've done,I will have my revenge' thought Enzo which made Malus smile wildly.

