Night attack 2

'Shit!' Calyx cursed in annoyance as he withdrew his fingers.

Couldn't the demons wait a few more hours?

He couldn't be faulted for his annoyance though. Who else wouldn't be pissed when their happy hour with a hot woman was interrupted?

'Liya, snap out of it. We have to move!' Calyx gave her ass one last spank which marked her buttocks bright red with his palm print.

'Fucking pests,' Liya rolled her eyes as she climbed out of the bed.

With a wave of her hand, she was instantly cleaned by mana and she quickly wore her discarded clothing at the foot of the bed.

Her silver armor appeared, covering up her sensual body until nothing was left to be seen. Flames of anger burning in her eyes, she stormed out of Calyx's room with her sword.

'These demons are really in for it… Calyx lit a candle in his heart for the demons who had interrupted their lovemaking session.

Liya certainly wasn't the forgiving type and it was certain that countless demons would serve as sacrifices to appease her anger.

His green armor manifested on his body and he took out his sword, rushing out of the room and onto the balcony of the second floor.

Outside, soldiers rushed to the walls of the fort, their faces grim as they clutched their weapons tightly.

Spirit stones were pulled out by the dozens and taken to the fort's walls were the runic cannons rested.

Already, the tamed rides of the soldiers had long been released as they looked for their respective riders.

His sharp eyes spotted the figure of his beast companion, Caceres, flying towards him with screams of delight.

Calyx broke into a run and jumped high, floating in the air. His fall was quickly broken by Caceres who swooped under him and took off into the moonless sky.

'Hawk Unit, with me!' Calyx raised his sword.

Soldiers in his unit, also riding on hawks, followed him up into the sky. Their hawks let out shrill screams of excitement, ready to jump into battle.

He felt someone looking at him and turned his head. Liya, flying in the air, gave him a nod before she turned away, hovering above the soldiers.

Calyx smiled and looked away.

With narrowed eyes, Calyx peered out into the darkness. 

Outside the walls, a thick black moving mass could be seen in distance, rushing like a tide towards the walls.

'By Efrelt, they are many!' Harper exclaimed.

Calyx wasn't one for religion but he had to agree with his vice.

The demon tide was like a swarm of locust which devoured everything, even the darkness. 

What made wars with demons exceptionally tiring and caused many casualties amongst human soldiers was the sheer number of demons whenever they attacked.

Whatever they couldn't make up for with quality, they made up for with quantity.

Not surprising as the average demon female could give birth to thirty kids every four months. 

With resources scarce in the wastelands, their methods of population control involved mass cannon foddering of excess forces whose dead bodies would serve as ladders for stronger demons to vault off to attack the enemy.

They had no regard for their lives too, making them a real pain in the ass.

From the command tower, three figures of bright light shot out into the sky before stopping in the middle of the air, joining Liya, hovering above the masses.

They wore golden armor and seriousness was evident on their faces as they looked at the dark horde of demons.

They were the generals of the fort!

'Soldiers on the wall, Pentaformation form! Man the cannons and be ready to fire at a moment's notice!

Aerial Units, prepare a welcome shower for our smelly guests! Eagles to the right, Hawks to the left!' commanded General Vernon, a bald general built like an ox.

Despite his brutish looks, he was a tactician and master strategist, well versed in the art of combat.

Like a well-oiled machine, soldiers on the wall assembled themselves into groups of five, forming a magic pentagram; four soldiers at the back, one at point, ready to unleash hell onto the incoming demons.

The Hawk Unit veered to the left side of the wall and the Eagle Unit moved to the right side. Archers loaded their magic bows, waiting for the demons to get in range.

'On my call!' General Vernon raised his warhammer into the skies.

The soldiers manning the cannons entered a state of supreme focus, aiming the behemoths at the demons.

Like mindless rats, the demons surged forward, reaching within three thousand meters of the walls of the fort.



The cannons roared loudly as apocalyptic red lights shot out with full force!

Countless demons at the front of the charge were turned into ash, eradicated by the might of the cannons.

Still, those behind pressed on, intending to overwhelm the fort with their sheer numbers.

The cannons made quick work of them, sending out surges of destructive power which wiped out the demons like flies.

Even in the darkness of the night, dark blood could be seen flowing like a steady stream which kept increasing as smaller trickles of blood joined in.

The demon horde, seemingly oblivious to the massacre, closed the distance between the fort and them amidst the constant thundering of the cannons.

Tens of thousands of them were dead, some even without bodies to show but those alive rushed towards the walls in a mad frenzy.

Climbing over the remains of their dead folk, as long as they had life in their bodies, demons dragged themselves forward, ruthlessness evident in their eyes.

'Pentaformation, First Form!' General Vernon called.

The soldiers at the back of the humanoid square charged up their mana and pushed it to those in front.

The power of the mana stacked again as the two pivots in front added more mana and sent it to the head of the formation, the soldiers at the point.

Thrusting their palms forward, a blinding beam of white light lit up the dark sky, revealing the cruel grimaces on the faces of the demons as they perished by the dozens due to the light.

The soldiers in the Pentaform formation quickly switched places and commenced the attack again.

The lowest level of each of the soldiers was the Foundation Establishment realm.

With five of them working in tandem to unleash havoc on the demons, the power of their attack was comparable to an attack from a Core Formation Powerhouse!

The demons had no hope of resisting attacks of such magnitude.

The final thousand meters left to get the fort was like an insurmountable hurdle for the demon horde, becoming a red line of death.

Even though they had strived hard to get close to the walls, the cannons and the beams of light too, were far more effective and dealt horrendous damage at close range.

For a time, the demon horde seemingly stopped, unable to advance forward under the dangerous red and white lights.

'Eagle and Hawk Units, give them a nice cold shower!' Vernon roared. 

'Hawk Unit, attack!' Calyx raised his sword high as Caceres led the charge of the hawks. 

With shrill cries of excitement, the hawks bore their riders forward to reap the lives of the demon horde.

On the other side, Bifran Maddock stood on the back of his eagle, his hands caressing a sleek silver bow.

Upon hearing Vernon's command, his eagle accelerated forward and he drew his bow with full strength.

A blue arrow formed in the bow and he sent it flying without hesitation.

It flew true to its mark, embedding itself in the eyes of a tall four-armed demon in the thick of the throng.

Almost immediately after hitting its mark, the arrow exploded in a colorful shower of blue light tinted red as demons in a twenty feet radius of the four armed demon became decimated corpses.

Calyx, not to be outdone jumped off the back of Caceres. 

Flying at full speed, his sword was like a scythe which beheaded demons within range, reaping them like a sickle did to heads of grain.

Beside him, Caceres' talons snatched up a scorpion demon and ripped it open, showering the demons below with the blood and innards of their fellow demon.

Caceres' cried out shrilly and flapped its wings. 

Sharp gusts and blades of wind slashed down at the demons, decapitating them into bloody bits.

'Haha!' Harper howled in delight, following closely behind Caceres. 

His spear, reddened with dark blood, easily changed its length at a whim, piercing through the hearts and heads of unlucky demons.

Other members of the Hawk Unit fired arrows and spells, thinning out the horde, buying time for the soldiers in the Pentaformation to rest and recoup. 

With the aid of the cannons, the aerial units singlehandedly held back the demons, thinning them further.

Just as Calyx beheaded the umpteenth demon who had fallen to his blade, he paused in midair and turned to look at the rear of the horde.

His eyes narrowed. 

'The main demon army is here!'