Throughout the ages, Zesa has been embroiled in a fierce conflict between a brave human protector and a malevolent Demon King. The Gods have chosen and blessed this human defender, who carries on the legacy of a previous deity, with the sacred duty of thwarting the Demon King's plans to unleash chaos and seize a powerful artifact that the Gods had previously granted to the former deity. The Demon King was banished, and in the aftermath, the protector and his companions banded together to create the Demon Slayers. This formidable group is dedicated to safeguarding humanity, and they stand ready to defend against any threat that may arise. But little do the protector's allies know that the Demon King is no ordinary Demon King. He is way worse and has never indeed been a Demon King. Every 10,000 years, an ominous and dark presence looms over the land - the return of the Demon King. However, for Decamillennial, the descendants of the first protector and the brave Demon Slayers have risen to combat the malicious demons, ultimately succeeding in banishing the dreaded Demon King and ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity. Their tireless efforts to defend against the forces of evil have ensured that the world remains safe and secure for generations to come. Now that 10,000 is reaching, and a new protector is rising, the Demon King will not take it lightly as the previous protectors and show no mercy. He will end it all.