Chapter Two

"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Implored Jean, sounding worried.

"I promise you that she's going to be okay. Have faith," the medic with blue curly hair, maroon eyes, a pastel yellow collar shirt, a light pink tie, a pastel purple vest, pastel blue pants, and pastel purple shoes promised.

"Now, tell me. What happened between you two? Who caused this injury?" Asked the medic, lifting his clipboard and pen. Jean explained what happened between them and the demons, and the physician wrote it down on his clipboard.

"Since a demon kidnaps your friend's brother, what will you do? Save him?" Asked the medic, walking beside Pixel and checking her.

"Is there a way to save him?" Asked Jean. The medic lifted his head and gazed at Jean.

"Hmm, it depends if you want to risk your life," Answered the medic as he straightened his back and went to his desk.

"Risk our life? Hmm," wondered Jean. Jean gazed at Pixel and back at the medic.

"Knowing Pixel, I know that she'll risk her life. But I don't want her to do this alone. So I'll also risk my life," accepted Jean.

"Once you join the Demon Slayer, you can't back away. Once all demons are gone from this land, you can return to your regular life," the medic informed, taking the bloody bandages and tossing them into the garbage. The doctor cleaned off the blood and laid a cloth on her injury. He then wraps it around with new bandages.

Jean is willing to offer up her life. Jean truly wants to save Eduardo—but is unsure if she'll be strong enough to do it. The medic walks away, leaving the two girls in the room. Pixel mumbled and slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was still blurry, and she squinted at the room's brightness. Jean was delighted to see Pixel waking up. Pixel looked around and only saw Jean and not Dominique next to her.

"What happened? Where's Dominique?" Asked Pixel quietly. She tried to sit up, but her body was still bruised from the demon attack. Pixel bit her lips and tried to avoid hurting herself. Jean helped her sit up and fixed the pillow on her back.

"You've been attacked by demons and caused harm to your body. Thankfully, your friends and Rose brought you here," explained the medic, standing up and going to his table. He grabbed a small cup and started making peppermint herbal tea. He moved it around, and once it was done, the medic went up to Pixel and handed it to her. Pixel thanked him and started drinking the tea.

"I told your friends that if you want to save your brother, you must leave your peaceful life behind and risk your lives to become a Demon Slayer," the medic said. Pixel finishes her tea and stares at the ceiling. Pixel gazed down and tilted her head, thinking she should risk her life to save Eduardo.

"Demon Slayer? Hmm," whispered Pixel, closing her eyes and resting her fingers on her lips.

"This whole slaying demon is a huge deal, Pixel. Look what those demons did to you. You almost died," let out Jean. Pixel looks down and softly touches her chest.

"I mean, aren't you worried about your family? Demons are now in our city, causing damage. Look what they did to us. Don't you want to protect the people you love?" Convinced Jean. Pixel stared at the empty cup and got quiet.

'Jean is right. I need to save Eduardo and bring him back home,' pondered Pixel, gripping the cup. Pixel grumbled and lifted her head.

"I'll do it. I'll become a Demon Slayer to save my brother and protect everyone," declared Pixel. Jean happily clapped her hands.

"You girls are brave. I'll give you that. Let me get Rose and bring her here," said the medic, taking Pixel's empty cup and leaving the infirmary room.

"What have we got ourselves into," murmured Pixel, covering her face. A lot of pessimistic thoughts came to her head.

"We tried to get Eduardo, but things got complicated between you and the fedora demon. Now we're here," recalled Jean, tapping her chin with her right index finger.

"Ah, that's right," remembered Pixel.

"Did you know about this demon?" Asked Jean. Pixel shakes her head.

"Not at all. My mother's boyfriend, Albert, told us about his Demon Slayers years and never brought up my father's enemy. If we got time, I gotta tell him what happened," revealed Pixel. The door slides open to reveal a lady with a curly pink ponytail, a white long-sleeve tunic, black pants, white socks, and brown combat boots. The lady comes in and slides the door closed. She walks up to them and observes them. She feels like she recognized them from a particular picture.

"How are you girls feeling?" Asked the lady, standing before the bed and resting her right hand against her hips.

"My injuries are great. Our life, figuring it out," said Pixel.

"We do have those moments," the lady nodded. The lady then stopped smiling, and the girls felt the ambiance of the room change.

"Listen, becoming a Demon Slayer ain't a joke. It requires a lot of training and meditation," informed the lady.

"How long?" Asked Pixel.

"Depends on how dedicated and hardworking you guys are," answered the lady.

"Then we'll accept it," accepted Jean.

"Very well. Once you get better, I will tell the chief of this tribe to train you," told the lady.

"Thank you so much, ma'am," Asked Jean.

"You can call me Rose," she said. Then, Rose left the infirmary room and left the girls alone.

"Rose used to be a Demon Slayer," returned the medic.

"Really? What happened? If you don't mind me asking," said Pixel.

"I know telling you guys about her life is rude and disrespectful. But Rose was one of the greatest Demon Slayers out there, alongside John, the Water Slayer, Javier, the Fire Slayer, and Albert, the Sand Slayer," the medic said. Pixel and Jean froze when they heard those names.

"Wow, it must be outstanding! I hope she trains us," prayed Jean. Medic stopped smiling and knew that Rose wouldn't train them. Rose promised herself never to teach people. She can't deal with the pain again.

Rose crossed the hall and soon reached the main floor, where she spotted the tribe's chief, Xóchitl, meditating on the comfy navy blue pillow. Rose stood there, waiting for Xóchitl to speak, and she did.

"I know what you're going to ask me, and the answer is I can't. My days of fighting are over, and I'm rusty. And I'm incapable of awakening their hidden powers since I never trained to become a Demon Slayer. Only you can, and I understand that training isn't your thing, anyone," explained Xóchitl.

"Then there's nobody to train them."

"Hmm? Nobody to train them? Listen to me, Rose. I understand your pain; I do. Life can be ruthless. But that's just how life is. Nobody can stop life except for death; we must always be strong. Prove yourself that you can still do it," reassured Xóchitl. Rose appreciates Xóchitl's wisdom, yet she still can't do it. Xóchitl sensed her pessimistic energy and sighed. Xóchitl stood up and faced Rose.

"I'll train those girls. But for you, could you think about this? You're the best out of the best and need someone entirely equipped to become a Demon Slayer. You're their hope for this, Rose," said Xóchitl as she headed to the infirmary. Rose stood there, thinking. She honestly doesn't want to relieve that pain again. Yet, 20 years passed, and she couldn't hold a grudge against the suffering. Rose tried to chase after Xóchitl.

Just as Xóchitl was about to enter the infirmary, Rose stopped her. Xóchitl senses her and looks at her with a genuine smile. Xóchitl pats Rose's shoulder and asks,

"Ready to start again?"

"Yes, I'm ready to start again," Rose nods. Xóchitl moved out of the way and whispered good luck. Rose smiled and got herself ready. She shakes all the nervousness out and opens the door. Pixel, Jean, and the medic faced at the door, and Rose announced,

"Good news, girls, we'll start training early tomorrow morning. Better get rest since I won't be going easy," said Rose. Everyone was quiet. Pixel and Jean smiled widely and cheered. Jean clasped her hands together and said,

"Thank you so much for training us, Rose! We promise to do our best!" Rose stood there and smiled.

'And I also promise to do my best,' thought Rose. The medic was shocked to hear that Rose was returning to teaching and wondered what made her change her mind.

"Very well! Get some rest, and I'll see you girls tomorrow," said Rose, walking away and leaving the infirmary. Jean stood up and went up to the window. The clouds were dreary, and snow was falling. Nobody was outside, and Jean sighed. Pixel looked under her white hospital pajamas and noticed her chest covered in bandages. She glanced up and lifted her arms. She gently stretched, being careful. This pained Pixel greatly; she hated this discomfort; it annoyed her greatly. It felt like she was back in gym class as a freshman.

"Never in my life would I reencounter a demon," confessed Jean, turning her head to face Pixel. Pixel and the medic were puzzled.

"What?" Questioned Pixel.

"You encountered a demon before?" Asked the doctor, staring at her strangely.

"I have. When I was seven years old," whispered Jean, resting her arms behind her.

"Do you remember what happened?" Asked the medic.

"I remember it so clearly..."

Jean and her family were out in the city to enjoy their summer life. Jean's family headed into the forest to admire and relax. The trees dance with the wind and drop leaves. Jean laughs as she skips around and pretends she's on a journey. She swings her stick and leads her family. Her family talks with each other, and her older cousin, Javier, joins Jean's game. Javier also found a wooden stick and laughed with Jean. Deepening into the forest, the trees covered the sky and blocked the sunlight. Jean continues skipping, and her mother tries to stop her.

When Jean turns around to hug her mother, a strong iron-gray hand grabs her shirt and yanks her away.

"Maaamaaaa!!!" Screamed Jean.

"Jeaaannn!!" Cried Jean's mother. Just as Jean was being taken away, Javier came in wielding a combat knife. Javier takes a swing, and the demon jumps back. The demon made a 'tch' sound as Jean started crying. Javier gritted his teeth as he dashed rapidly at the demon. The demon tossed Jean into the tree and jabbed her shirt with a shadowed pin. Jean cries even more from the back pain and the height. Javier glared harshly at the demon, and without waiting, he dashed rapidly at him. The demon grinned widely as he also ran toward Javier. Javier and the demon got close to each other, and Javier immediately swung his ignited combat knife, and the demon avoided it. Jean grabs the shadow pin, and with her little strength, she tries pulling it. Javier continued swinging, and before he could pull out his revolver, the demon appeared behind him and scratched his back. Javier gasped and got kicked onto the ground.

"Javier!" Screamed Jean. Javier grumbled and rapidly pushed himself up. He wasn't giving up yet. The demon growled and instantly teleported in front of Javier. Javier's eyes went wide, and he blocked the demon's attack. Yet the demon gave off a powerful attack that made Javier fly. Javier hit the ground multiple times and rolled over.

"I finally had enough of your damn bullshit, Javier! Defeating me and making me look pathetic is too much! It's for you to meet your demise," declared the demon. Javier weakly pushes himself up; blood drips down his dirt-covered face and back. Javier knew he couldn't fall this easily.

"Complain all you want, Shadow. But you'll never be able to end a Fire Demon Slayer!" Asserted Javier, grinning. An angry, thick mark forms on Shadow's forehead as he becomes even more furious. Shadow flew towards Javier and punched him, yet Javier blocked the attack and became prepared. Javier pushes Shadow and swings his flaming knife. Shadow swiftly avoided the swing and kicked him. Javier immediately made his combat knife upward and cut his right leg. Shadow jumps back and regenerates his leg back.

"Try all you want, Javier. But there's nothing for you to kill me. I will always come back, and you can't cause you're a pitiful human," insulted Shadow.

Shadow dashed up to Javier and moved his right fist behind. Javier prepared to block it again; Shadow teleported behind Javier and punched his back. Shadow grins, knowing he won. But suddenly, Javier rapidly turned around and avoided the punch. Javier firmly grips his flames combat knife and slashes Shadow's lower body. Shadow's eyes widened as he never expected Javier to sense him quickly. Shadow growls as he puts his body back together.

"Impressive moves, Javier. You got smarter and quicker. Hope you can last longer if you keep using those moves," grinned Shadow. Jean takes the shadowed pin off and climbs onto a tree branch. She watched the whole fight and is rooting for Javier. Javier pants as Shadow is tiring him. His body is in pain, and he needs to continue using his hidden power to stay alive. Shadow chuckles and runs toward Javier. Shadow throws multiple punches at Javier, and he blocks every attack. Shadow goes down and kicks his ankles, making Javier hit the ground. Javier grumbles and opens his eyes to see Shadow throwing a punch. Javier gasped and avoided the attack by moving his head to the side. Javier instantly pulled out his revolver and aimed it at Shadow's chest. Javier pulls the trigger, and Shadow avoids it. Javier hastily gets himself up, and his back pains him even more. Javier pants heavily as his legal quiver. Shadow notices it and grins widely. Javier shakes it off and firmly grips his weapon. Jean isn't sure what is happening and wonders why they're fighting. Jean carefully climbs down the tree and decides to help Javier. Javier and Shadow dashed up, and Shadow's first collided with Javier's flaming blade. Shadow moves his right arm away and sees Javier's flaming knife approaching him. Shadow swiftly moves to the side and knocks Javier's combat knife out of his hands. The combat knife crashes into the tree where Jean is climbing down and almost hits her. Jean gasped and landed safely on the ground. Jean gazes at the combat knife and grabs it. She could feel the intense heat and wondered why it wasn't burning her. Jean gives all her strength to pull the combat knife out of the tree and hand it back to Javier. Shadow laughs as he roughly grabs Javier from his throat. He lifted him and dug his sharp nails into Javier's skin. Javier clenches his jaw as he clenches Shadow's wrist.

"Goodbye, Javier," said Shadow. Javier used his hidden power to burn Shadow's wrist and made Shadow let go. Shadow glared at his wrist and back at Javier, still standing proudly. Javier and Shadow dashed at each other again, and Shadow threw a punch, but Javier blocked it and firmly punched Shadow in the face. Shadow is getting pissed as she insanely teleported in front of Javier and hit him through his heart. Javier's eyes expanded and made Shadow laugh. Javier wasted no time but used the last of his energy. Javier grabs Shadow's throat and glares intensely at him—a red transparent aura forms around Javier as his surroundings heat up. Jean felt the immense heat and covered her face. Shadow isn't sure what is happening or has burst into flames, and his eyes are blank.

"You can never kill a Fire Demon Slayer because they always come back!" Grinned Javier as Shadow's throat burned. Shadow screamed and slashed Javier in the face. Javier let him go, and Shadow wasted no time teleporting away. Javier's energy is depleted, and all the heat goes away. Jean raised her head and saw Javier standing still and by himself. Jean ran up to Javier and noticed how beaten up Javier was. Jean turned around and yelled,


"Jean, there's no point in calling for help." Jean turns around and hugs him.

"I can't leave you here dying!!! We need to take you to a hospital quickly!" Jean cries as she clenches Javier's uniform. Javier's leg trembles, and he falls onto his knees.

"No need for you to cry, Jean. I have fulfilled my mission, and that's protecting my family. Remember that I loved our family; you've been my best cousin. I cherish those beautiful moments here, and you should also do that," reassured Javier. Jean shakes her head, not understanding why he's suddenly saying that. Javier gives Jean one last smile before dying.

"Javier?" Calls Jean. Jean shakes his left shoulder, hoping he will respond.

"J-Javier, please respond," stammered Jean. Jean shakes him again and continues calling his name. Tears form in Jean's eyes, and she wails.

"And that is what happened," finished Jean. Pixel and the medic were upset and felt terrible.

"Sorry for what happened to your cousin. He was one of the funniest and most charming people I ever met," alleviated Pixel.

"One of the greatest. And I will avenge his death, get rid of all demons so nobody can go through the same way I did," vowed Jean.

"Huge commitment to make. Becoming Demon Slayers isn't an easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and training, even dedication," said the medic. Pixel faced forward and looked down. All the stories that she heard about the demons. Pixel lies to herself that those stories were all made up. Now that she has dealt with demons, things have changed for her and Jean. Both will fully train, protect their family, and destroy all demons.