Zhizhi, Please Control Your Saliva

Li Zhi blushed and directly turned into the women's changing room.

Jin Jingsen handed his phone to Qi Bai, asking him to help log in to Weibo, join the trending topics, and then open the first episode of the video.

From the phone came Li Zhi's tearful mature sister voice, "No! Please, don't! Master Sen, don't..."

Jin Jingsen's eyes trembled, his brow furrowed, and his cold white fingers immediately closed the video.

Qi Bai awkwardly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Um... it's a bit... explicit. Boss, you should go back and watch it slowly!"

Jin Jingsen remained silent with a cold face, turning into the men's changing room.

Jin Zeliang witnessed everything and was consumed by jealousy.

How did Li Zhi and Fourth Uncle get trending topics so quickly?

Why don't I have one? Why isn't there "The Beloved One in the Hands of the Top Actor"?

Why? Why?

Do Li Zhi and I lack CP feeling?