The Demons' Counterattack!

The Wolf Unit waited patiently as the demon spawn ran, crawled and hopped to them, fire burning in their eyes.

The moment they were but just thirty meters' shy of reaching them, Gavin gave the command.

'Mow them down!'

The Wolf Unit commenced casting offensive long range spells which further reduced the number of the demon spawn but in exchange, they had managed to get close.

'Kill!' Gavin roared as he charged forward with his halberds.

He crossed the remaining distance of ten or so meters in a millisecond and was now right in the middle of the demons.

A quick chop and several heads flew, unable to withstand the sharpness of his axes and his terrifying Axe Intent.

Laughing like a maniac, Gavin hacked and cleaved right in the middle of the fray as his Unit joined him in the slaughter, true to their name.

They were like a pack of ferocious wolves in the midst of helpless sheep.

The demons were hopelessly unable to resist and could only die with indignance.



At the main battlefield, where Liya, Calyx, Bifran, and their Units clashed on with the enemy, things were now getting harder.

'As a Nascent Soul expert, don't you find it shameless to attack those weaker than you? Humans are truly scum!' growled a female Arachnid expert who interfered with Liya's massacre, cutting it short.

Liya alone had caused too much damage and if they allowed her to continue her rampage, their demon army would be finished before they even started!

Calyx took a glance at the situation and smiled.

Sometimes, he forgot how strong Liya truly was.

Most often, she spent her time in her office, organizing and sending units on missions and rarely came out to fight.

When she did though, she was a raging tigress and her high cultivation level made her even more dangerous, a real one-man army!

She was far stronger than him.

'Against demons like you, why the fuck should I give you face? You're not worth it! Wouldn't you do the same if the situation was reversed?' Liya spat at the Arachnid expert who interfered with her demolition plans.

'Humans are despicable!' the Arachnid spat.

'Well tell that to my sword!' Liya roared, her face red hot with rage, slashing furiously at the demon. 

Hundreds of waves of sword lights condensed to form a massive figure of a dragon. The dragon let out a silent roar and shot down at the Arachnid.

The demon turned pale in fear and quickly retreated, waving its' eight arms to form rapid hand seals.

Spiritual barrier after spiritual barrier instantly condensed as the demon kept moving back, not caring about the damage she was causing to her own allies.

The sword dragon cut through the stacks of defenses like paper, wreaking havoc on the nearby demons while chasing the demon expert.

Visibly furious, the Arachnid took to the sky and brought out four bows, firing them at the incoming dragon without a pause.

Calyx's cursory glance told him Liya could easily handle this demon expert, allowing him to fully focus on killing more of the demons.

His senses screamed out at him out of the blue and without hesitation, he bent his body back a full 180 degrees, causing a thrown double bladed axe to miss him.

Calyx's eyebrow twitched furiously and a cold sweat poured down his back. 

The situation was truly dangerous. If he hadn't dodged, he would have been cleaved in half by the axe!

He could sense it was a high grade spirit weapon. How did a demon get his hands- claws, on such a weapon?

His armor, one of the best among the human soldiers, was a mid-grade spirit artifact!

'For a human, your senses are truly sharp,' came a raspy voice.

The thrown axe returned to its owner like a boomerang, narrowly missing Calyx again.

Calyx looked up and saw who had attacked him; one of the demon generals, a Lizard man four meters in height. His scales were a dark poisonous green shade and his smirk revealed his sharp fangs.

In his clawed hand was the axe that had nearly ended his life.

Calyx narrowed his eyes and got into a sword stance.

On both sides of him, demons ran past, allowing him to fully focus on this strong foe. When experts fought, small fry should not interfere!

'This is the day you die!' the demon general raised his axe and threw it fiercely at Calyx!

Calyx had long moved away, causing the axe to miss him and he charged forward to meet the demon general.

Each step he took covered tens of meters and he ascended into the air with every step. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the demon, right at its' height.

Tendrils of green energy condensed into weapons, orbiting around him even as he slashed out at the demon general.

The demon calmly dodged and swung his razor sharp claws in retaliation, slamming into Calyx's sword.

Immediately, Calyx felt his hand become numb as his pupils dilated in shock.

His sword had terrifying scratches on it!

It was a weapon which had accompanied him for a year, ever since he was sent to Fort Blackrock and he had long fallen in love with it.

It was made with Azure steel, an extremely light but sharp material which was quite durable. And it was a low grade Spirit weapon.

In just the first clash, his weapon was showing signs of falling apart!

'I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way then,' Calyx entered a state of intense focus, putting his sword away.

His hands clenched into fists and his eyes glowed a brilliant shade of green.

Without warning, he struck out!





'In the end, Zohar couldn't hold himself back,' Jafar sighed as he watched Zohar clash with one of the human experts.

They were moving so fast that it was a blur of light green and dark green light. The fight was so intense shockwaves had blown away all nearby demons, forming an open space where both of them could fight to their hearts' delight.

Jafar was itching to join in the fray.

He was bored as hell.

While his peers were getting the chance to stretch their muscles, here he was, playing strategist.

His swords were yet to drink blood and it was making him antsy. Unfortunately, his superiors had put him in charge of directing this battle.

He had to reel in his battle intent and command their forces to victory… which was slowly and surely slipping out of their grasp.

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he turned to the demons behind the cannons.

'Aim at the walls of that fort and blast it to bits!' he roared.



With Calyx tied down by a demon expert, Bifran too had to deal with one of the harpy experts who drew him into a less than pleasant one on one fight filled with demonic screeching.

'Shut up you overgrown chicken demon!' Bifran roared, drawing his silver bow to full capacity and unleashing a storm of blue arrows at the annoying avian who evaded skillfully.

Unfortunately, demons charging below the fray suffered death at the arrows which missed the army.

Thus, with both leaders of the aerial units gone, some harpies took advantage to launch a serious counterattack on the human forces, causing them to fall off their hawks, lifeless.

Some too managed to breach the pincer attack of the Hawk and Eagle Unit and flew towards the fort with vengeance in their eyes.

Gavin raised his head to look at the incoming harpies.

His men were doing a great job holding the cannon fodders back but if harpies interfered, their work would be for naught.

Face grim, Gavin levitated into the air and charged at the incoming harpies.

His halberds, dyed red with blood emitted a sinister red aura as the blades increased in size.

'Die!!!' Gavin threw his halberd at the nearest harpy.

The halberd embedded itself deeply in the skull of the harpy and trickles of blood and brain matter splattered on those below.

Gavin recalled his halberd but that was when he felt an ominous premonition, growing stronger by the second.

He could literally see his impending death looming!

Without hesitation, Gavin ignored the harpies and made a sharp downward veer, ignoring the annoying screeches of the harpies.

Just in time as a huge crimson beam of demonic energy narrowly missed him! 

The harpies were unlucky though, incinerated to cinders as soothing peace was granted to his ears but Gavin was not in the mood to feel happy.

His armor had melted due to the heat and intense fluctuations of demonic energy but regardless, he turned to look behind him.

'Holy crap!' 

His pupils dilated in shock as he looked at the gaping hole in the wall of Fort Blackrock.



'Haha! That's more like it!' Jafar pumped his fist.

It felt extremely good to damage the human fortress. With this contribution, the many losses incurred by him in this battle could be overlooked!

All that was left was for him to fire the cannons a few times, bring the walls of that fort down and even the dumbest demon soldier could charge forth to slaughter the humans.

He could turn this battle around!



General Vernon's face immediately became ugly as he assessed the damage done to the wall.

A gaping crater, about sixty meters in width and height had formed, allowing those outside the wall to see the incoming demons through the gap.

All the soldiers who had been up and behind the wall in that area were dead, if not seriously injured.

Since when were demons able to develop such sophisticated weaponry?

In past battles, their cannons could barely dent the walls of the fort!

'Earth and metal elemental soldiers, patch up that wall!' Vernon commanded.

It was a temporary solution but they had to make do with it nonetheless. What he had to work against was to prevent that cannon from making his walls into a sieve.

'Vice commanders, take over command of the Units. All Unit commanders, destroy the cannons!' 

From the fort, three streaks of bright light quickly shot out, heading for the demon army.

Calyx's brows creased in worry as he took a quick glance at the damage done to the wall. The cannons of the demons had to be destroyed before it was too late!

'You want to destroy our cannons? I'm afraid you'll have to get past me first!' Zohar cackled, swinging his axe at Calyx.

'And me!'

'And me!' 

'And me!'

'And me!'

Four other demon generals, all in the Core Formation stage, popped up out of nowhere, surrounding Calyx!

A harpy with a bow, a Snakewoman with a whip, a Millipede demon and a Scorpion armed with two sabers and two spears!

Calyx's face immediately became dark.

The demon generals were shamelessly ganging up on him!

This was plain bullying!

But war had no fairness, did it?

Regardless, he had to see to the destruction of the cannons!

Gritting his teeth, Calyx condensed hundreds of weapons and shields around him.

Above, him a green yin and yang symbol formed, emanating a mysterious aura.

'Bring it on!'